
Madness isn't Equal to Love

         For the first time on Luhan's life he finally felt peace. He felt that the 'thing' that's keeping him miserable had been lifted. He smiled, the most purest he showed in his entire life. He can feel everything running peacefully. Flowers blooming, the weather is warm and the sky is clear, to him it was perfection but that perfection thing can only happen in his dreams.




       Luhan heard a buzzing sound coming from somewhere near him; happened to be his alarm clock. He sat up on his ragged out bed he walked toward the table only to see his slate breakfast. A rancid part of a pork that he brought home from work's leftover food.   

      Yes, he is indeed poor, living in a single room apartment where only a person can fit in. To himself he is considered lucky because he had something to live on even tho the 'building' where soon to be demolished. His occupation happened to be as a waiter on a bar near his apartment, salary is so small that it can't even last a day.  




     Luhan finished his work nearly midnight. His phone rang, he was shocked knowing how late it was for someone to call him. He took a peek on who is it but it was just a strange number.. Luhan hesitated to answer his phone but curiosity made its way to Luhan's mind. " H-hello. " Luhan's soft voice cracked when he heard the deep voice of the caller. " Meet me at the club, Now. If you're late you'll regret why you're born. " The latter hanged the phone up, Ignorant is he Luhan obeyed the said task for him. 

    He got in there, only to be pulled inside a black van. His eyes widdened in sight of the familiar latter. Oh Sehun.



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