
Thank You for Everything



Park Chanyeol.


I took of my spectacles and rubbed my dry eyes. I looked to my right, where the mirror was and my eyes were red. I’ve been doing my work in front of the computer screen all day long and I didn’t notice it was getting dark outside.

Some of my colleagues were already packing up their bags to go home. I shook my head and continued typing on my work that needed to be finished today. I spent another thirty minutes to finish my work. When I finally done, I sighed and printed out the papers. I knocked on to my boss’s office’s door and went in.

My boss was waiting for me in his office. He sighed in relief as he saw me. He thanked me for the hard work and sent me off. I went out and packed my things. I went into the elevator and pushed the ‘B1’ button to the car park. I opened the car’s door and sat in the driver’s seat for a while closing my eyes.

I opened my eyes when the phone in my pocket rang. I smiled at the caller’s ID, Min and answered the call.


“Hi! Are you going to the hospital today?” her excited tone lifted up my mood and I grinned. She never fails to make me feel good.

“Yeah. You okay with that?” I asked to make sure she’s not busy treating patients.

“Of course. Hey, I have some work so…call me when you arrive okay?”


She hung up and I put away my phone. I started the engine and drive to the hospital. Min was so busy with her intern life these days. Patients came in and out every day. She had to work until night and her whole body aches from the tiredness.

It has been a few weeks since we last meet. I started to feel shaky and I often thought about how long will our relationship lasts? Does she still like me? I even thought about breaking up with her. I shook my head and drove faster.

I parked my car and went out with my hands crossed. The wind was blowing and it was cold that night. I walked to the main entrance and called Min.



Jung Min.


My phone rang and I already knew who it was. I answered the phone and asked Chanyeol to wait at the main entrance. I placed back my phone in my coat’s pocket and tidied my already-messed-up-hair-since-morning. I glanced at the mirror one last time and went out of the locker room.

From a far, I could see him sitting at the visitor’s seat with his arms crossed. He was wearing his glasses and his hair styled up as usual. He looked more matured than before. His expression was serious as he looked out of the main entrance.

I tiptoed to him to scare him but I was too late. He already noticed me attempting to scare him like always ever since he visits me here.

“You fail, again,” he smirked and hugged me. His warmth filled me and his scent was sweet. I could have just let him hug me longer but I let go when I heard murmurs from everyone who was watching.

“Let’s go outside,” I grabbed his arm and dragged him out of the hospital. We walked around a garden near the hospital where the patients usually spend their time relaxing with nature and breathing in fresh air.

“Don’t just hug me in public. It’s embarrassing,” I hissed at him.

“I thought you were enjoying it just now,” he raised his eyebrows and grinned. The straight line of his teeth was showing. I had always loved his smile. It made me forget about my busy life.

“I missed you,” I said with my voice cracking a little bit. I felt a lump in my throat and my eyes started to tear up. I hoped that the darkness hid my teary eyes.

“Me too,” he said and pulled me into his embrace. I wrapped my arms around him and hugged him tight. We stayed like that for a while.

I looked up to him, “How’s life, Chanyeol?”

He looked down to me and looked up again. He sighed and I felt his breath down to me. His hands still firm on my back, “I have a lot of work these days but it’s normal,” he smiled at me.

“Same goes to me,” I said and we talked about our lives with each other side by side. His arm perfectly wrapped around my shoulders. We laughed at each other’s stories and just like that time passed. I have to go to work again.

My phone rang and it was from the hospital. They needed me. I sighed and looked at Chanyeol. He was smiling but I knew that in his eyes he felt sad and so did I.

“I’m sorry. I promise I’ll call you,” I held his hand tightly and smiled reassuring him.



Park Chanyeol.


The alarm on my phone rang and I flinched. I groaned and my hand roamed around the bed searching for my phone. I grabbed it and placed it near my face. My eyes twitched by the bright screen. I quickly turned off the alarm and buried my face in my pillow.

I wanted to continue sleeping but I could not.

I just got back from Japan yesterday for a meeting and I was too tired to wake up. I’ve been staying up all night to do my company’s new project.

I sighed and slowly brought myself up. I stood on my feet and dragged myself to the bathroom. I got ready with my shirt and slacks on. I tied my necktie in front of the mirror and looked at myself. My eye bags were showing.

“Ugh this. I’m leaving,” I put on my spectacles and took my bag. A message was send to me as I went into the elevator. I pulled out my phone from my bag and read the message.

‘I have good news for you’ – Boss

I typed, ‘What is it?’

