Red and Blue

Red and Blue

Warning: FLUFF. Just pure FLUFF. 


Credit to: Foolssweetiepie






Prompt: How Seunghyun proposed... 







It was a rare occurrence. So rare and unusual that when Bom didn’t appear at the dinner party, Seunghyun perked up, flipped his phone and thumbed the “one” on his speed dial. He allowed the bell tone chime twice before clapping it shut and was storming out of the club before others had time to squeak what the hell’s wrong?



He sped down the highway, racing through blaring red lights and earning traffic violations in his premeditated haste. His feet skated mechanically, having memorized each step and turn to the building. He skidded to the end and rapped on the door. He didn’t wait for an answer before fishing out the spare keys and twisting open the lock, shoved his way in to a dark room.



For an ugly moment, panic churned his heart. “Bom?”



There wasn’t a response or a hint of movement, save for the slim ray of yellow light flickering under the door at the far end of the foyer. Immediately, Seunghyun marched forward and jostled the door open. He paused-- a long sigh of relief escaped his rigid lips. Before him Bom sat, kneeling against the mahogany chest, the last drawer slid ajar. 



She made no effort to acknowledge the sudden presence. She remained still—silent, staring at her lap. Seunghyun stepped in, shutting the door and slinked forward. He noticed the red coat draped on her knees before her wet cheeks. Wordlessly, he moved to drop down beside her. Only then registering his company, Bom moved to dab her eyes.



Seunghyun stayed quiet, eyeing her and the red fleece Bom held with her hands. It was small, double-ed, and buttoned up military style. He recognized it right away. Sighing, he placed a hand on hers.



“I was in the States,” she spoke, breaking the silence between them. “I begged my mother for it the minute I saw it on the windowsill.”



Seunghyun inched closer, gripping her trembling hand. He narrowed his eyes at her deflated face.



“She said no, but my aunt secretly bought it for me,” she swallowed thickly, hot tears b in her eyes. “When I woke up one day, she told me we’d be going on a walk and that it was cold outside. So I ran to my closet and there this was…”



She laughed sadly, “Even though it was burning hot, I never once took it off. I went everywhere in it. It was my favorite.”



He bowed close and gently gathered her bent head to the curve of his shoulder. Over her auburn hair, he eyed the calendar fastened to the wall: The 16th of August marked the date. He should have known better to plan a party on the same day. He was one of the few people who knew the coat was a goodbye gift from her aunt—the last one before she unexpectedly passed. It was morbidly stupid, and he should have known how today would take a toll on her. And from the look of her face, it hurt her still. God, he hated it when she cried.



Seunghyun smoothed his hand reverently over the coat, feeling the softness under his fingers. It was impeccably clean, pressed and folded with the sharp precision that he knew was immeasurably Bom’s handiwork. He ran a careful hand over the collar and frowned when he felt the stitches unfasten at the seams. He heard Bom recoil and mutter a string of cuss words under her breath. Her hands shook visibly as she clutched the fabric to her chest, biting back the latest onslaught of tears. Seunghyun immediately dove to give her shoulder a reassuring squeeze and leaned over to the cabinet to dig out a sew kit. Gently detangling the coat from Bom’s fierce grip, he raised his brows.


“I can fix it,” he said, locking eyes firmly with hers."It's just loose."



Bom stared, doe-eyed, opening to speak before donning a curt nod, wiping her tears. She watched as he combed through the opened box, tugging on a needle and unraveled a red string. Niftily, he threaded the yarn and bringing the coat to his face, Seunghyun delicately poked the needle through the coat and slowly weaved the gap shut.



“I didn’t know you could sew,” Bom commented, sniffing.  



Seunghyun snorted, “ Yes. It’s great for my image.”



Despite the tears, Bom smiled, lips threatening to split as he interlaced another set, tugging the neckline securely.



“The deadly, fearsome, and the charismatic T.O.P. sewing,” she joked. “That’ll scare the wits out of many underlings. Not to mention the scandal.”



“Oh, I'm full of surprises, Noona,” he bantered sarcastically, binding the last hem.



Bom shook her head, laughing. She continued to study him-- his monotonous movements peacefully lulled her.



“This is a bit small even for a kid," he said, tying the last of the thread.


"Is it? I wore it when I was little," she answered, playing with the folds of the jacket.



"Are all the girls in your family small?" He asked, glancing up to give her a teasing look.


She nodded, "Yes. Pretty tiny, actually. Yours?"


"Nah, my older sis couldn't have fit into this. Maybe when she was three or four," he said, fitting another string.


