Part 2

Birthday Revelations

[ Kibum ]



"What took you so long?" Qian asked, frowning.

"I had to meet with someone. Arisa. You know her right?" I asked.

She nodded though a look of exasperation was visible on her face. "Yes of course. She's the daughter of the CEO who owns the company your dad is planning to have ties with." Qian said.

I nodded my head silently as I ran both of my hands on my face.

"Oppa..." Jinri spoke softly.

"Yes what is it?" I asked. Observing her face, I noticed Jinri doesn't look happy at all... and it made me nervous all of a sudden.

"Unnie looks sad. We don't know why but after she went down to the restroom and got back here, she wanted to leave right away. We just forced her to stay." She bit her lip.

"Okay, I'll go to her now. She doesn't know I'm here right?"

They shook their heads.

"Okay then, I wish her mood changes up as soon as she sees me." I smiled at myself.



I hope I could make her feel better. And once I succeed...



I should probably go tell what she has to know now.



[ Amber ]




I feel so pissed.

He's my best friend and he lied to me. Have I done something stupid for him to treat me like that? He couldn't say I bug him too much nor announce I don't let him do whatever he wants without me interfering. It's the first I even check up on him through the entire three months he was gone, since I considered I would probably just disturb him from his work.


but what I saw and heard...



That's definitely not work.


Is that the only reason why you're mad? A thought interfered in my frustration.

I shook the thought away.


Since when? Why hadn't he even mentioned he already had a girlfriend? To the point he's about to get married? To the point that I'll discover it by myself?


A simple explanation would do. It's not as if I'd get in the way...


I gritted my teeth and swallowed.



Nor could I change his mind from marrying and loving that girl... Could I?



Because you see...

I'm just his bestfriend. Nothing more.



"Hi Llama." Someone spoke from my back as I felt hands covering my eyes.

I felt a jolt sent through my entire body.


That voice...


"Key." I bluntly said despite my bafflement. He removed his hands from my eyes and shoved me lightly to face him.

He beamed a wide smile at me, with a bit of amazement on his face...


...and that's making me more frustrated. Frustration which I don't know exactly where it's coming from.


"You told me you were Busan." I told him. He looked shocked. Probably because he thought I'd be surprised and giddy to see him.

His smile faded. "I wanted to surprise you. Our trip back was set today and I coordinated with Qian and Jinri to arrange a date for us. I told them not to tell you. How can I not prepare for my bestfriend's birthday?"

His mouth twitched. "I'm surprised you're not happy nor baffled to see me."


Date? Is he kidding?


"Dude... I only just saw you downstairs a while back." I gulped. "With a girl... Then I called you and you told me you were with your friends but you were with a girlAnd to discover that that girl isn't just a friend. I'm sorry if I spoiled your little surprise for me."








He was stunned for a moment.


"Oh... so you're mad at me for lying to you? I did it to surprise you and I had good intentions." He protested.

Then suddenly his face looked mournful.


He blew air from his mouth and carefully placed his bangs in place. "I will tell you two things. Can you listen to me?"


I shrugged.


"Promise me you won't get mad... or even un-friend me. Please?" He looked like a kid pleading with puppy eyes.

"This isn't facebook. What's with the un-friend word." I said.

He rolled his eyes. "You know what I mean. But can you promise me?" He paused. "Tell me you won't change the way you act towards me."

"Fine, fine, fine. Okay I promise." I replied.



[ Amber ]



"First thing would be about what you saw a while ago." He gulped. "The girl you saw is my fiancée. Her name is Arisa." He said.


So my prediction was true... I thought, feeling a stab of pain shooting in my chest.


"But you see... it's complicated." He added.

"Come on Key, you're her soon to be husband, how is that complicated?" I said bitterly.

"You don't understand." He said. "It's an arranged marriage."


My eyes widened.


"Very typical scenario. My dad arranged it. They said it would be more beneficial and effective. But Arisa... she admitted she had once made mention to her mom that... she has this huge admiration towards me. It wasn't her fault though her mother persuaded his dad to set something for us." His eyes reflected his nervousness. "Nothing big like marriage anyway... They kept on pointing out the nuptial could build a stronger relationship towards the two companies, though I think it's mainly because of how Arisa feels towards me." He bit his lip. "And when she heard her father discussing the marriage's set date, she rushed to me and was worried about it." He finished.

