
Attack On L.Joe

For as long as L.Joe can remember, in every moment of his childhood till now, Chunji was always there with him, in fact the older was always right beside him. The couple did almost everything together, and they went through pretty much everything with each other by their side. They find comfort in each other and for both, each feels a little something special for the other as they confides some of their deepest and most sacred secrets with each other, pushing that tiny last piece of secret which is their feelings away from their mind a bit further each time they felt the butterfly.

But that is easier said than done.

It’s hard, if not impossible to hide your feelings for not only your best friend, but also your neighbor who practically lives in your house.

Because the next to nonexistent distance between them- credits to their kind and loving (not) parents who were ever so generous enough to build a door between L.Joe’s and Chunji’s room, thus creating a door that give easy access for Chunji to go inside L.Joe’s room so- that their already close sons could get even closer with each other. Chunji always uses that door to come over to L.Joe’s room and have ‘sleep-over’ as the older called it in L.Joe’s room. It’s a given that Chunji always find his way into L.Joe’s pants bed and L.Joe will always kick the older off his bed. Even till now, L.Joe still can’t figure out why the older did that.

Like seriously, their room is connected and is basically next each other so what’s the point of having sleep-over in your best friend slash neighbor next door again? Not to mention that their life practically revolves around each other, they go to the same school, and they even shares the same class, they’re of the same age so yea, what’s the point?

No, no, don’t get L.Joe wrong here, he’s anything but complaining. Even though he got to spend time with the much tease, much pretty and much vixen Chunji, he can’t help but to get much annoyed by the older so he’s just whining in annoyance a bit. Heck, who wouldn’t get annoyed if when you’re in the bed, with the person who you may or may not have a puppy crush one, and suddenly the person just goes ‘Is your dad a Baker? ‘Cause you got one fine set of Buns!’

Mind telling him how he’s supposed to react to that very suggestive innuendo?

In L.Joe’s frantic mind, he decided that the best choice of action to do is to kick the older out of the bed and hides himself under his little bunny covers as he blushes redder than a very, very red tomato and wishes that the monster under bed would come out now and take him away as he curses Chunji for suddenly saying that.

Much to his dismay though, the monster didn’t come out and kidnap him to Neverland so he was forced to hear a rapid fire of sappy lines from Chunji before the older finally drift off to dreamland right at 12 0’clock in the morning and Chunji may or may not fall asleep hugging him…




That’s how it’s always been between them, that day marked the continues attack on L.Joe with endless arrows of cheesy, sappy, glittery pick up lines that  will make even Cupid- or anything gay-er than a baby in diapers shooting love arrow to everyone- puke rainbows. The older continually annoy the wits out of L.Joe with those lines every single day and every single time Chunji got the opportunity. The older would jump up at the first opportunity to attack L.Joe, like that one time when they got a free time for all because the teacher call in sick. L.Joe was busying himself with doing a little revision on the topic that he doesn’t quite understand. But that proves to be very difficult with Chunji, who is his seat mate and was sitting next to him was anything but subtly staring at him the entire time.

L.Joe finds out back than that it’s a lot easier to solve calculus equations- which is a lot to say because he really hates math, but it’s easier than dealing with a handsome Chunji staring at him that never failed to make him all hot and bothered…

Even more so when the older suddenly lean over to him, closing the gap between them when L.Joe was rubbing his tired left eye before going in for the strike, ‘Does your left eye hurt? Because you’ve been looking RIGHT all day’.

Correct L.Joe if he’s wrong here, but that doesn’t sounds like anything you should say to your best friend now does it.




At least it’s somewhat better than that other time during their PE class. The teacher told them to start the class by running 3 laps around the field to warm up, and L.Joe was in his second laps when Chunji somehow match his pace. He doesn’t mean to brag, but in terms of physique, he’s a lot more built and fit than Chunji and he was pretty sure that he left Chunji miles away seeing that he dashes full speed ahead at the sound of the whistle. So when Chunji suddenly appeared by his side and matches his speed, he was quite surprised to say the least.

He was even more surprised when he saw the older falling through the corner of his eyes.

L.Joe, being the love stricken bunny he is, was quick to stop and check on his best friend slash crush, only to hear a yet another glittery line from Chunji, ‘Do you have a Band-Aid? ‘Cos I just scraped my knee falling for you’.

L.Joe wonder if the older planned it all out because at that moment when the older said that line, he did scraped his knee… Oh, he also contemplates on letting Chunji who could barely walk on his own fall down on the ground but being the good friend he is, he didn’t.

