

Baekhyun met this one girl when it was a rainy afternoon. 

He met her again after the rain fell another afternoon. 

After the years, he never forgot her but he never saw her again due to his busy schedule plus she never really showed herself to him.

Until one rainy day....


“Just remembering something, the same old thing I remember when the sky cries"



Happy birthday Byun Baekkaebsong~! 

You are the dude I'm not sure if you're part of my top 6 or not but anyways

You always make the EXO fans happy and I'm really thankful you are part of the said group.

This fic is a birthday fic for Baekkie and why Raindrops I don't know

When I was thinking of a title, it was the only thing in my head 


That's all~


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