"Why did you tell me this just now? And you must have probably felt the same way... She looks like a very fair woman. How come she's worried?" I asked, confusion still bugging me.


He stratched his eyebrows and sighed. "Amber... I don't."


"What do you mean 'I don't'?"

"I don't feel the same way, okay?" He told me. "And since she knows I only see her as a dongsaeng, she never wanted to force me into something my will is against with. She knows I'm into someone else."

He frowned.

"How I wish she never had to go through this... She's sacrificing for me." He mumbled.

"So there's another girl involved?" I exclaimed. "Key are you even considering me really as your best friend? You never have told me any of these!" I scoffed. "Since when have you met this girl?"

"I'm sorry..." He closed his eyes. "Back six years ago?" He said, wincing.


Dear God... this is definitely too much for me.


I felt hot tears rolling down my cheeks. And all I could feel was anger and frustration... Frustration that there's really someone else in his life...


My chest could feel the weight getting heavier as I listen to his words...


I hastily wipe away the tears. "C-can we talk about this s-some other time?" I stuttered.

I strode away from him, though I barely even know where to go.



"Amber wait!" He called out.


I sped up my strides but before I could even reached the exit, I felt his arms around me.

He settled his head on the crook of my neck and breathed, "Didn't I met you six years ago?" He muttered.

"Stop playing with me Key." I shrugged his arms off but he only clinged onto me tighter.

"You're the person I was pertaining to, can't you see? The first person I knew who admired my acting when I was on my 9th grade. The person who teased me on how I'm such a ketchup maniac. The person I consider as the best buddy I've ever had. The person I found the prettiest in my eyes. The person I've been always missing..." His voice toned down as he continued to speak. "The person I always have missed because I love her... more than she would ever know. Amber... you're the person I told Arisa about. You're that other girl..." He said softly.


I turned and stared at him with wild eyes. I probably look awful right now with my make-up smudged and hair partly tousled from the wind... but who cares anyway...


All I could see was his face... how he stares at me with those sad eyes. And he looks so serious and nervous I am beginning to doubt if ever he really is the Kibum I used to know. The Kibum I have been friends with for six years and the person I've always loved...


"And that's the second thing I wanted to tell you. Amber... I like you..." He said. "I just think it would be fair to tell you every secrets I have... so there I said it. I was originally planning to keep the marriage issue from you until it is resolved, because I was afraid I might totally lose my chance to court you and for you to give me a chance. I was scared you'd think that that would be a good way for me to settle in my life... and you might look for an another guy, though I am not even sure if I could win your heart."


When did he ever lose his self confidence and assuranceIs this really Key? I asked myself.


He took my hands and held it firmly, his eyes holding my gaze as he spoke. "And this might be the worst proposal you've ever seen... but I hope you'd still give me a chance. I am willing to wait. But j-just... please don't ever un-friend me." He said. "But if ever there's really nothing for me to wait for... tell me."


Again, he sounded mournful...


Like seriously... this isn't happening. Should I believe him?


"Key... I mean Kibum." Oh dear God, what I'm a supposed to tell him? "This prank isn't funny..." I shrugged.

"Amber! I'm seriously not acting here!" He whined and I noticed his face turning bright pink.

"Then can I un-friend you?" I asked him.

His eyes widened. "Amber... no please." He pleaded. He looks like he's on the verge of tears.

"Let's end this." I eyed him with serious face.


I exhaled. "Because I don't want to be just friends with you Kibum." I told him.




Oh goshDid just say that?




He looked baffled. "You mean--" He broke off. "D-do you..." A grin lit up his face bit by bit. "Are you permitting me to date you, Amber J. Liu?" He laughed lightly.

"If that's how you'd like to think of it then yes?" I chuckled.

And in a blur, I felt myself being turned in circles as he danced me around. I squealed and screamed, and he then stopped finally, and placed his forehead on mine.

"You're very beautiful do you know that? Can you let your hair grow that long for me?" He said. "Though you're still beautiful regardless. Long hair or not." He smiled.

