
My Best Friend... I Mean Husband

                I was at Key’s house with him and Taemin, watching as they talked about their relationships.  Even though I didn’t consider myself to be in one, I could relate to them.  When Taemin would talk about how he thinks it’s cute when Minho gets so excited watching soccer, I thought about how cute Jackson looked when he was trying to teach me fencing.  Key’s favorite thing about his relationship with Jonghyun was that are best friends first.  To me, Key is technically my best friend but he is a different kind of best friend.  Key is like family to me, I don’t remember a time when I didn’t have Key in my life.  Jackson was just a random person, we could have ended up hating each other, but to my luck we fit together so well.  I didn’t notice that Key and Taemin had stopped talking and were staring at me while I was off in a daze.

“Effie Moon!  Hello!”  Taemin said while poking my head.

I scoffed, “it’s Effie Wang, technically.”

Key and Taemin started laughing, “Ooooohhhh, it’s Effie WANG now!”  They both cheered in unison.  “Since when did you start calling yourself Effie Wang?”  Key questioned.

“I just figured since it is legally my name, you know…” I explained.

Key came over and sat on my lap and wrapped his arms around me.  “Does my little Effie Moon like her husband?”

I shied away from looking him in the eye, “… no…”

Taemin then walked over and sat on top of both Key and myself before wrapping his arms around us.  “Effie, be honest.  Do you like Jackson?”

“You’re squishing me!”  I coughed out.

“Don’t avoid the question!”  Key yelled.  Both him and Taemin wouldn’t move off my lap and just kept glaring at me.

“Fine… I guess I like him.  But don’t freak out…” I said getting cut off by Taemin and Key pulling me into a group hug.

Just then, Jonghyun had gotten home from work and was confused.  “What are you guys doing?  Are you guys making out without me?”  He joked as he walked over to us all sitting in the same chair.

I pushed Taemin off Key and then Jonghyun pulled Key to give him a welcome-home peck.  “Jong, Effie likes Jackson!”  Key cheered shaking Jonghyun while he pulled him into a hug.  They both looked back at me with a smile on their face.

“Our little girl is growing up Bummie.”  Jonghyun announced.

                The whole drive home all I could think about was how I was going to tell Jackson.  I mean, I didn’t want it to be awkward.  Now that I knew for sure that I had feelings for him, I wanted to tell him.  I don’t know why I was denying it in the first place.  I guess I just liked the way things were so I didn’t want to change or do anything that might damage it.  After hearing my friends talk about their relationships I felt even more compelled to tell Jackson.  The thought of possibly being in a real relationship with the guy I was married to made me happy.  It would make me feel like our marriage wasn’t just a waste.  When I finally reached my house I made my way to Jackson’s office where I knew he’d be.  I opened the door slightly, peeking in to see if he was busy.  I took this time to admire how handsome he truly was.  I blushed to myself at how funny it was that I was checking out my own husband.

“Jackson, are you busy?”  I asked from behind the door.

I heard him close his laptop, “No come in.”  I entered the room and saw him look up at me and smile, “sit down I have to tell you something.”

“Really?”  I looked at him puzzled.  “Because I wanted to tell you something too!”  I felt my heart flutter whenever the thought of confessing to Jackson came up.  I pulled up a chair next to him behind his desk and he rested his head in his hands.  He looked exhausted.

“Okay well I guess I’ll go first…” he said before sitting up again.  “I got an email from my ex-girlfriend.   She said she wants to go out to dinner with me.”

Not to be overdramatic but I swear I could hear my heart snap in half.  “And what did you say?”  I asked trying to sound interested.  In fact, I was far from interested in hearing about him meeting up with his ex.

“I told her we could, I mean if it’s okay with you.”  Jackson looked worried.  Was he worried that I would say no?  Or was he worried about hurting my feelings?

“No, that’s totally fine.  Why wouldn’t I be fine with it?”  I was feeling defensive.

“Maybe because…”

“It’s not like we have feelings for each other anyway, so it’s okay.”  I said cutting Jackson off.  He nodded while I tried so hard not to look upset.

“You’re right.  So what is it you wanted to tell me?”  Jackson looked at me waiting to hear my news

“Oh yeah…” I looked around the room thinking of something to tell him.  There was no way I was telling him about my feelings now.  Not now that I know that he still longs for his ex-girlfriend.  “I just wanted to tell you that… that… I’m going to spend the night at Key’s.”  I got up from my seat.

“Eff!”  Jackson called out for me while I headed up the stairs.  “That’s ALL you wanted to tell me?”  He said looking confused.

“Yeah…”  I turned around and headed for our room.

                On the way to Key’s house, I cried.  I felt so pathetic that I thought that he would actually like me.  Jackson actually proposed to his ex, unlike me.  He actually had loved her before deciding to marry her, unlike me.  How could I expect to be in his heart when there was someone already there taking up the space?  I opened the front door of Key’s house and saw him and Jonghyun sitting on the couch watching TV.  Key stood up when he saw me enter the room.  He had noticed I was crying and held out his arms for me to fall into.  I hugged Key so tight while he my hair.  Jonghyun got me some water and motioned for me to sit down in between him and Key.  When I sat down I was still holding onto Key.

“Will you please tell me what's wrong, Effie” Key said softly.

I looked up at him while he used his thumbs to wipe off my tears.  I told him everything that happened and everything that was going through my mind.  I felt myself talking fast, but I couldn’t help myself.  I needed to vent out my thoughts.  They were clouding my mind and I just wanted them out.  When I was finished talking Key smirked.

“Well you know what this means right?”  He questioned me.  I shrugged, “it means we’re going to go spy on Jackson’s little date.”

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Please bear with me, I'm writing the chapter right now! Sorry, I'm visiting my family so it's hard to find time to write. Hello to new subs n__n


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Chapter 13: Please update soon and please do make a sequel!!!
Chapter 13: Yh!! Sequel please!! I feel so confuse to whether I should be supporting Jackson and Effie or kris and Effie!
Chapter 13: Andwaeeeeeeeeeeee efffiieee you stupid bumbum why you pick kris (no offence i ♡ u kris ;3) grrrrrr ... i really hope they fix this .. cause theyre eachothers lobsters :3 (friends reference ftw) theyre meant for eachother

And YES to the sequel as long as uri jackson has a happy ending in the end :)
Foreverhis #4
Chapter 13: YESSSSS! Sequel please!!!!
C3cilia #5
Chapter 12: Kyah~ i cant wait for them to be together. I feel bad for Kris but i want her for Jackson
Chapter 12: Kyaaaaaaaah the feels ohemgeeeee jackson FINALLY thank you for stepping up and telling effie your feelings *phew* now thats over i really want to see how this will change them ;) cant wait

On a side note omg we have the same bias hoseokieeee :) good taste ;)

Just update whenever you can. Fighting!
Foreverhis #7
Chapter 12: Ohhhh man! These Jackson feeelings are so REAL! >.< AMAZZZZINGGGGG story! <3
beebee3223 #8
Chapter 11: cant wait! i actually felt something when reading this (on those jealousy parts), something that i cam't describe, it's like a tingling sensation and it feels so um um warm? like i love those stuff that are capable of making me feel this, dramas, books and fanfic are the one that so far, has made me feel it.