catch a falling star (we'll form a constellation of us)

catch a falling star (we'll form a constellation of us)
“If there was a religion of Annaism, and I had to tell you how humans made their way to Earth, it would go like this: In the beginning, there was nothing at all but the moon and the sun. And the moon wanted to come out during the day, but there was something so much brighter that seemed to fill up all those hours. The moon grew hungry, thinner and thinner, until she was just a slice of herself, and her tips were as sharp as a knife. By accident, because that is the way most things happen, she poked a hole in the night and out spilled a million stars, like a fountain of tears.

Horrified, the moon tried to swallow them up. And sometimes this worked, because she got fatter and rounder.. But mostly it didn't, because there were just so many. The stars kept coming, until they made the sky so bright that the sun got jealous. He invited the stars to his side of the world, where it was always bright. What he didn't tell them, though, was that in the daytime, they'd never be seen. So the stupid ones leaped from the sky to the ground, and they froze under the weight of their own foolishness.

The moon did her best. She carved each of these blocks of sorrow into a man or a woman. She spent the rest of her time watching out so that her other stars wouldn't fall. She spent the rest of her time holding onto whatever scraps she had left.”

catch a falling star and put it in your pocket, never let it fade away, baekhyun hums, looking up deep blue cloak of the night sky. the thin clouds form a floral lace around the crescent moon that dangled in the night sky from his bedroom window. he continues with the next line, voice an enchanting, beautiful melody, catch a falling star and put it in your pocket, save it for a rainy day.

as if on cue, a shooting star appears, rushing across the mass of scattered moondust glittering and gleaming in the sky. baekhyun stops singing, taken away by the small, rapidly moving meteor which burns up on entering the earth's atmosphere, it's heading downwards, he notes unconsciously. the moving object was about to dash across his very eyes before he reaches out, fingers stretching and he could almost feel the contact between his fingers and the falling star.

catch a falling star and put it in your pocket, never let it fade away.

that night, baekhyun tucks a falling star he caught into his pajama pocket, humming the tune of catch a falling star as he goes to sleep. baekhyun's slender fingers wrap around the piece of shimmering rock in a small, tight fist.

catch a falling star and put it in your pocket, save it for a rainy day.

for love may come tap you on the shoulder some starless night, just in case you feel you want to hold her

it had been a rainy day. the aureole glint that surrounded the silvery moon suspended in the velvety night sky is captivating. if not for the smoky grey clouds shrouding the pristine moonlight radiated from the spherical moon and the fact that there was none of the usual constellations in the sky that night, it would have been perfect. baekhyun looks at the fallen star in his opened palms, gawking at it with curiosity.

what? comes the reply with a quirk of the lips of the fallen star.

the fallen star had been carved into a long little male in when baekhyun had fallen asleep. a long male with long limbs and protruding big ears and round eyes. if you look closely, you can see the little bump on the star's nose bridge. if you squint a little, you can see the split-second face twitches of the carved star whenever he laughs.

baekhyun had woken up to find something wriggling in his pockets, it did not feel like the star he had caught the night before and as far as he could recall, he hadn't kept anything in his pocket besides the glittering falling star. so when he looked into his slightly oversized pocket and finds a little male, he let out a little (unmanly) yelp in surprise.

who are you and where is my falling star? baekhyun recollected himself and promptly voiced out the first of the questions that enter his mind. did you steal it. he said, narrowing his eyes at the male as he carefully dropped him into a jar. baekhyun did not want his suspect to escape without getting his falling star back, after all.

i am a falling star. the male replied with a bright grin, emphasising on the 'am'. the male's grin is blinding even behind the glass of the jar – he seems to be glowing. the way all stars did up in the night sky even though it is bright and early in the morning – and baekhyun winced slightly in reply to the straight rows of white teeth, gesturing for the fallen star to close his mouth before baekhyun went blind.

my name is chanyeol. baekhyun briefly recalls the words that comes out of the miniature male's mouth after he closes his mouth. or was it chonyal… it is not an appropriate time to be confused about a long mini figure's name, baekhyun reminded himself as he turned his attention back to chanyeol.

