Maybe this time
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            They were bestfriend since birth. They both saw each other grow. Both heard each other's first word. Heard each other's first cry. Saw each other's first failure. They both saw each other's first in life. When there is Baekhyun there will always be a Chanyeol. Entering school was a lot better for Chanyeol than Baekhyun since who wants to befriend a poor orphan? Baekhyun parents died in an unexpected car crash in the city and Chanyeol's parent willingly took care of him. The pity and disgusted looks they gave the young Baekhyun pushed The young Chanyeol to the edge. Chanyeol would always seat near him and would defend him against the looks given to him. He would always whisper calming words to Baekhyun's ear. Regardless of his young age, Baekhyun's heart experienced its first meaningful heartbeat. A heartbeat that means more than just pumping blood. A heartbeat that screams Love. Walking together to school and walking back home have become each other's daily routine. Never in a single day did Baekhyun saw his future without Chanyeol. But Baekhyun knows this will only be forever in his dreams. Although his love for the younger guy is strong, the feeling of cowardness is stronger. He is scared that the only person he loved that much will reject him. And rejection is young Baekhyun's greatest fear.


High scholl was never been great for Baekhyun. Sure he met new friends. He met Do Kyungsoo whose eyes can challenge the owl's. He met Lu han who is a Chinese exchange student. And he met Kim Taeyeon, his high school crush. But what does a crush stand against first love? Sure he has this tiny crush towards the young lady but its only because of the carefree attitude and the smoothing voice the girl possessed.  Even though he met great people who he treasured the most. The feeling of heartbreak is a lot stronger. Chanyeol still remains his bestfriend. But they spend less and less time together as Chanyeol becomes the person everybody wants. And he still remains the same Byun Baekhyun. The person everybody left. He was there to comfort Chanyeol when experienced his first heartbreak. But who was there besides him to comfort when he experienced his first heartbreak? No one. But he is happy. He is happy because despite being only a bestfriend, he is still the reason why Chanyeol would smile after crying his heart out. They would always eat ice cream before going home. Chanyeol's parent were rarely at home. They would be eithdr outside the country for business meetings or just spending the evening inside their office. But Chanyeol never felt alone as his parents try to show their love for him and their other son Baekhyun.


It was until their junior year that Chanyeol became distant. He met new friends. The tall chinese guy named Kris, the model named Jongin and the guy who seemed to be always bored named Sehun. They were the cool kids in the school. And who wants to spend time with a person like Baekhyun when they can spend their time with the cool kids? Sure they would still walk together to school and back home. But their conversation now are mostly consists of "hey" and "how school" No more teasing, no more laughter, no more playfull insults towards Baekhyun's height and Chanyeol's ear and especially no more "Take care baek! You're the best!"


He tried to convince his self that he is happy for his bestfriend. Happy because he is now part of the cool kids. Happy because his social circle is growing. But who is he fooling? He knows deep inside that it hurts. It hurst to be ignored. It hurst to be forgotten. It hurts to feel rejection. But he decided to ignore this feelings. He should be happy to his bestfriend, if he can still call him that.


His new found friends occupied his time. They would often eat lunch together, watch the movies or just simply hang out. He felt a tid sad when Taeyeon left korea to study abroad but the petite girl promised she would never cut contacts to Baekhyun. He found his happiness when he and his friends decided to join the Choir. Melodies and the soind created but the claming voices and instruments brings Baekhyun the feeling of ecstacy. He would sometimes spend more hours practicing or just randomly sing with broken english accent with his friends. Sometimes they would just stay and teach Luhan korean even though he's korean is near to perfection. Due to being pre occupied he would often miss his and Chanyeol's walk. 


It was a regular Monday morning in the month of January. Cold breeze sorrounds the classroom they oftenly stays at. Him sitting infront of the piano playing random notes. Everything was going to their daily routine. Chanyeol thought its the perfect time to spill out his feelings for the older guy.


"Are you cold Baekhyun?" Chanyeol said startling Baekhyun. He  removed his jacket and wraps it to Baekhyun "Stay with me and I will forever keep you warm. I- I just felt something missing. A piece of my life missing. And when I realized that it was you, you were already far from my reach. I tried distancing myself. I was scared. Scared that I would ruin our friendship. But I don't care anymore. I want to be happy.  It took me everything I got to do this but Baekhyun will you be my boyfriend?" Baekhyun froze in his place. Chanyeol words keep repeating inside his brain like a mantra. A mantra that will hypnotize him. A spell that he would never be able to escape in. He thought he have already moved on. But just as Chanyeol asked those words, the wall Baekhyun built was destroyed like being hit by a wrecking ball. Before he knew it, he was already hugging the younger male and keep whispering the word Yes. The word that would change his life. The word that will make his dreams come true. Or so he thought.


