September 1, 2011.

September 1, 2011 [One Shot]


"Guys, come on, they're wrapping up the show."

Sunggyu quickly ushered the six younger boys into a neat little group and they walked together from their room backstage to the stage once again. They were all shivering with nervousness and excitement. Exactly one week ago, they were 3rd, losing out to their seniors, Super Junior and 2NE1. This week, they were up for the crown once again, but against two new tough competitors.

They remembered seeing that they placed first this time in terms of online votes. Their triple-threat duo, Dongwoo and Hoya, had also snagged a win from the dance battle last time, too.

What was going to happen today?

They stood near the front and exchanged glances with each other as the scores were finally being announced. With fists tight and breaths held too, they braced themselves as they heard -





Hugs were suddenly given from every single direction, whether it be a fellow member or not. The response from the audience was ear-splitting as fans yelled themselves hoarse, waving banners and signs wildly in the air above them.

Sungjong almost immediately burst into tears, completely overwhelmed. He did his best to muffle his cries but gave up when Myungsoo, who had a dazzling smile on his face, pulled the younger boy into a big, comforting hug.

With confetti still hanging from his neck, Dongwoo also immediately began to cry, his fierce stage presence gone in a just second. He was a real softie, after all, and his fans loved him for it. Seo in Guk gave him a few comforting shoulder slaps from behind, and that only made him cry harder.

Woohyun was completely shocked at first, not believing his ears. He stayed stiff for a moment before also being moved to tears, biting his lip hard as if making sure it was real. And it sure was.

Hoya's bright smile when the trophy was shoved in his hands slowly became a tearful one as well as the realization sunk into him. His felt his body tingle with the thrill, and he couldn't hold back much longer.

Sungyeol managed to keep his own tears from falling, and thanked the people around them on the stage for their congratulations. He chewed on the inside of his cheek, feeling like sobbing with s, but also like dancing (his choding dance) around the stage in celebration.

Sunggyu, still in a daze, shakily brought the microphone to his quivering lips. *Is this really happening?* he thought to himself. He turned his head and saw a proud smile from Tony, and swallowed, mouth suddenly feeling dry.

"Ahh...first, thank you for all the love everyone's given us," he choked out, holding back his own tears.

He wasn't sure how, but the leader managed to complete his thank you speech and fight the droplets welling up in his eyes. He didn't forget to tell all the Inspirits watching that they loved them so, so much.

As the announcers stepped forward to end the show, Sungjong and Dongwoo wouldn't stop crying, and neither would Woohyun. They hugged each other tightly, no words needed to be said, nor could really be heard over the loud and continuous cheering. Friends on stage voiced out their congratulations once again, a few lingering a little to just be with the seven boys for a moment longer. Infinite, of course, was well mannered as always and thanked everyone again, exchanging bows as the stage began to empty.

Myungsoo provided a generous share of fanservice as he went up to the front and made a heart with his arms, causing a surge in the high pitched screaming and cheers. Music began to play for their encore stage, and despite their tears and the overwhelming emotions that swelled in their chests, the members did their best to keep their voices steady, giving as much back to their beloved fans as they could.


Their managers left them stay a bit longer in their dressing room backstage after their encore, so that they could rest a bit before returning home. They were ecstatic and kept congratulating the boys, also crying along with them. They mumbled a secret promise to take them out and let them have some time to themselves, rather than spend most of it escaping.

Sunggyu collapsed on the couch next to Sungjong, who was finally calming down. He had been in tears for pretty much the whole encore, his eyes puffy and nose red, but still as cute as ever. The rest of them also found a place to just fall onto, feeling rather drained from all the excitement.

For a while, they were all quiet. They didn't need to though, because they had grown so close in their past years together that it wasn't only their dancing that was syncronized.

"Let's take a photo. With this," Woohyun said suddenly, as he held out the gleaming trophy. It was a simple one, but right now, the boys couldn't treasure it more.

"But, my make up is all smudged," Sungjong hicced, blowing his nose into a tissue.