He quickly regretted claiming himself as a good friend when the older continue his attack when they were all alone in the infirmary. L.Joe was about to apply some antiseptic to make sure the small cut won’t and doesn’t get infected by some random and nasty germs when Chunji suddenly said ‘Aren’t your legs tired? ‘Cause you’ve been running through my mind all day’. At that, L.Joe purposely pressed the wound harder and he purposely treat the wound anything but gently as Chunji plead him to be a bit gentler with those antiseptic…


L.Joe can’t help but to sigh at those memories as he continue on with the memory lane of the attack. The next time Chunji attacked him was the last time the older did it as his friends. It completely demolished their friendship and it just makes it impossible for them to ever be friends ever again.




L.Joe remembers it all too clearly, it was Friday, and it was White Day to make it all worst. It was raining cats and dog and L.Joe was ‘sick’ that day, so he didn’t go to school. It’s for the best that he didn’t go to school that day anyway. Even though L.Joe have learn to live with the continues attack in the form of cheesy pick up lines from Chunji, those things never failed to make the butterflies in his stomach goes crazy and high with steroid and do somersault and back-flip and whatnot and those lines never failed to make his heart skip a beat, L.Joe knows better that those lines mean nothing to the older. It was nothing more than practicing his lines to court some girls for Chunji.

Or at least that’s what L.Joe believes them to be.

But anyway, he knows best that it’s impossible for the older to like him the way he likes him.

“So what if it’s unrequited, as long as we’re friends, I’m satisfied with just being his friend...” mumbled L.Joe, squishing the poor life out of his inanimate plushy, a chicken that who else if not Chunji who gave it to him. The older gave it to him for his 10th birthday, saying something about how he looked very much like a chicken and regardless of how L.Joe wants to punch the older for saying that, he stills adores the older too much and thus the chicken doll have been one of his most treasured items.

 ‘Heck, who am I kidding? I like him so much that I lied to parents about me being sick just to avoid seeing him getting bombarded with chocolates and confession from those annoying girls and boys’’ groaned poor little L.Joe out aloud, thinking that it’s fine to scream his lungs out seeing that the last time he check, he’s all alone in his house because his parents are out.

“Oh? So that’s the reason why you’re not going to school?’’ suddenly comes an all too familiar voice from the door.

L.Joe quickly whipped his head to the sight of a panting Chunji, who’s leaning over the wall next to the opened door coolly with a white plastic bag in one hand.

“Wha-what are you doing here?”

“Don’t ‘chu ‘what you doing here me’ Byunghun” barked the older, L.Joe almost flinched at the elder’s harsh voice. “I just ran here all the way from school here, making a quick stop at the infirmary, worried like hell because you’re supposed to be ‘sick’, only to find out that you’re playing hooky because you’re afraid to watch your crush getting chocolate and whatnot so what I’m doing here is getting fooled by” L.Joe swears that the older sounds weird, bitter almost at the mention of L.Joe’s ‘crush’.

“Nobody asked you to come here in the first place!” yelled L.Joe back. It’s one thing that Chunji just ran all the way from school which is like 2 km away from their house-it may or may not make him feel all cuddly and fuzzy on the inside to find out that the older was worried about him, but to hear the older criticizing him about him playing hooky because of he is afraid to see his ‘crush’ just make him snapped.

“What do you know huh? What do you know about seeing your crush getting surrounded by people, seeing people confessing to your crush, seeing you-” L.Joe stops when he felt the tears threatening to fall down from his eyes. “You know what, you let yourself in so you know your way out so get the hell out” shout L.Joe just in time before the tears starts flowing down his cheeks like streams of water flowing from an open tap as he plop himself on the bed, turning his back toward the door and Chunji.

For a few moments, there was nothing but silence after L.Joe heard the door closed so he was certain that Chunji just left like that, so L.Joe let the tears fall down as he curses the older mentally.

“You idiot… Why can’t you see that you’re my crush, you’re the reason why I don’t to go to school. Why did you never notice how much it hurts me to see you with those people…’’ rambled out aloud L.Joe. “And why the hell did you leave you stupid jerk of a bastard” L.Joe continue to curse the older when suddenly, he felt a dip on the bed from behind, earning a loud gasp from him and him widening his eyes bigger than Kyungsoo’s big, doe eyes.

L.Joe shut his eyes tight as he curses himself, bracing himself from the highly anticipated homophobic reaction from Chunji who L.Joe was 100% sure have heard him practically confessing his love for the older, but it never comes. L.Joe waits and waits and waits, but he heard nothing from the older.

Just as L.Joe made up his mind to, at the very least to try to salvage the situation by explaining things to Chunji, L.Joe felt these pair of arms wrap around his waist after a soft chuckle from Chunji.

