You and Me, forever



Wah! It's been so long since I last posted here! It's because I've been pre-occupied with a lot of other things. -_- I'm sorry. And I won't be updating BSBAM anymore.. I ran out of ideas for that story. So, here's a new one-shot that I'll be posting. :) I hope you guys enjoy reading this one! :)


PS. The main image isn't mine. :)



He loved you, you loved him. The thing is, neither of you knew. You two were perfect but the timing was not. Because of that, there are a lot of things both of you regret.


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Liked the one shot! :D
Chapter 1: i read it because it's heechul

and heechul is my freaking bias

no regrets! i love this girl TT~TT

though it's short, it's enough to make me cry.

Congrats on the random feature /thumbs up
Chapter 1: I was crying.... So sad....
P/s: I'm crying at public area..becoz I read this story public area..hu3
jsj1024 #4
Chapter 1: Nice story and congrats on being featured!!!
babymichiie #5
Chapter 1: Congrats on being on the random feature.
congrats on the random feature.
congrats on the random feature.
luhans-vaqina #8
congrats on the random feature.
Chapter 1: Whoooo Hooo. It was great ^ ^ I loved it <3