liar. you're not the shooting star i caught yesterday night. baekhyun pouts and accuses, pointing his finger at chanyeol and brows knitting, the shooting star i caught was rockier, even thought you do shine as bright.

chanyeol laughs, his voice is a soft timbre. i haven't thanked you for catching me. i would have faded away if you haven't done that.

baekhyun gets momentarily distracted again by how chanyeol's face scrunches up when he smiles and he forgets to ask what chanyeol meant. at the same time unconsciously giving up on challenging the fact that chanyeol is a the fallen star he caught and kept in his pocket.

it's a starless night, baekhyun mutters, kicking the orange and red autumn leaves and watching them fly before floating down gently. baekhyun hops off the swing he was sitting in and decides to take a little walk down the streets, ignoring the chanyeol's protests of but it's in the middle of the night.

as baekhyun skips down the streets, dimly lit by the street lamps scattered across the side of the walk way, chanyeol does not stop his tiny outrage for baekhyun ignoring him, his voice is incessantly chattering in baekhyun's ears.

your parents will not like this.

baekhyun lives in an orphanage.

i don't want to get mugged along with you

baekhyun's closest friend, taozi, got mugged (taken away) despite the fact that he knew wushu.

baekhyun, let's go back already. it's so high, i might fall off.

baekhyun picks little chanyeol up from his shoulder he is standing on and promptly drops him into the oversized pocket of his coat before sticking both index fingers into his ears and returning to ignore chanyeol's wriggling in his coat pocket and his muffled cries of protest.

there isn't any stars tonight. baekhyun thinks again, dejectedly. he's always love stargazing, but the stars seem to all be swallowed but the exceptionally round moon that night.

baekhyun feels a gentle tap on his shoulders the very moment he crawls through the hole in the fence and the first thing that comes into his mind were sirens of i am going to get into huge trouble with joonma oh . he could almost imagine chanyeol snickering away quietly in his pocket – i told you so, and it's not nice to swear – even though the other pretty much fell asleep in the soft comforts of baekhyun’s pockets during the stroll.

when baekhyun lifts his head, eyes sticking to the ground and mouth already parting for an apology to tumble out, he does not expect anything other than a worried crease on joonma's forehead to greet him.

so you can imagine his surprise when he locks eyes with female, much, much younger than joonma. the girl has pretty round orbs which twinkled under the dim moonlight and smooth pale skin glowing in the starless night sky. forms a pretty heart-shaped smile upon baekhyun's surprise and her voice comes out silvery like the moonlight that night. so, did you manage to find stars?

baekhyun's mouth open to form a no – how the girl knows about his search for stars never crossing his mind – before he promptly closes it. he decides that he likes the way the girl smiles and finds her locks of black hair cascading over her shoulders lovely. he decides that the girl's petite figure and narrow shoulders would feel nice and fitting against his own and he decides that he would very much like the idea of holding the girl's hands. he decides that he really, really likes the girl and he wants to impress her.

so he takes out the fallen star who is curled up, sound asleep in his pocket and cups chanyeol in his palms. baekhyun blows a puff of air to wake the sleeping male and whispers to chanyeol, light up? please? chanyeol shakes his head no and shoots him a curious why.

baekhyun does not reply but instead turns away from the girl and does his puppy eyes at chanyeol, pleading with chanyeol once again. chanyeol squeals and lights up. baekhyun takes the opportunity to seal off the opening of his palms.

baekhyun than turns back to the girl with a proud grin, check this out. before he lets little streaks of light slip through the gaps of his fingers. his eyes crinkle and he smiles upon the sight of the girl lighting up in amazement, her eyes filled with wonderdust. baekhyun hums softly to cancel out the thoughts of an unhappy chanyeol locked up in his palms (because he feels guilty for using chanyeol),  just in case you feel you want to hold her, you'll have a pocketful of starlight.

that night, he slips back into his dorm, face flushing at the memory of the warmth of the girl's palms against his own but guilt overwhelming him at the thought of chanyeol hunched up in the corner, his knees brought up to his chest. baekhyun makes a little bed for chanyeol out of tissues and the toys from the orphanage nursery and even places a little nightlamp next to chanyeol’s makeshift bed, writing down, thank you for today chonyal. i’m sorry, don’t be mad okay? before he goes to bed.

