Chapter 4 - Thinking about you

Can I trust you?

Sooyoung woke up early in the morning, it was monday, the day whom everyone hate, even sooyoung, but for some reasons she was happy and she dreaded for school,even she felt strange why she would long for monday as it was always the day that she hated most, maybe it was beacuse of taehyung when he said that he wants to be in sec A,with her, and with them

As she waited for the school bus she saw hana and both of them got onto the bus and sat together

Sooyoung said 'I thought u were goona come with your dad' as hana replied 'so did I, but i wanna go on the school bus just like everyone else'

Sooyoung just nodded as they began to chat for some time until the school bus came to halt signalling the students that they had reached their destination,their school...

As sooyoung and hana walked through the hallway the found their friends,bts standing next to their lockers waving at them,as they went to their lockers to take out their books j-hope said 'I heard that u went shopping this saturday,is it true? If it is then why didn't u invite me, I wanted to shop for a new pair of shoes and shirts'

hana replied 'Yep,but it was only us,girls,won't u be embarassed cause u'll be the only guy,besides why don't u ask ur friends to go shopping with u if hesitate to go alone?' just then rap mon interrupted sayin 'we went shopping just last week,but J-hope seems like he could go shopping anytime' to which J-hope quickly replied but,hyung,u know that is my hobby and suga remarked 'Just like a girl' to which everybody burst out laughing.

Just then sooyoung looked up to see taehyung starring at her making him to look away as quickly as he could.Just then jung ruby interrupted them by talking to taehyung saying,'Oppa, since we're the new class leaders for sec B this year,shouldn't we talk more often and hang out more often so we could get along wel?'

taehyung just nodded with wide eyes beacuse he wasn't expecting this one, he knew ruby always had a crush on him since 4th grade,and when he a sooyoung got together she hated her like crazy.she'd spread rumours about her and even stole some of her things, but sooyoung instead of scolding or repoting her,always forgave her,cause she undersand why ruby kept doing those things

although sometimes she'd lose her temper and stormed off to ruby's class in search of her,but, then again, she'd feel pathetic and off to her class instead..  



                        Chapter 4 finished :D.... so how was this chapter :D... I'm sorry if i dissapoint u I tried my best though :)... pls continue to read and pls look forward to the next chapters :)

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Diktei #1
Chapter 3: Wow3...your fiction is just so great..I personally love the character-hana..dont know why but she looks very familiar....hmmm... ^__^
Chapter 3: I looking forward your story.. :D