Graduation and Tutor

If I were to leave


The weather wasn’t at its best but that didn’t make Hye Seon waver at her decision to attend her weekend tutor class. As always, she arrived about ten minutes before her teacher, no more no less. From time to time, the Kim brothers would be already seated inside before anyone else. Kim Jonghyun sat in the table right next to Hye Seon’s while Kim Kibum sat beside Do Kyungsoo, a boy that never spoke much. Kim Kibum, Do Kyungsoo and her classmate from elementary by the name of Oh Sehun, stuck together like three peas in a pod. That wasn’t unexpected as they were actually the only guys in the entire class, excluding a quiet but rude boy that always tried to copy everyone’s homework, including Hye Seon’s. He only lasted a year in Hye Seon’s class before repeating the grade while everyone else moved on.

Hye Seon took a seat in her usual spot and opened up her textbook, neatly placing her homework at the top corner of her desk so that the teacher could easily collect it when he came by. Shortly after, the class’s top student, Song Jieun came in. She always acquired a score higher than her, not that Hye Seon resented her in any way. Jieun was much like Hye Seon, smart, thin and quiet. However, it was very easy to tell she was popular or at least well liked for she wore clothes that were more stylish that comfortable, painted her nails; both hands and feet, and seemed to receive a text message every ten minutes for it flashed annoyingly on her table .

“Sehun!” Kibum stood up, the legs of his chair screeching against the ground. The said boy smiled at his friend and walked past Hye Seon to get to his destination. Kyungsoo made his way to class in time to join their conversation, eyeing Hye Seon when he passed by.  The teacher came in a minute after class officially started and greeted the door.

Jonghyun and Hye Seon, being the only respectful ones, returned their greetings while Jieun gave a subtle smile.  The last student rushed in and apologized before seating next to Jonghyun.

Abruptly, when the teacher turned to face the white board, Kibum got up and threw the teacher’s markers on the floor. Hye Seon watched without amusement. For the past year, when she was the new addition to the tutor class and met everyone, she knew Kibum was cheerful and mischievous. He never acted out of line until they moved up a grade and got a new tutor.

The teacher spun around at the noise and caught Kibum quickly running back. “Pick that up.” the teacher said sternly. “No.” He forced down a laugh, the joy showing in his expression. “I’ll get it.” Sehun got up and fetched the markers for the teacher. Slightly more satisfied, the teacher turned around and resumed class once again.

There he goes again.

Hye Seon returned her attention to the three boys behind her. Kibum got up once again and sneaked away the white board eraser. From the right, she could see Jonghyun shocked and annoyed expression at his brother’s actions.

“What the, where’s… Kibum give it back” the teacher turned around and faced him. He smiled until his eyes became slits and threw the eraser at the older, missing him by a couple inches. “Kibum stop throwing things. Go pick it up!” He shouted with frustration. “Not you Sehun.” The teacher stopped the smaller boy and Sehun slowly sat back down.

Unexpectedly, Kyungsoo got up from his seat. “I’ll get it.” He said and walked to the front. It had been a little over a week of Kibum’s outrageous actions and Kyungsoo never attempted to make a move. Everyone including the teacher watched wordlessly as he placed the thrown object back to its original spot before making his way to his seat.

For a second, Hye Seon thought she could see him looking at her when he walked by, just for a very brief second.

Jongin stared at the empty seat beside him and imagined the long haired individual sitting beside him, either looking at the teacher or her notebook as usual. He pulled the collar of his tee up to his nose and snuggled in the fabric before he heaved a sigh.

“Go Hye Seon what are you doing?!” He said out loud. It had been the first time since the start of the year that he had walked to school without her. Usually he would wait a while at the traffic light and Hye Seon would arrive shortly or vise versa.

“Sitting down.” He jumped slightly at the voice and saw the said girl seated beside him like every other day.

“Where were you?” He questioned as soon as Hye Seon got all her necessities out.

“Home. Now I’m at school.” She replied.

“Fine. Why were you late?”

“I’m not late.”

“I didn’t see you this morning! Where were you?! Jongin suddenly shouted. Glares were given from every direction and Hye Seon apologized on his behalf.

“Is something wrong?” She asked

“I was worried because you usually get here before me.”

“I was studying so I slept in.” Hye Seon turned to Jongin before letting her bangs cover her face.