(though chanyeol will never be mad. fallen stars will always love their catchers – owners and would be willing to do anything for them. even if it means giving up their light and being the dark. just so their owners can shine.)

just in case you feel you want to hold her, you'll have a pocketful of starlight.

for when your troubles start multiplyin' and they just might

baekhyun lets out a choked sniffle and buries his face in the pillows on his head. he ignores the silent stares chanyeol send him and rubs his red-rimmed eyes. with quivering lips, he manages to form a kyungsoon's going to have a new family.

oh, chanyeol thinks, though the twinge of bereavement in his heart is impossibly hard to ignore.

baekhyun lets himself plummet into the depths of despair, his pillowcase getting wetter and wetter with each minute, until chanyeol crawls across the makeshift bed – or tissue rolls bed, he’d like to call it – baekhyun had created for him to baekhyun's bed. he cups baekhyun's tear-streaked face into his hands from the edge of the table and smiles, it's okay baekhyunnie, chonyal's always here for you.

baekhyun's stream of tears stop flowing momentarily. his shoulders still jerk slightly with each hiccup and he mumbles, that was what kyungsoon promised me too.

the heartbreak was so evident in his voice, despite the fact that baekhyun's voice, unlike his usual singing one, was hoarse and soft. chanyeol feels his heart wrenching painfully and he fights to not clutch at his chest.

kyungsoon has a new family, she is going to live happily ever after, you should be happy, baekhyun. baekhyun berates himself out loud, expecting chanyeol to nod along and agree, drag him out of his despair (though it still remains a fact that he had been stuck in the orphanage with no couples willing to adopt him due to his overly-boisterous personality, no one wants me, baekhyun's heart lets out a silent cry). but chanyeol's tiny hands reaches out to baekhyun's wetted cheeks and catches the tears rolling down, wiping them away before he turns and takes to his heels.

baekhyun looks after the tiny long figure running away, tearing up even more when he thinks even chonyallie is leaving me now. but when chanyeol comes running back, his smile still ever so bright. he has a doll-sized glass jar balancing on his head with his two hands acting as a support. he throws the glass jar onto the bed before jumping onto it as well. baekhyun stares at him, vision blurred by tears. what is that for?

to collect your tears. chanyeol replies, wanting to see the smile again in baekhyun's eyes. he leaves out the so that i can turn them into smiles because he might not be able to do that and he doesn't want to make empty promises.

chanyeol lights up for the third time since he's carved into a human, sinking himself on baekhyun's bed, crawling into the comforts of his warm pocket and shining brighter than ever. so that for all the tears baekhyun's shed for kyungsoon, he can turn them into smiles, possibly brighter than his own light. from the holes in baekhyun’s pocket, chanyeol observes the edges of baekhyun's mouth curl upwards and his eyes crinkle despite the watery sadness which threatened to pour out. the smiles aren't bright enough yet; they are weathered and slightly forced, slightly broken.

chanyeol then crawls out again, dimming slightly so that baekhyun’s eyes won’t hurt. tiny short arms wrap around baekhyun's finger and all chanyeol wants right there and then is to be big enough to hug the pieces of baekhyun's broken heart together.

kyungsoon is a star, baekhyun had sighed dreamily at the thought of innocent smiles and tinkling laughter. she's so beautiful and she just lights my whole world up with her pretty smiles.

but i'm the real star, chanyeol protests, sulking in the corner of the table. i'm the falling star you caught.

when baekhyun only replies with another dreamy sigh and chanyeol realizes that baekhyun is not paying him any heed, being out of the world, he sticks his bottom lips further out into a pout and crosses his arms, determined to make himself a star, baekhyun's star.