"Well... I will think about it." I teased, but then I suddenly remembered the issue we left behind. "Hey... what will you do about the marriage? I'm afraid of what your dad would react towards your disagreement towards the marriage, and this... Us, precisely..." I told him.

"I am willing to take whatever punishment he'd give me, but I would still choose to follow what I really feel... Where I really want to be... And I want to be with you..." He hooked me for an another embrace.


Tears stung my eyes again... but this time, it wasn't because of frustration. It was because of happiness. Too much of it it almost feels unreal to me. I never thought this would happen-- I always believed it was one-sided love... and that's probably why I kept on denying my feelings towards him before. And right now... I am still surprised now that he's in my arms, telling me how important I am to him...


...and that alone gives me priceless joy and overwhelming happiness only he could give me.



I grinned, still clinging onto him. "You are the most handsome person I've ever known... do you know that? And a very adorable diva." I .

He laughed. "Of course I am. I'm the most handsome. More handsome than Minho..."

"Aissh, Kibum your ego--"

"Oppa." He corrected.

"Oppa. Okay..." I cleared my throat. "But Minho is really handsome... you have to admit that." I told him and laughed when I saw his expression, looking as if betrayed.


I gazed at him for a moment, and hesitated. "But you know oppa?"


"Hmm? What?" He pouted.

I met his gaze. "I don't care if he's more handsome... because I love you." I told him, and I immediately felt myself flush at the confession.

"You what?" He gasped. "I didn't hear it. What was it again?"

"I won't repeat it. You heard me." I protested. I crossed my arms over my chest.


He laughed. Like a really loud one. Oh gosh I missed that laugh.


"I love you too, Jagiya." He said as he leaned in slowly and smiled, before I felt his soft lips touched mine. Unprepared from his sudden move, I then felt waves of tiny needles prickling my body, sending me shivers... though not in a painful way.

It was that unexplainable feeling... more of an overwhelming excitement and pleasure. I felt blank at first, but after a few moments, I returned the kiss. I've never felt this happiness as much as how I felt that moment.


"Well isn't this amazing. You are so manly Oppa." I giggled.

"Well you seem not to be the boyish Amber I used to know now." He replied. "Oh... right we have a date? C'mon I'll show you something."

"Where?" I asked.

"No questions. Just follow me okay?"


Before I followed Kibum, I gazed behind me and saw Qian and Jinri, clapping and cheering like they were some sort of fans. Jinri mouthed a "congratulations" and Qian did a fighting fist, and I just rolled my eyes at them and smiled.



This surprise gift is definitely the best birthday present I've ever had.







Hello! First of all thank you very much to those of you who read this ^_^ I am really grateful you guys took time reading this though this two-shot is probably not really a great one...


KeyBer photo for all of you! :D


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Chapter 2: I am currently enjoying reading this story just to stop and wonder for a moment... I already read this story before... Its definitely the same story i have read before.. by any chance athornim.. do you have a wattpad acct. Coz i definitely have read this story there
I've been looking for this story for a long time ago. I thought you deleted this already. But then I tried to search for key and arisa on google and fortunately I saw this again. Omg I was so excited. Its weird that even I've subscribed this, it don't appear on my list. Even on keyber tag.
keyber2318 #3
Chapter 2: I've read this again and again and it's aweeeeeeeeeesome! you're a great writer! this actually pierce through my heart and made me cried. but after the cryings it's another side of happiness because of the proposal and ofc the cute back hug. (I love sweet things like this kekeke) Make a sequel maybe? ^^
Chapter 2: Thanks for writing Keyber though. This story gives me feels after so long. I was wondering how Arisa would come into this fic, well just enough scene for her haha. If you can write another when you're free it would be good thanks
Chapter 2: Wow... its sweet of keybum^^
Keyber is real!!!
Make another plzzzz XD
Love it to the max
Ambertastic_baby #6
Chapter 2: DUDE. THIS IS AWESOME. Finally a KeyBer fic after like ten billion years. Aw, cutie Arisa and the whole "un-friending" thing. Lol, wish I had that type of friendship between Key and Amber but I'm like anti-social so no. But d'awww this was adorable and I love it so much!