

The things that don’t change even when time passes
Are my eyes and my heart that flutter whenever I see you
The nervous excitement that I felt when I first met you
Is still the same for me – it’s true

Celena Ahn. Just hearing her name makes this cold heart flutter. But i'm trying really. To be the best. Maybenot the best, but I want to be her Last. I want to keep her forever. Trap her in my cold heart and keep her warm in a any way i could. 

Every time our eyes meet, every time I hear your voice
I can feel happiness that can’t be hidden wash over me
Whenever I hold your hand, whenever I hold you in my arms
It makes me go back to the first feelings I had for you.

Mark Tuan. My one and only. My Ice Prince. I know he's trying to make me feel loved. I can hear, feel and see it. But he's not getting my point. Event thouh he's cold, I like that side of him. Even thought sometimes I get pissed or scold him for too much coldeness that his radiating. I want him. Only him.


Our classic love
Like classic music that we listen to
Even when time passes, it doesn’t change
You and my classic love
Like classic movies that we watch
I look and look at you but I keep missing you – it’s classic

Our love. His arms around me. Is always enough. He doesn't need to change. I love him just the way he is. So I'm trying to make this relationship last. Because I love him. Isn't that All that matters? I may not be the best. Since i'm kinda cold too, but him being with me is enough. To keep me alive and well. He may not be the sweetest guy, not the most showy boyfriend. But he's all that I need, want and Love. And juseyo babe. Stop being too cold okay? 

- Celena Ahn Tuan


My love listen, I didn’t believe in eternal love
But at some point, the need for you to become my wife kept forming
I want to watch the sun rise with you
Every one is shocked at my behavior
It’s timeless just like plastic
It’ll never change cuz it’s classic


I love you so much. Sorry if you always feel that I act cold but I'll try, no I'll be a better boyfriend for you.

-Mark Tuan



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