baekhyun curls up beside chanyeol in the end, holding chanyeol tight against his chest because he was simply too small. his knees were brought up and curled tight, eyes closed to block himself from happy memories of kyungsoon. his eyes flutters shut basking in the comfort of the light chanyeol still emits and chanyeol’s little warmth. he drifts off with chanyeol's soft heartbeats against his own and dreams of running wild in the grassy green fields with wind tugging on his hair. his hands interlocked, tighter than ever, with another male, familiar with protruding ears out of tufts of hair and bright smiles.

it's easy to forget them without tryin', with just a pocketful of starlight.

catch a falling star and put in in your pocket, never let it fade away.

the musky smell of impending rain hung in the atmosphere, its unique scent invading baekhyun's senses. baekhyun faces chanyeol, his face bright again. there's going to be a performance showcase tomorrow evening.

excitement and pride was evident in his voice. i'm going to shine so bright, that everyone would want to have me as their child. mommy and daddy will regret leaving me in this orphanage, kyungsoon will be proud of me, and maybe we'll go to the same school and be the best of friends again. there was so much of hope and wish in his voice and chanyeol wants to make all of baekhyun's wishes come true.

so chanyeol opens his mouth, looking into baekhyun's eyes and trying to memorize the constellations he sees in baekhyun's pretty dark orbs for the nth time, grasping each and every details of baekhyun from his lashes and the slight droop of his eyes and his pretty lips and pretty fingers, reminded of the first time baekhyun pouted, the first time baekhyun reached out and caught him, and he loses what he was about to say momentarily, too engrossed in baekhyun's beautiful features. baekhyun blinks in confusion when he notices the little carved star gawking at him. chanyeol then yanks himself out of his thoughts and says, you can make a wish, you know. if you wish upon a fallen star, your wish will come true.

baekhyun's jaw drop slightly and his eyes widen, really? no one has ever told me about that.

against his better instincts, chanyeol nods his head and answers baekhyun, well, now you know.

so does that mean if i make a wish upon you, you will fulfil it? baekhyun tries to get his mind wrapped around the idea of wishes coming true, his smile stretching from ear to ear and almost taking up half of his face. his eyes crinkled into small little slits but chanyeol can still see the happiness overflowing from within.

the voices in his head are telling him to stop.
say no, chanyeol.baekhyun doesn't have to know.
chanyeol, you can still turn back.
remember the reasons why yifan, jongin and yixing fell?
remember how they faded?remember?

but chanyeol brushes the thought away, because all he can remember is how they had enchanted the night when they faded. all he can remember were the smiles of bliss they've left imprinted on their owners. chanyeol wants to do that too. he wants baekhyun to shine and smile because of him, even if he won't be able to stay forever to see it. so chanyeol shushes the voices in his head and he nods, yes, you can make a wish and i'll make it come true.

pinch me. baekhyun says, fingers already on his arms and pinching himself. ouch. he yelps, his face contorting into a small scrunch.

what was that for? chanyeol chuckles at baekhyun's silly actions.

i just, this is like a dream come true, chonyal. baekhyun barely manages to hide his squeals, bouncing on the bed.

so, are you going to make your wish now? chanyeol says, a smile gracing his lips because what could he do? baekhyun's happiness is beautifully infectious.

no, i'll save that wish for tomorrow. baekhyun decides after a little thought.

that night, rivulets of rain slicked down the glossy windows and chanyeol lights up for his supposed last time. baekhyun never liked the chill of the rain and the jolts of lightning and the thick cumulous clouds which blocked the stars. but that night, he basks in a shining chanyeol once again. despite the lack of stars in the night skies, he has one right next to him. baekhyun falls asleep to the soft pitter patter of raindrops against the windows and the drawl of rumbling thunder with a smile on his face. baekhyun never smiled when it rained.

baekhyun takes a deep inhale of the crisp invigorating cool evening air and lets out his breath with a puff of his cheeks. so how do i make a wish, chonyal?

chanyeol sees the butterflies in baekhyun's tummies and he baekhyun's fingers in an attempt to calm him down. you clasp your hands around me like this, he proceeds to cocoon himself in baekhyun's soft fingers, feeling the pad of baekhyun's thumb against his chest. he hopes baekhyun doesn't realize the increase in his heartbeats either. and then you think about your wish hard. don't say it out loud, or they won't come true, you can whisper it to me though.