‘I’ll tell you at the office. See you there’ – Boss

I shrugged and arrived at the car park. I went into the car and drove off to my office. There was no sign of excitement in me when I read the message. The company would probably send me off to meeting again I guess.

And I was wrong.

But I was right about the company sending me off.

They were sending me out to Jeju-do, my hometown and I was going to work there permanently, leaving Seoul.

Leaving Min.

I stared at the notice letter for the leave. It’s a good opportunity for me to experience new things but do I want to leave Seoul? Leave Min?

I decided to ask to my closest colleagues, Byun Baekhyun and Kim Jongin.

“Your relationship is hanging. Does she call you these days? No. Do you know what she’s doing right now? No but of course, she’s treating patients but you won’t know. Have you ever thought that she might like someone else by this time?” Baekhyun sipped his coffee, “I think you two should break up,”

I looked at Jongin, waiting to hear his opinion.

“I don’t know much about relationships but I can trust Baekhyun on this. He went out with a lot of girls so—“

Baekhyun smacked Jongin’s head, “Shut up,”


I went home earlier than usual today. My boss didn’t give me any work for the whole day because I was going to leave anyway. Why bother right?

I changed to my comfortable clothes and lied on the sofa in my living room. I glanced around the apartment I’ve been living for 2 years. I loved it here and now I have to leave. I sighed and closed my eyes.

I’ll be moving out in a week. I have to go. I’m going to break up with her.


It was my last day working in my old office. We had a small party in the office. They said goodbyes to me and I was going to break up with Min. She had a day-off that day and I decided to take her out for the last time.

I dressed up like I usually did when I was in high school. I put on my favorite sweatshirt and a pair of jeans. I wore my glasses and shoes. I promised to pick her up at her house at seven. I went into the car hoping that this would go well.



Jung Min.


“You almost killed the patient, Min,” Prof. Lee said sternly.

She called me to her office because I made a mistake treating a patient. I was dozing off during the treatment and luckily the patient survived. I was too tired especially that week because I have many night duties to be done.

Prof. Lee scolded me for an hour. I went out after that, I cried as soon as I stepped out of her office. The burden is killing me. My every day is a tiring day. I had severe headaches and nose bleeds. It’s that bad but I was not going to be down that day because I had a date that night with Chanyeol. He had something to say to me.

I went home and prettied myself up. I wore a light pink blouse with a skirt. I applied some makeup and wore my shoes. He promised me to pick me up today so I waited. I went out as soon as I heard the honk.

Chanyeol was wearing his casual clothes and it felt just like the old days. I missed the old days where we fool around in class, not doing homeworks, prank people and I don’t know, just love each other.

He brought me to our favorite restaurant of all time and talked about everything. He walked with me hand in hand at the park we always went to. More talks and hugs. That night I felt great and relieved not until the end of our date.

We went back into the car to go home. I sat beside him and my body ached. I felt so tired and my eyelids were heavy. I tried hard not to sleep because I wanted to spend that short and precious time with him.

“You can sleep, Min-ah,” Chanyeol glanced at me and back to the road in front.

I shook my head, “Nah, I’m fine,”

Not long after that, I dozed off.

I woke up and stretched out my hands. My eyes twitched and glanced at my side. Chanyeol was sitting there, staring blankly in front. He noticed me and smiled.

“Did you sleep well?”

I grunted, “What time is it?”

“It’s already midnight. We’re in front of your house,”

I slung my bag to my shoulder, “Should get going then. My mom will nag me—Oh wait… Didn’t you have something to say to me?”

Chanyeol’s eyes changed from the soft and warm eyes to hard and cold eyes. I didn’t feel good about it.



Park Chanyeol.


I looked away from her. I couldn’t do it if I look at her so I looked to the front. I took a deep breath and let it out.

“I’m going to be really straightforward so don’t be shocked or anything,” I said as I glanced at her who was looking at me with a serious expression.

“Let’s break up,” I said it quickly and stupidly hoping that she wouldn’t hear that. I looked back at her. She was not saying anything and that meant she heard it. I felt terrible and sorry for her. For us. Neither of us is talking.

“I’m sorry,” This time I said it while staring into her eyes. She sighed and smiled bitterly. She looked down to her bag and her fingers twitching.

“I don’t think we can work this out. You are too busy with your work and so do I. My company is sending me to my hometown to work there permanently. If we do continue this, I don’t think it’ll last long,”

She smiled, “I know. I knew this day would come but, Jeju-do—”

“Please… leave,” I said sternly though I already felt like crying and torn apart.