“Get your hair out of your face.” Jongin tried to brush the strands out of the way before she nudged his hand away.

“Stop it. I look ugly today.”

Jongin chuckled and propped his elbow up, resting his head on his hand. “Since when did you care about trivial things like that?” He asked. She stayed silent and continued to stare at her notebook until Jongin crept closer and she could see his cheek peeking out from under her hair. He tucked her bangs behind her ear and looked closely at her face.

“You look great.” Jongin assured her and sat straight up. Hye Seon blinked a few times, trying to process what he said. No one had ever complimented her before, well, maybe a few times, but that was only about her grades and her work. A faint hint of pink painted her cheeks and she tucked the remaining strands securely behind her ear.

Another Saturday… I wonder how Jongin is doing… wait. Jongin? 

Hye Seon turned her attention back to her blank sheet of paper and realized she had taken nothing down. Eight months had flown by in the blink of an eye and their graduation was coming up. All the girls were getting dresses and booking appointments with their hairdresser this time round. Many of them already had a high school in mind and spent most of their time choosing the colour of their dress and where to buy matching accessories. Hye Seon, on the other hand, had yet to decide if she was even going to attend or not.

“What high school are you going to?” Kibum asked the two boys in the back.

“Seoul Arts Academy.” Sehun replied. Kibum has already answered his own question and the two waited patiently for the last boy’s answer.

“I’m not sure yet.” Kyungsoo said quietly.

The bell rang and the teacher happily packed his things, finally free of the devil Kibum’s mischief.

Hye Seon efficiently slid everything into her bag and left the classroom first. She kept her eyes looking straight forward and didn’t notice the surrounding people much. A hand grabbed her wrist when she breezed past a lone figure that sported a messy hairstyle. She stopped in her tracks and was about to twist that hand the wrong, painful way but stopped just in time when she saw Jongin’s smiling face.

“What are you doing here?” She shook his hand off.

“I’m here to pick you up!” He replied. Seeing her puzzled expression, he proceeded to pull her to the opposite exit of the building.

“I found a sudden urge to eat out but I didn’t want to go alone so I decided to drag you along with me. You don’t have a cell phone yet so I came here to pick you up myself.” He explained quickly. “Anyways, what high school are you going to?” Jongin continued without rest.

“I thought you knew already.”

“Just say it again then.” Jongin slung his arm around her shoulder.

“Seoul Arts Academy and get your hands off me.” Hye Seon flicked his hand.

“You-Jongin flicked her shoulder as revenge.

“What was that for?” Hye Seon kept pushing his arm off while Jongin kept slinging his arm back on.

“Fine. A friend should be able to at least do this much.” He shook the school bag off her shoulders and carried it. Giving in, she followed Jongin’s lead to their surprise destination.

Seoul Arts Academy?

A boy who was waiting for his next tutor class witnessed the entire scene. He took a last look at the two before heading into class.

Looks like I’ve found myself a suitable school. Good thing Sehun’s going to that school.

*Present time*

Hye Seon let the evening breeze blow away at her hair. Although there was still a lot of time before dinner, the sky was darkening quickly, mainly due to the storm clouds creeping closer above her head. Nevertheless, Hye Seon walked slowly to make sure every last bit of puffiness had disappeared from her face.

I should thank him for these later. On Saturday I guess. I will never approach him during regular school time. Those good-for-nothings that he hangs out with. Let’s hope he doesn’t turn into one of them

Hye Seon rubbed away the goose bumps that formed at the hideous thought.

Well, now that I’ve said it. I guess Jongin’s a good-for-nothing too. I won’t regret my word.

Hye Seon felt tiny spews of rain splatter on her face.

“Thanks Kyungsoo.” She swung her arms back and forth, the popsicles swaying in the plastic bag.

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I'm back! Although it's summer break I still have loads of plans =_=


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MissMissy222 #1
Chapter 7: I NEED MORE ;-;
it's sooo angsty! I'm crying already ;A;
Chapter 4: Saw ur foreword and description and it straight away drew me in. Now caught up and up to date xD Wow, I already hate Jongin, like Luna, and want to hug Hye Seon. Looking forward to this plot... Have a feeling its gonna become a favourite. Nice writing style and good start! I'll be waiting for an update :D
Love how you designed your foreword. Looking forward to it!