"Three or four," she echoed, and he nodded.


"But our child will probably wear this at age five."


Seunghyun's hand froze abruptly in midair and he bit his lip, swearing furiously to himself. He felt the heat bleed up his neck and spread to his face. His narrowed eyes burned a virtual hole through the red fabric, trying frantically to concentrate and failing miserably. He his dry lips and swallowed his heart that jammed his neck. They weren't anywhere near discussing their future and the subject of kids was, bluntly put-- highly implausible. And marriage, well, was daunting.


However, he'd be the first to confess that he had unconditionally committed and devoted himself to the woman sitting before him. He had, ever since he laid eyes on her as she walked gloriously through the main doors as a trainee. His eyes never left her since. He had a feeling he wasn't alone on that endeavor. Still, this was not how he pictured he'd be promising his string of vows. Suddenly, the subtle weight on his suit pocket became dreadfully conspicuous and heavy. Seunghyun cleared his throat and toyed with the coat, praying Bom would just drop and ignore his comment.



"And if it's a boy?"



Seunghyun snapped his head up, startled into looking at her elegant face. She held his keen gaze unwaveringly, a hint of a nostalgic smile skirting her curved lips.



"Then we'll get a blue coat," he said warmly, slowly, unable to stop the spread of his elated grin.



"But I like red on little girls."



"Then we'll have a girl," Seunghyun leaned in, heart skipping a beat. "Brothers and sisters."



"Two would be good," she said, not looking away.



"Oh, I don't know. I want lots of kids," Seunghyun declared, fighting the impulsive urge to take her lips with his.



Bom's eyebrows crinkled suspiciously. "How many?"



"Seven? Maybe eight?" he responded. Seeing Bom's incredulous expression he backpedaled. "Too many?"



"I am not about to spend my entire life in labor, Choi Seunghyun" she mock-glared. "Maybe three."



"Three it is then," he affirmed with a blissful nod, a permanent grin gracing his handsome features.



He fastened a final knot on the collar and folded the coat. Setting it aside, he edged close, pulling Bom to his lap and enclosing her in a tight embrace. He nuzzled his nose into her soft hair and breathed.






Bom's shoulders quivered with laughter," I think we ought to meet them first. It'll come to us then."



Seunghyun blushed feverishly and clutched her shoulders. "Not arguing with that."


He pressed his lips to her bare shoulder and sighed. His heart pounded in his ears and he hoped she wouldn't see just how nervous he was. Bom suddenly squirmed and pulled away before turning her head.



"What is that on your side pocket? It's poking me." She quipped, moving to reach in when he caught her hand, stopping her. He slowly spun her around and pulling her palm to his lips, kissed the ring finger slowly and lovingly.



"When you're ready," he whispered, playing with the curve of her fingers. He heard the sharp intake of breath.



"How do I know you got the right size?" she asked through the tears.



It took everything in his sanity to not pounce on her right then and there. Instead, he carefully extracted the velvet box and tried to still his shaking hand as he cracked it open, revealing the large diamond piece. Seunghyun heard the faint gasp before she carefully lifted her hand, plucked the ring, and slid it snuggly into her left ring finger.



"It's a perfect fit."



Seunghyun tasted the salt on her lips as he crushed her against him. She slid into his embrace easily enough as he tangled his legs with hers, pressing her against the growing tightness in his pants. He was reaching for her dress zipper when she quickly pulled back, face red, flustered.



"Dara will kill us if she found out we were going to make babies in her room."



"Well then she shouldn't have kept your coat in her drawer," Seunghyun huffed, stealing her lips again and pressing her to the ground.



Dara later makes them scrub and Clorox the entire room.



And five years later, their son, held affectionately between his parent's hands, strolled down the cold streets donning a red and blue coat.











Thank you for reading!  :) :) 




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seoinae #1
Chapter 1: Omooo so sweet!!~♡.♡
MizuAndKaze #2
Chapter 1: lovely story :) ^-^
fauxreality #3
Chapter 1: This is golden. ❤️
Chapter 1: it was so precious ! this is so sweet ~ iloveit !
kazorashi #5
Chapter 1: THE FLUFFINESS OF THIS STORY IS TOO D*MN HIGH! ....and so adorable! Waaaah! Hecka sweet!
auroramikaela #6
Chapter 1: That's really sweet......
Chapter 1: Awww...that's so sweet!!!! I love's just so subtle
swttwnkl #8
Chapter 1: Aww so damn sweet! Can't wait for the updates on your other stories, I adore your writing so much