My Life (Not True)


This story is 'kinda' about me, but really it's just a story. There will be ups and downs, but truely, this is a story about life, and how it important it is to have confidence.





“I’m never going to find my one...”


It’s been 10 years since the first time I told myself this. I have always been good at predicting things. I guess I’m a fortune teller. I’m unemployed, and the only 2 things that make me happy are Chocolate, and my 3 cats, Pip, Bip, and Bop. Technically that’s 6 things, but my 3 cats all count as one to me. It’s true what I said. I never went to prom, I’ve never had a relationship at all. Now I’m out of college, but I was fired for not getting my work done. This is partly because I’ve been depressed... all the time.

All my friends are getting married or having serious relationships... I’ve never had anything like that. My elementary school crush, my middle school crush, all the crushes I’ve ever had are gone. I’m alone...



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