“Min-ah,” I looked directly into her eyes, “It’s over now,”

She stared at me for a moment and looked away, “I have something to give you but can you please wait for a bit?”

I sighed, “Okay,”

“Thanks,” she went out and went to her house’s compound, pulling out something from her bag. She took out a pen and scribbled on the piece of paper. After that, she went back and knocked my window, asking me to come out. I came out and she handed me a letter.

“I almost forgot to give you this. Today- I mean yesterday was Valentine’s Day. I didn’t have time to make you chocolates so I just write the letter,”

I didn’t remember that it was Valentine’s Day.

I looked at her and felt my eyes tearing up. Her eyes fixed on the letter in my hands. I shook my head and blinked my eyes to prevent myself from crying.

“I’ll read it later. Thank you,” I said and turned back to my car. My hands were on the door to open it but stopped. I wanted to hug her for the last time. I turned around and she was still there looking at me while smiling. I approached her and wrapped my arms around her small figure.

“Thank you for not being sad,” I said in a muffled voice.

I felt her hands patting my back, not saying anything. I couldn’t held in my tears and I just let it out. We hugged for a long time saying sorry to each other. I let go and she was still smiling.

“You go in first,” I said.

“Okay,” she smiled and gripped the sling of her bag. She walked away and turned her head to look at me one last time and she went in. The cold breeze rushed through me and I just stood there, feeling empty.

I sighed and went into the car. I stared at the letter before opening it. It was a light pink envelope. I opened it and I smelled her scent just by the letter. I unfolded it and it wrote;


Dear Park Chanyeol ( omg this is so cheesy im sorry),

           So it’s currently midnight and here I am writing you a letter for Valentine’s Day. You should thank me for this. So anyways, Happy Valentine’s Day to my one and only boyfriend/bestfriend/nerd, Park Chanyeol! Woohoo!

           Sorry that I couldm’t make you chocolates this year cus Im too tired. I hope you understand and Im sorry once again.

            We’ve met in high school and how many years has it been? Almost ten years right? Remember when we first met? Gosh you were just a little boy at that time and now you’ve grown into a well man while I just stopped growing. You are always teasing my height and imma gonna kill you soon. Ok that was a joke.

            Who would’ve knew that you would like me? I remember you confessed to me in our second year of high school and I rejected you. You confessed again and again and I would just reject you. You didn’t give up on me and treated me like a friend. And that was when I started to have feelings for you.

             I love how you never give up. I love how you dress though you look like a nerd. I love how you always complain about your bed hair. I love how you always persuade me to not do homework. I love you how you treat me like a best friend. I love how you study in class though you slept most of the time. I love how you play your guitar(I miss it so muchhhhh) and I love you and will always do no matter what happen.

            I’m sorry if I have ever make you feel sad or annoyed or angry or upset or all of them. You know I didn’t mean it right? I promise I’ll do my best from this time on and forever. I love you, Park Chanyeol.



                                                                                                                                                                                 Jung Min.

                                Thank you for everything, Chanyeol. I love you.



Jung Min.

I closed the door behind me and put my bag on my study table. I stared at the piles of medical books on the table and sighed. Was it wrong to choose this path?

I threw myself on the bed and stared at the ceiling. Empty. It felt like I’ve lost something. I don’t know how to live my life after this. Chanyeol was one of my biggest source of happiness. His smile cheered me up. His laughter lifted my mood up. His warm hugs comforted me. His love is just everything.

I’ve never imagined liking anyone else than him.

I would be okay, a little bit, if he just stay here in Seoul. But he was going back to his hometown Jeju-do and how could I meet him? It’s too far and I’m too busy.

I curled into a ball and cried. I felt too stressed and frustrated. I couldn’t held it in anymore. I felt like a failure. I felt sorry for him. I regretted everything. I wanted to spend more time with him if I could. I wanted to turn back time and just stay in his warm embrace. I cried more.

I was having a flashback of him during the first day of high school until tonight. I missed him so much. I just miss everything about him. I didn’t want to lose him. I felt helpless. I couldn’t do anything. I’m  just stupid. I cursed at myself and broke into tears again.

I calmed down and washed my face. I went back to the bed to go to sleep. I thought of him again. If we are meant to be, it’ll work out. It’ll find its own way somehow. I believed in it. I believed that we will meet and love each other again.




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4everhite #1
Chapter 1: But I want a a sequel :(