Part 3



The next day…

Tao quickly searched for Sulli when he was just arrived at college. He looked for her everywhere and even asked Suzy and all of her nearest friends. And all of them answered the same, “She hasn’t come yet”

Tao waited for her until the bell already rang. But still, Sulli hasn’t come. It was weird if Sulli was late. Tao decided to wait a bit more at the corridor.

After a while, Sulli hasn’t even come yet. Tao became worried. Suddenly, Kris appeared behind him with a worried expression on his face. Kris seems to be worried about Sulli when he notice she hasn’t come.

“Where’s Sulli ?”, Tao asked.

“That’s what I wanted to ask you”, Kris replied.

“Aren’t you the one who know her better than me ?”

“I am. But she always hangs out with you after you came here”


Suddenly, Tao’s phone rang. He picked up his phone. It was from an unknown number. He answered the call.

“Hello ?”, Tao said.

“Hey, Zitao”, the person on the other side of the phone said.

Tao seemed to know this person’s voice. It seems that he had a really bad problem with him once.

“Do you remember me ? Huh. I bet you did. I always wanted to have my revenge on you after you made fun of me that day. I bet you’re searching for that girl right now don’t you ? I have that girl here. If you want her back, come here on your own. If you bring someone with you, I’ll do something really bad to her. Just watch out. You know the place right. The place where you made fun of me. I’ll be waiting. If you didn’t come here on ten minutes then, I’ll break her into pieces. Hahahaha !!!!”

Tao quickly closed his phone and threw it away. He ran to the place where as that person said. The place where Sulli was captured. It’s my fault. It’s my fault !

Kris was still confused after seeing Tao left. He decided to follow him from behind but he can’t even caught up to him. So he rode a taxi and followed him.


“Well, well. Look who’s here. And, you were right on time, Zitao”, that person said.

“Give her back !”, Tao shouted.

“Not that easy, man. Let’s fight first !”

That person swings his fist to Tao’s face and it hit Tao. Tao was completely confused when that fist flew to his face. Blood came out from his mouth because of that strong punch. Tao looked serious after getting hit from that person. He started to show his real self. His martial arts technique and everything he already learned was shown by him. And well, after a while the fight was still continued.

Until all of them were already battered. Tao saw Sulli was tied at the corner of the place and she was crying. Tao untie her and she quickly hugged him. Sulli cried so much while Tao was only silent. He didn’t cry this time ‘cause he was really relieved that Sulli was okay. That all of them didn’t harm her.

“Are you okay ?”, Tao asked.

Sulli only nodded and she continued to sob. Tao hugged her tightly and patted her head. After a while, Kris came. And he saw Sulli was crying and Tao was hugging her. He walked towards them.

“Ah. Kris. Here. Take her home”, Tao said.

“I-it’s okay. I’m fine”, Sulli said.

“No, you’re not”, Kris said, “C’mon. I’ll take you home”

“What about you ?”,  Sulli asked Tao.

Tao looked down and he told Sulli with a sad expression on his face. He tried to smile, even though it was an awkward smile.

“It’s better if you go home with Kris. And, let’s not hang out anymore. It was a fun time being with you. Bye”, Tao said, smiling sadly.

Sulli looked at him, surprised. Tao then left her alone there with Kris. And after that, Sulli only cried. While Tao, cried on the way home. He thought that it was already impossible to be with her. He wanted to protect her so much. But if she kept hanging out with him, then she will just be in the dangerous situation. And she can never be happy.

Sulli kept crying after Tao said that to her. She was so shocked that she cried all night and she can’t even sleep.

The next day, Sulli came to school with her red eyes after crying all night long. Kris was worried as soon as he saw Sulli at the morning. Kris tried to ask her if she was okay but she only smiled and continued to walk.

That day, when Tao and Sulli passed by with each other, Tao pretended not to see her and he continued to talk with his other friends. But Sulli, looked at him with a sad face and then she continued to walk past him.

It was a hard day for both of them. And, they didn’t talk to each other for a month. Tao felt lonely, and of course Sulli felt the same.

I’m lonely. I missed you.


Two months later at Incheon International Airport…

“Are you really going to leave Tao ?”, D.O asked.

“I need to train some more at China. I’ll be back to Korea one year later”, Tao answered.

“I see… Well then, come back later”

“Text me later when you arrived at China, Tao”, Suho said.

“Yes, hyung”, Tao answered.

“But hey, are you really not going to say goodbye to Sulli ?”, Kris asked, grinning.

“Nope. I will just go without she noticing”, Tao answered.

“You’re really a coward”, Baekhyun told Tao.

Tao only laughed awkwardly. He was actually really wanted to say goodbye and meet Sulli for the last time. But, he didn’t have the courage to meet her after the incident.

Forty minutes before Tao’s plane took off, his friends already left. They each told Tao to be healthy and told him to text all of them once a week. Kris told him to come back to Korea while Baekhyun told him not to be a coward when he came back. Tao only nodded and then he waved goodbye at them.

Tao walked to the waiting room, but then he turned back. He looked at his surrounding and he sighed. Be strong. He then continued to walk.

“Tao ya !!!”

Tao turned back. Surprised after being called loudly by someone. He looked at that person. It was Sulli. She ran to the airport when she knew that Tao was about to go back to China. And, she caught up to him. Thankfully, she wasn’t late.

“S-Sulli”, Tao said, still surprised.

Sulli walked towards him, still trying to catch her breath. She slapped Tao’s face, and then her eyes started to tear.

“Are you really going to avoid me every time we met each other ?”, Sulli asked, frustrated, “I tried not to be angry with you. But I was just too frustrated every time you ignore me and you pretended like I wasn’t even there. Do you know how I felt every time you ignore me ?!”

Tao can only stare at her blankly while holding his slapped cheek. His eyes started to tear after looking at Sulli carefully.

“I liked you. I liked you ! I don’t even care if I will face hard times with you, but you-“

Tao quickly hugs Sulli. Sulli was so surprised that she didn’t even budge a bit. After she realized that she was being hugged, her face turned red.

“I really liked you, Sulli. But… I was… A coward. I thought that I can’t even protect you and I thought that you won’t’ be happy if you’re with me. I was too scared”, Tao said honestly, “Will you be happy… With me ?”

“I will… And I will always be”

Sulli gave him a smile. Tao’s tears started to fell out from his eyes. He tried to smile but he ended up crying happily. Sulli can only pat his head and smiled.

Then, Tao stood up. He holds Sulli’s face and he came nearer to her. Sulli closed his eyes as Tao kissed her lips, slowly. Then, Tao hugs Sulli again and Sulli hugs him back.

“Come back later”, Sulli said.

“I will. Just wait for me”, Tao replied.

A while later, Tao’s plane took off. Tao looked up to the sky as he flew up. He smiled gently.

I will like you and love you forever.

I’m a crybaby, your childhood friend, an action star and just one of your friend. And you, you’re my hero, my first love, my best friend and my precious childhood friend. And now, we liked each other. And we became lovers.

I’m no longer a crybaby and you’re no longer my hero. We already became one.

And then, we’ll be together and have a happy end. Together.


----------------------------------------------                 THE END                ---------------------------------------------

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azuraes #1
Chapter 3: D'awww this is so cute :)
Chapter 3: Oww.. Taolli! Such a rare pairing but honestly your story really sweet, i like the happy ending part.. Cant imagined if the real tao hv crybaby character >o<