Day One | Nha Trang, Vietnam - Dha Nang, Vietnam

22 Days
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Day One

Nha Trang, Vietnam - Dha Nang, Vietnam

The lone person whose flight was delayed turned out to be a cousin of Leeteuk's, a reserved girl with long hair and a curvy figure. Yeeun was her name. She was very pretty and Minseok noticed that a lot of the men in their group took immediate interest.

This angered him for some reason. Being a male himself and subject to the common stereotype that all men were dogs, his fellow gender members weren't doing much in the way of redeeming themselves. He didn't even know the girl but he could tell by Chanyeol's long-eyed drool, he felt the need to protect her.

The royalty were a whole different story. Before they even stepped out of their stretch limo, the kind that Minseok wondered briefly how it made it through the terrain of the road that led them here, he knew that he was finally meeting someone of money.

The first to step out was a total bombshell; tall, curvy and sensuous. If he was an any lesser person, he was sure his eyes would have bugged out of his head. The aura she gave off was predatory and he knew immediately that this was no girly-girl but a tomboy through and through. Even if she did carry herself well as a lady.

The next out of the vehicle was male and by his features Minseok could tell that he was related to the woman in front of him. The man was built, a trait that he quietly envied, himself being of the lean, lithe stature. The man's dark eyes scanned the crowd before him, looking thoroughly bored with it all.

The last to step out of the vehicle was blonde and surprisingly shorter than his siblings, yet there was just something about him that made you immediately aware that he was the one in charge. 

"Ah, finally. The last three people to arrive and consequently, the ones we've been waiting for," Chien cried out in his untimely manner. "Now, this adventure can finally begin! After introductions of course… Now, now, let's not be shy. We'll all go around the group and say our name and our place of origin."

Being the over-achiever that he was, Chanyeol waved his hand in the air to start and then it proceeded clockwise.

"Chanyeol. Alabama in the States but I'm living in Seoul for the time being."

"Jongin. Busan, South Korea." His eyes drooped in boredom and a hand was thrown over the back of the neck, probably in the effort to keep his head from lolling due to jetlag.

"Sehun. Busan, South Korea." Minseok wondered how he got that out around a mouthful of crackers. 

"Maito Chien! The wonderful country of Vietnam!" He winced.

"Ahn.  Also Vietnam!" Another wince.

"Jia. China. Living here in Vietnam." Could someone sound any more bored and laid-back?

"Leeteuk. Laos." Straight-forward and professional, just like he probably always was.

"Yeeun. Laos." Adorablestutter.

"Minseok. Seoul, South Korea."

"Sulli. Sacramento, California in the US." A bit ditzy but still cute as hell.

"Wufan. South Korea." This was said around the quiet conversation he was holding on the other end of his cellphone.

"Soojung. South Korea." Her inky brown eyes swept the crowd before settled into a holier-than-thou smirk. Minseok liked this chick.

"Siwon. South Korea." Okay. That had no emotion in it at all.

"Um, my name's Luhan. I live in Texas. United States."

Minseok furrowed his brow at this. Luhan was clearly Chinese by his features, excluding the blonde hair, so why would he say he was originally from the US? Sure, it was possible that he might have been born a US citizen but wouldn't he still have brought up his heritage regardless?

Luhan caught him watching him and raised an eyebrow curiously. Minseok quickly glanced away and watched Chien race back and forth from the little building with his own luggage. The bus they were going to be traveling in was absolutely ancient, much worse than the cars they took down from the airport. It resembled an old safari van with large bucket seats, -the leather peeling away from the foam-, and open sides all around except up near the driver.

Minseok quickly batted away the thought of the millions of germs contaminating the vehicle and wondered briefly what the royals would think of the accommodations. Clearly, they didn't mind because Siwon was already boarding the van, picking out a seat at the back to slouch on and gaze unseeingly out at the trees.

Weird guy.

Consequently, seating arrangements were pretty much first come, first serve, and Minseok winded up somehow sitting next to Luhan himself. He had originally opted to sit next to Sulli, just because, but he saw Chanyeol pout when he thought no one was looking and figured some guys deserve a break every once a while.

Luhan shot him a half-assed attempt at a friendly smile before turning back to his cell phone, fingers flying at mach speed aChiennst the touchtone buttons. Whoever he was texting had to be really impatient because as soon as his fingers rested for a moment, a sharp vibration shook the phone and a new text message popped up on the screen.

"Who're you talking to?" Minseok questioned, confused at himself for being the slightest bit interested.

"Seohyun. She's my girlfriend; the one I showed you the picture of," Luhan replied, not glancing up from his phone. After a few moments, he stopped and slid the phone into his lap and turned his attention to Minseok.

"So, what do you do for a living?"

Minseok blinked, not accustomed to people asking him who he was. His name was well-known in South Korea, even if you have never visited the country. "I work at a firm as CEO."

Luhan gave a long gusty sigh and rolled his eyes. "Politician?" he whined, giving Minseok a look that made the man's insides squirm in irritation. Despite the fact that wasn't even what he was.

"No. I'm a lawyer. I work in a law firm."

Luhan actually looked pained this time. "A stiff? Ah, that's worse. You should have lied and stuck with politics."

Minseok gave a snort of annoyance, fingers gripping the seat in front of him till the knuckles turned white. Who was this kid to make fun of what he chose to do with his life? How dare he!

"You know, I was kidding, right?" Luhan murmured, amused. "You shouldn't take things so seriously. It has to make life pretty boring for you, don't you think? If you just let go and flow with what comes along, you'll find that you're going to be a lot happier than you were."

"You're starting to sound a lot like our hair-brained of a tour guide, you know?" Minseok snapped impatiently.

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22 Days - Poster added, chapters edit and chapter 6 reposted.


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Chapter 8: xiuhan♡♡♡♡
eldiebee #2
Chapter 8: I'm just as confused as YoonMikka. ^^; Perhaps you were feeling slightly sleepy when you typed this? I hope I didn't offend you~ I really like this fic and I'm looking forward to see more xiuhan~♡
Chapter 8: im confused. i think you maybe messed up the names... and like, whos who
Chapter 8: umm ~ i kinda confuse by whose talking to who in this chapter, i think its Minseok say but second latter its Luhan *o* anyway who are they? The one who kidnap Minseok n Luhan?
eldiebee #5
Chapter 7: Just rate it to be on the safer side ^^
Lol if I were soojung.... I'd want to take it a step further. XDDD hhahahahaha~ but it's okay...there's luhan for that xD
Chapter 7: omo ~ whats with that Soojung n Umin? O.O i don't quite get it. And when will Luhan n Minseok be together ???? o}:
Chapter 6: read this fic make me want my Vietnam trip soon kkk ~ aw Xiuhan moment is pretty sweet here kkk ~
I shall start now!
Binseok #9
Chapter 1: Who tops? And who bottoms?