Magical Night Market

Golden Curse
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Narrator's pov:


Jinki and Riah were walking around the night market, both getting intruegued by the marvelous and lively market.

It was loud, yet it was a welcome kind of noise, it didn't feel annoying and it didn't feel too much, it was like it should be like this event hough this was their first night at the night market.

The delicious smell of food lingered around Riah as she sniffed in the air, sighing softly with her eyes closed.

"You're hungry?" Jinki asked as he chuckled at Riah's facial expression.

She nodded furiously, her lips curled up into a big bright smile, never leaving those rosy lips of her.

"Let's buy something." Jinki smiled, amused by how Riah always reacted, so innocent and... pretty in a way.

It would be lying to himself if he would swear that he wasn't shaken by Riah's beauty. He was surrounded by good looking people, especially as he grew up in the palace where even the servants were looking better than ordinaire. But he never saw a beauty like riah.

It wasnt because of only how she looked like. She may have fair skin, pretty silky and shiny hair and a good body, but it was something else that made Jinki sometimes blush and smile without him even wanting.

"What do you want to eat?" Jinki asked, trying to shake away the thoughts of thinking that she looked beautiful under the moonlight and with the bright aura of her exploring the night market.

"That!" she beamed, pointing her finger to a stand with roasted meat.

Jinki was surprised and shocked as well.

His sisters or even the ladies he saw would never have chosen that to eat, especially not at a night market if they would have ever visited one before.

No, those women would have chosen something healthy, something ligght or something sweet, but never meat, especially not roasted meat where you could even see the pig spinning around.

"You.. sure...?" Jinki asked hesitating, maknig Riah raise an eyebrow.

"Are you deaf? Of course! It's meat!" she grinned, giving my shoulder a light slap as she walked to the stand, following the amazing smell of charcoals and meat.

Jinki, still amused yet shocked, walked almost dazed, following riah as the man who was cutting the meat greeted the two youngsters.

"And what can I get for the beautiful lady and handsome lad?" the man asked with a deep voice.

"Meat! A lot!" Riah beamed, completely ignoring that the man just complimented her beauty.

Jinki noticed the man chuckling as he nodded his head.

"Meat on the way! A lot!" he answered Riah back with the same enthousiasm she showed.

"Is there always a night amrket in this city?" Jinki asked as the two were waiting for theirroasted meat.

"Yeah, for years already." the friendly man smiled as he answered. "I'm even born here. Haha!" he laughed, shaknig his head as he pierces more meat on woodens ticks, placing them voer the fire.

"It smells amazing!" Riah almost drooled, looking at the fire roasting the meat, the red color slowly disappearing.

"Of course it does. It's the best meat of the best. You can make meat in so many different ways, but when charcoals, fire and mear meet, it's the best way to eat it. The taste won't get away or overpowered by other ingredients, comapred to other dishes, the taste even get stronger once roasted!" the man explained to Riah who was listening attentively.

Jinki looked at Riah, smiled lightly before he lifted his head and looked up at the dark night sky, the moon and the stars shining brightly, like a beautiful roof painting, no it was even prettier than the wall and roof paintings he saw inside the palace.

Even though it was the same sky, the starry sky looked so different from inside the palace and outside.

"So are you two a couple? Newlyweds?" the man asked curiously, making Jinki blush madly and shake his head furiously, almsot making him faint from all that shaking.

Riah pinked a bit but cleared .

"No sir! We're only... what are we?" Riah asked, looking at Jinki, scratching her head a bit as she didn't know how to answer.

What was their relationship after all?

"We're travelling partners. We both met on our way to travel." Jinki explained to the man, trying to hise his blushing face.

"Aaah I see. Traveleres. Well, enjoy the time. When travelling friendship will always be created, wether you want it or not." he laughed loudly before taking the meat away from the fire, giving them to the two travelleres.

"Thank you!" Riah beamed brightly as she blew it hastily, quickly taking a piece off with her teeth, bringing it inside .

"Don't eat so quick! you'll choke!" Jinki said in a worried voice as he looked at the young woman chewing deliciously on the meat.

"Amazing! The best meat I ever had!" she brightened to the man

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aurorabby #1
Chapter 24: Awwww that was beautiful thank you ^^
Chapter 24: great one ^^
Chapter 24: Yay! Gosh, thank goodness for the ending :D Thank you for the wonderful story.
sweaty #4
Chapter 24: that was cute
ok if feel better
i feel so devastated w o a happy ending !
sweaty #5
Chapter 22: man cmon i really was not expecting that chracter death..... that was a great though
great usage of dramatic irnoy and foreshadowing
sweaty #6
Chapter 21: truly impressive... whne i first read this i was like wow ok a tangle rip off, but i'll give it chance
your writing style had no sarnghaes or oppas or arrasso or bogoshiphold or whatevr so i wa slike yea i can read this
your writing is exteremly neat and for the most part simple
the design of this story however completely contrasted the simplicity of your writing
was no expecting this sub plot and umm wow ok ^____^ gonna cont, reading
DreamSparkStar #7
Chapter 24: Ahhh so so SO GOOD! Just ahgafjd;asg bea;jfsahvajs. *spazzes happily*
Thank you for writing this sweet, amazing, fantastic, (bunch more adjectives) story~~~! ^^ <3
PerfectlyImperfectxX #8
Chapter 24: I cried on every chapter that I missed to the end. XD This story is really good. The ending is also just asdghklbfh - TTuTT omfg. The feels. I'll be looking forward to your new story, author-nim! :D
sabonkey213 #9
Chapter 24: The ending~! Golden Curse was so good! I loved it woooo <3
I'm so glad that Riah was revived and she found Jinki! It's so lovely, I almost cried hahaha :"")
The Jinki/Riah feels were getting to me xD
Awesome job! Keep doing what you're doing, because you're fantastic <3 <3
Poptart180 #10
Chapter 24: ESAELPThe way you ended it was awesome!!! Its like a fairytale that will be remembered forever!!! Ugh make it a book and send it to me PLEASE??????????????? Lol calm down self calm down lol anywhos thank you for the lovely story/update!