People might think its the lamest confession they have ever heard but for Baekhyun its perfect. Too perfect. Never did Baekhyun think that its only pity as he saw love and protection in Chanyeol's eyes.  They dated for 3 months and becomes steady. They shared their first kiss under the setting sun. The orange ligth emitted by the sun gives them glow only true lovers have. This will be Always in their memory. Always. Everything went back to normal or better yet everything went perfect. Whenever Baekhyun is near Chanyeol. He can feel his stomach doing cartwheel and handspring. But he never felt wrong with it. He was happy. They were happy.


Weekends were never again spent playing video games and watching animes. Instead it was spend watching movies, going to the park and restaurants and simply stealing kisses to each other. Time flies fast when they ar together. The day would start with a "Goodmorning love" and ends with a "Sweetdreams pumpkins". They would say I love you to each other in every sentences


"Hey baekhyun. I'm going to play basketball. I love you. Want to join us? I love you. Your friend Luhan and Kyungsoo is coming. I love you"


Watching Chanyeok and his friends have become a habit for Baekhyun and his friends. Luhan and Sehun started to build a relationship. But as Luhan became happy, his bestfriend kyungsoo becam distant. He thought maybe its because Kyungsoo's parents just got divorced. He gave him time but Kyungsoo only distance his self even further. He feels like they are like a positive magnets. The nearer he come to reach Kyungsoo,  the farther he distance his self. Luhan saw the change of Kyungsoo's attitude but he just shrug it off. The only place they would be together is when they are watching Chanyeol practicing.


Graduation come fast. All of them are both happy and sad. Sad because theh would be leaving an institutions that saw them grow. Both in their ups and downs. Happy because they would be facing a new chapter in their life. Their celebration was happy. With only one person missing. Kyungsoo. Even Taeyeon took a vacation just to present in their celebration.


Summer came fast. Baekhyun applied for a job the cafe near their house. He was shocked when he saw Kyungsoo their working. He was scared to approach Kyungsoo because cowardness took over him. He was still scared on that one feeling. The feeling of rejection. Kyungsoo is the one who took the initiative to fix some misunderstandings. He explained his feelings that leads him distancing himself. And Baekhyun understand him. Even if he feels that Kyungsoo is still hiding something. He shrugged that thought because he's happy everything is back to what he call normal.


As fate decided to play games with them. Baekhyun failed the entrance exam to the college both of them dreamed. Their future was alreadys set. After graduating they will move to seoul and their they will reach for their dreams and goals in life. Plans and dreams have been planned and cemented. But just like a mirror, it breaks apart. He hoped with all his heart the two of them will pick the pieces of the broken mirror. Painful it is but if the both of them do it. He will be happy receiving the pain.


"Don't worry" Baekhyun said convincing unsure whether  Chanyeol or himself " I got accepeted at the university a couple of blocks from here. We can always meet each other after class right? Besides you are my neighbor! Its unlikely for the both of us to not see each other" 


Convincing yourself is a lot harder than convincing somebmody else. Baekhyun prayed above that everything will be fine. Nothing can go wrong right? He and Chanyeol would still remain the same. Nothing would changbe between the two of them. Or so he thought. He just burried the thought that he is all alone. Kyungsoo, Luhan and Chanyeol would be studying on the same university. Save Sehun and Jongin though since the both of them are  a year lower than the rest of them. And Kris who went back to China.


The first year of college was fun. Baekhyun met a new friend Jongdae. Though their first meet-up was everything but terrific . It was terrible and other words synonym to it. 


"Uhm hi." Unsure whether he asked the right person, Baekhyun swallowed every piece of shyness he ha

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Pabo-sshi #1
Chapter 1: Yayy, haply ending!!! Oh god I was thinking of 10080 and I was worried...
anyways, I like your version better! ^^
Great job!
Chapter 1: I didn't have time to read the full story, I had to quickly read it and thus missed a few things here and there, but the most I did read and I gotta say it's not crap! It was really good! I do have a point of feedback though; try to proofread, because there were a lot of times where a word missed a letter or just was written wrong. ;)
tealestari #3
update soon, i can't wait for next chap
xiuhanislove #4
ohh please update soon, it's interesting ^^ :))