“So…" starts the older, trailing off at the end.  "I’m… your crush?” asked the older and L.Joe inwardly slapped himself across his face.

L.Joe bit the inside of his lips in determination to just keep quiet and hopes that Chunji will just leaves after hearing no response from him.

“Stop biting the inside of your lips” said Chunji as he, somehow miraculously manages to flip L.Joe so that the younger was facing him now.

L.Joe quickly shut his eyes tight, completely ignoring his cheeks burning up. L.Joe doubt seeing the older- who he can bet his limbs on it, was smiling at him, after hearing and knowing that he has a crush on him will be a good idea.

“Hey, L.Joe, I’m Pretty and you’re Cute, so together we can be Pretty Cute” suddenly said the older out of the blue like it’s the most normal thing to say. Ignore the fact that Chunji just casually called himself pretty even though L.Joe knows very well how the older absolutely loathe being called that with a burning passion.

But that was not enough to get L.Joe to open his eyes so Chunji attack L.Joe once again.

“I like Legos, you like Legos, why don't we build a relationship? to that, L.Joe open his eyes.


“Oh shut up so that I can kiss you already” groaned the older, not really waiting for L.Joe’s answers before closing in to capturing L.Joe’s luscious lips with his own.

Surprised by the sudden act, L.Joe quickly shoved the older away, accidently pushing the older off the bed.

“WHAT THE HELL DO YOU THINK YOU’RE DOING?” screamed L.Joe. “Are you drunk or something?” continue the younger, earning a pout from the older who’s now looking at him from the edge of the bed.

“I’m not drunk, I’m just intoxicated by you”

L.Joe mentally face –palmed himself. He got that one coming.

“Roses are red, bananas are yellow, wanna go out with a nice fellow?”

“Wh… Why are you doings this?” asked L.Joe. “Is it because I like you?” continue the younger. “Is it fun for you to say those pick-up lines to someone who likes you but knows that they can’t be with you?” L.Joe was about to continue rambling when Chunji placed his lips against L.Joe’s own luscious lips.

L.Joe tried to be strong, tried to look anything but easy by shutting his lips tight, denying permission for the aggressive Chunji. The older however, were not having any of that. So Chunji gracefully moves his hand to L.Joe’s side, knowing that L.Joe is very ticklish in that spot. The result was just what Chunji hoped. Feeling the uncontainable laughter that has him arching his back, L.Joe accidentally parted his lips, giving Chunji full access of his cavern.

L.Joe can hear a voice in the back of his mind nagging at him to stop enjoying the kiss, but it just felt so good. He can feel Chunji’s pink muscle moving around with his own, gliding around gracefully like they’re dancing.

‘You idiot, why are you enjoying this! Even if it’s the guy who you had the biggest crush on for… like forever kissing you, you’re-”

‘Zip it consciousness’ cut L.Joe, effectively shutting the hell up of his consciousness.

L.Joe inwardly smirks when he got rid of the voice, but that smile quickly disappear when Chunji stop kissing him. L.Joe looks at the older-subconsciously using his puppy eyes and pouting as he did, but the older just smiles and laugh a bit as Chunji pull both of them down onto the bed.

“By the way, I like you too” mumble the older as he wrapped his hand around L.Joe’s petite waist. “Longer than you have-which is why I continuously attack you with those pick-up lines, but” L.Joe can feel Chunji’s chest going up and down as the older let out a big sigh. “You’re annoying too dumb to realize my feelings” L.Joe pout and hit Chunji’s arm at the mention of ‘dumb’ and the older quickly kiss his head as an apology.

“To add up the cheesiness and to end this incredible failed sappy love story of ours,” starts Chunji. “Byunghun, would you be my boyfriend?”

“You already know my answer and you kiss me before asking me to be your boyfriend you stupid jerk!” muttered L.Joe as he buried his head in Chunji’s chest in embarrassment. “But to make it all clear, yes, yes I’ll be your boyfriend” answered L.Joe, successfully carving a smile on Chunji’s face. “Even if you’re annoying as hell with your sappy and cheesy and glittery and rainbow pick-up lines”



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kpopmichelle #1
Chapter 1: Awe!!!! That was so cute!!! And the pick up lines!!! Priceless!!
strafield #2
Chapter 1: Aww very adorable and bright and fluffy~~
You should write more storiesss with sucha cute byungie like this , kkk~
BunnyPie #3
Chapter 1: Aww so cute!
Just adorable! You are awesome author-nim! >.<
BangEunRi #4
Chapter 1: I like this :3
jburns14 #5
Chapter 1: aweeee so fluffy <3