A few of the older boys laughed, saying that it didn't matter, and most of them had smudged eye liner anyways. They fumbled together and Hoya held the trophy out towards the cameraman (a.k.a. one of their managers), and they smiled, posing for the proof shot that Woohyun would pretty much immediately post on his twitter. Cause he was like that.


After a little more of Woohyun's camera- fanservice photos, a few tweets from various members to thank their fans, and a few other groups and singers who popped in to congratulate them for the millionth time, the members got into their van to finally return to their dorm. They took turns holding the trophy in their hands, passing it on to the next person as if it was the most delicate thing in the world.

When it fell into Dongwoo's hands, he held it up under the little car light that was still on above them.

"We won," he said, breaking the silence.

For some odd reason, these two little words hit them all hard, even though they had already gone through the process in front of thousands of fans and cameras barely a few hours ago. A few of them were afriad that their tears would spill again, but they all just nodded. It was gonna take a few days to get through this phase. Not that they minded.

"We won."

A few of them began to murmur under their breaths, convincing themselves that it was the reality.


They began get louder and soon started to laugh despite their exhaustion. It was like they were becoming delirious from all the shock.
After years of training, 1 year and 3 months after their debut, 6 weeks of promotions, endless compeition, and lot of hardwork and sweat, they won.

Sungyeol took the trophy from Dongwoo and began to act out a ridiculous scene as if it was something holy and almighty, making the weirdest high pitched sounds that he was rather well known for. Woohyun began to shake a laughing Dongwoo's shoulders from behind him, babbling on about how happy he was and how he just wanted to shake someone like this. Sungjong went from teary to a frenzy, jumping up and down in his seat and squealing. Myungsoo started to grumble loudly at the maknae for stepping on his feet, and Hoya, of all people, was going along with Sungyeol's dramatic improv theatre.

"And we'll keep winning," Sunggyu said calmly and loudly, turning his head to smile at his beloved dongsaengs.

Their manager, who saw this from the corner of his eye, smiled and continued to keep quiet as he drove them back home through the night.

Kim Sunggyu, the smiley eyed leader who stays strong for s.
Jang Dongwoo, the odd-dork and wild-eyes of the triple threat duo, who is actually a big softie.
Nam Woohyun, the grease-tree who stole thousands of girl's hearts, but is remains emotional and true.
Lee Howon, the forever-dance-machine and triple threat who's damn glad he's chosen this path.
Lee Sungyeol, the mischevious choding who was torn between tears and silly dances, and opted for the latter.
Kim Myungsoo, the inconceivably handsome visual, who smiles brightly with s by his side.
And Lee Sungjong, the cutest maknae since, like, ever, who is still insanely pretty even when he cries his precious tears.

This was their moment, and he was going to let them live it for as long as possible.


Infinity is a concept in mathematics and philosophy that tells a quantity without bound of end. People have developed various ideas and thoughts about the nature of infinity. The word comes from the latin "infinitas", or "unboundness".

And sure enough, for Infinite and their loyal Inspirits, today was just the beginning.


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flabbycow #1
Woot!! Infinite deserved that win. Go infinite! :)
That was so... i don't know how to say.<br />
it was perfect. you made me cry ya know, and that's kinda hard u_u<br />
they trully deserved to win, and they deserve to much more <3
Sushi_Tian #3
OH MY GAH This is so good <3 <br />
I get so emotional all of the sudden. <br />
HAHA I love the end about how you describe the boys's happiness and stuffs :DD
cherryfinite #4
Thanks for sharing this wonderful oneshot with us. I really love this :)
cherryfinite #5
I feel so emotional right now. I am so proud of my boys! They worked hard for this and they surely deserve this....<br />
<br />
FANGYIN1998 #6
If I'm at mcountdown watching them crying, I think me myself can't control my emotions and will cry along with them. I think I will cry so much badlier than them. But I know, OUR BOYS DESERVES IT^^
MissK0610 #7
At first, I laughed. I never saw a oneshot this fast. And I kinda thought you're crazy, sorry..<br />
But then, I cried . Too proud of being an Inspirit, I guess.. And now, I love you <33 xD
I was crying read this story while remember their winning video.I wish I could congratulate them face to face.huhu...1 September 2011 will be a very meaningful day for Infinite and Inspirit.