so baekhyun nods and walks back in to the backstage of their performance stage. joonma rushes up to him with an anxious frown and fusses. where have you been? you're up after sehun in a few minutes, let's fix your makeup.

chanyeol finds himself dropped into baekhyun's pockets and he hears baekhyun following - or getting dragged by - a flurry of footsteps.

when baekhyun takes shaky steps onto the stage, fingers trembling and wobbly around the microphone, he sticks his free hand into his pocket and cocoons chanyeol the way he had been demonstrated to. he closes his eyes and mutters his wish, i wish to shine, bright like chonyal. i wish to be a star …

baekhyun's voice is powerful for his lithe body, the eyeliner sinfully stunning lining his bright, playful eyes. and as he sings, he shines. he glows in the spotlight of the stage, captivating everyone's attention and he basks in the twinkling eyes set upon him. chanyeol watches from within his black coat pocket, resting his chin on the palms of his hands and his head nodding to the beautiful melody and rhythm which baekhyun's voice forms. slowly, slowly, little pieces of chanyeol fade away, slowly, slowly, baekhyun's wish is fulfilled.

when baekhyun skips offstage to a standing ovation and does a little celebratory dance, he expects chanyeol to crawl himself up onto his shoulders and do a little jig along with him too. chanyeol would tug on the strands of his hair for support, as usual, and wiggle in his own little way. and baekhyun would catch their reflections in the mirror under the dim lights and burst into peals of laughter.

but chanyeol doesn't come out of his pocket.

catch a falling star and put it in your pocket, save it for a rainy day.

you're already a star, baekhyunnie. in my eyes, you're the brightest, shiniest, twinkliest star. chonyal hopes you will be happy in your new home and be happy with your new daddy and mommy. and live happily ever after with kyungsoon like the princes and princesses in fairytales. chanyeol adds, you've always shone brighter than me, and everybody, and chonyal hopes you can continue shining. chanyeol wraps his arms around baekhyun, his laughter soft and timbre-like, similar to the very first time. baekhyun doesn't have to squint to see his face twitches now, chanyeol's so much taller than he is. i've always wanted to hug you like that. he mumbles, seemingly at ease and baekhyun fears that he is going to lose chanyeol soon.

chanyeol blinks away the tears of reluctance threatening to pour from his eyes when baekhyun asks, his voice accusing – despite the gratefulness and happiness in the way baekhyun had wrapped his arms around his waist – you didn't tell me you'd go away like kyungsoon did if i made a wish. you promised that you'd be with me, forever.

i'll be right there, chanyeol places a hand on baekhyun's chest, where his heart lay. you'll keep me right there.

when chanyeol fades away and he finds baekhyun becoming wisps too, their hands still interlocked with each other, he blinks in confusion. baekhyunnie, there’s something wrong, you're not supposed to disappear along with me.

but baekhyun smiles in his direction in assurance, nope, everything's right.

… i wish to be with chonyal, forever and ever and ever and ever.

the fields are grassy green, soft moonlight was reflected off the dewdrops on the blades of grass. chanyeol and baekhyun lock eyes for a moment, slowing down in their run, they are panting, chests rising up and down in the same steady rhythm. they fingers interlock tighter together than they had ever been. at that moment, they delve into each other's universes, merging as one. forming a constellations of their very own. everything’s perfect.


- basically if you wish upon a shooting star or continue letting them fall, they'll fade

- if they make another's wish come true, they'll fade also

- and their lifespan is about lighting up for 6 times

- i know it’s kind of confusing so feel free to voice out your doubts

- damn did i just spend hours on a 3,900 words crap

- um thanks for reading haha (and maybe leave a comment?)

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This is so beautiful! How could I not have found it all this while omg.
Chapter 1: This was a beautiful piece. I really enjoyed reading it. ^_^
Chapter 1: It's beautiful. Really. Absolutely.