Minho & Onew. Who will get Yuri?

Opposites Attract

"Minho, how can Onew be so...hot?" Yuri asked Minho. Minho rolled his eyes, "He's not...you just think he is". Yuri frowned at what Minho said. "Minho, your so mean sometimes!" Yuri said as she started walking away. Before she could someone bumped into her...Guess who? Onew... "Yuri im so sorry!" Onew said wiping food off her face. Their eyes met and stared at each other. "Yuri, uhmm...look!" Minho said to distract Yuri but their stare was unbreakable. Onew placed his hands on Yuris cheek. "Kwon Yuri...your so beautiful." And with that Onew began to kiss her


"YURI!" Screamed Minho as he woke up. "Ohh ....it was just a dream. Thank Godness." Minho said, as he got up and got ready. He raced to Yuri's house, And knocked on the door. Yuri opened it..looking pretty, as always. "Yuri, lets get to school." Minho told Yuri as he took her hand. Yuri pulled away "Sorry, Minho. Onew offered to ride me to school and i said...Yes." Yuri said upset but still smiling because shes going with Onew. "Ohh, you should have called or texted me." Minho said upset. "I couldnt...Onew was texting me and i couldnt let him wait for my reply." Yuri said. "Im sor-" Before she could finish Onew showed up. "Oppa!" Yuri said as she ran towards him. She waved goodbye at him while she got into Onew's car. Minho heard "Oppa" and his heart sank. "She never called me oppa..." He said to himself. Right there, before Minho's eyes, Yuri and Onew shared a kiss. Her first kiss, barely suspect it was his also. Onew drove away and Yuri was giggling. Minho was left standing there. He walked to school alone. He arrived late and got to class. Minho and Yuri have the same classes and they sit together. Atleast USED to. Minho walked into his classroom to see Yuri and Onew sitting together carrising (is that how you spell it? Caressing? maybe) "Minho! Good news, Onew transfered to all my classes to be with me!" Yuri said kissing Onew's cheek. "Really? I now have no time to spend with her...well maybe after school...Yeah, after school!" Minho thought to himself. "Also, hes going to be with me after school too. Only the two of us. At my house when my moms there, atleast thats what he suggested." Yuri said smiling at him. Onew wrapped his arm around Yuris shoulder. "Yup, im always going to be with my 'Juliette' " Onew said as Yuri giggled. "You act like your part of SHINee...You wish" Minho said. "I am" Onew and Minho said in their mind...Not knowing they were both rivals in school and friends in SHINee. (LOL. WEIRD right?) Key came in and asked if Onew could be excused. Of course the teacher said Yes to the Kingkas of school. Onew grabbed Yuri's hand and took her with him. "Uhh, Mr. Onew...you cant take her." The teacher said to Onew. "Yes i can, shes MY Queenka." Onew said as he put his hands around her waist and lead her out. Yuri blushed at that and walked out with Onew.  She still couldnt belive SHE, Kwon Yuri, was dating Onew...aka SHINee's ONEW. He told her a while ago. How every KINGKA and QUEENKA are famous. But, there was one of them who was disguised as a nerd. BUT WHO? (Lol, we all know its Minho ;) )

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*sigh* back when kpop was easy and I didn't have crippling depression
sounds good :D