Letting Go

Letting Go


He isn't Kris, you stupid! Why do you let him kiss you?!


Joonmyeon pulled away, chest moving rapidly as he still breathless from the kiss he received so suddenly. He felt a hand on his waist pulling him closer and his hand instantly flew to the clothed chest in front of him, stopping himself from coming too close to the person that just claimed his lips.






His eyes closed on its own as he felt the warm breath against his lips. He tried to turn away but a big hand was cupping his cheek, lifting his chin and his lips met with the same lips that he just pulled away from.


You idiot! Stop it! That is not Kris you are kissing!


Joonmyeon bit his lips, stopping the kiss that made his mind blurry and his heart racing. He felt a tongue his lips and the hand that was holding his waist firmly slipped inside his shirt, fingers barely caressing his bare waist.


"No... Yifan..."




He threw his head back as the big hand stopped feeling his skin and a wet lips peppering his neck with light kisses. His knees went weak and almost falling to the back but a pair of strong arms managed to catch him by the waist, holding his tiny frame tightly.


What are you doing?! Get away from him! He is not Kris!


Joonmyeon shook his head, putting both his hands on the chest in front of him and gathered all the strenght left in him that was drained after the heated kisses and weakly pushing the person away. Looking down at his own feet, he took a step back but no more as a big hand grasped his wrist ever so gently and kissed his hand repeatedly.


"Yifan... stop..."


"Joonmyeon, please... Don't push me away..."


He managed to pull his wrist away from the loosen grip and took another step back, only to be stopped by a wall behind him. He wanted to turn to the side and walked out from the room but before he could move his feet, a pair of long arms trapped his small body, making him unable to move away.


Just go! Push him away! You are not that weak! Kris said so himself!


Joonmyeon lifted his hands, trying to free himself but was stopped as his wrists were caught and he being pulled forward, and his face buried on a clothed chest as he was wrapped by a warm embrace.




"I love you. I love you with all my heart that it hurts so much every time you turned away from me. So please, don't push me away."


He felt his heart tighten at the confession and his soul was no longer in him. Hearing those words made him melted and as if he went back to the past, his hands instinctively wrapped around the long torso, letting himself being swallowed by the warmth that surrounded his tiny frame.


What are you doing?! Get away from him, you stupid! What would Kris say?!


"Minseok told me about Kris."


That stupid brother of yours! What was he thinking?!


"He said I reminded you of him and told me to stay away from you."


Good! Finally, your brother did something right this time!


"He said I made you forget your smile again."


He did and you know how much Kris loved your smile!


"But I told him that I love you with all my heart and promise to bring back your smile."


Tsk! Like that it even possible! Kris is the only person that can make you smile!


"I know I will never replace him and I'm not even trying to but please give me a chance."


You wished! There is no chance to give you, or anybody else!


"I will always love you..." 


Hah! Only Kris is allow to do that!


"...with all my heart..."


Don't believe him! He is lying!


"...and stay by your side for the rest of my life."


That what Kris said too but then he left you!


"I will do anything to be with you."


No, he won't!


"Even if I have to cheat death."


He will leave you like Kris did!


"I love you."


He will leave you and you will cry your heart out until your brother wish that you should just follow Kris instead!


"I won't stop loving you even if you told me to."


He will leave you! Maybe he won't stop loving you but he will leave you! Just like Kris did!


"I love you."


Joonmyeon opened his eyes when the warmth no longer embracing him and met with the softest gaze he ever seen.


"I love you with all my heart, Kim Joonmyeon."


He doesn't!


He searched for a feign in the eyes but only sincereness that he saw. His eyes fluttered slowly before it closed as a pair of lips kissing his forehead.


"When you need someone to wipe your tears away..."


He let his cheeks being caressed.


Get away from him, you stupid! 


"When you need someone to kiss your pains away..."


He let his lips being kissed.


Stop him! Why do you let him touch you?!


"When you need a shoulder to lean on..."


He let his neck being peppered.


No... please... 


"I will always be there..."


He let his fingers being intertwined.


He isn't...


"...beside you."


He let his shoulder being marked.




"To love you forever..."


He let himself being laid down.


Kim Joonmyeon... He is...


"...until the end of the world."


He let his shirt being lifted.


...Wu Yifan.


Joonmyeon nodded.




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Chapter 1: What is this is all about ??!
I thought it was supposed to be rated M. Hahhaa XD
But, I am glad that it is not :)

Thank you for the story unnie :)
jackie_06 #2
Chapter 1: Waaaaaaah!! this is so beautiful!! I miss them so much!!!! TT TT TT TT
2451 streak #3
Chapter 1: See... I didn't get notified, again!
sis why do I feel like Yifan is gonna be Junmyeon's scapegoat here... this makes me feel the same as that story of yours... His Half Heart??? I forgot the title, but that one where Jun loves his brother so much...