

The sound of a car crashing another car really deafening. The shock that came after is more than the accident itself.

The white car that ignored the traffic light smashing the right side of the black car that was crossing the intersection. Both cars got pushed meters away from the crashing spot. The white car stopped in the middle of the road while the black one landed on the pedestrian.

The driver on the black car somehow survived and only got injured on his arms from the shattered glasses, but the passanger that sit on the side that got crashed was unconcious. The other passanger's arms wraped around the faint one. He was trying to pulled the other on his arm when he saw the white car about to crash their car, but due to the crash and shock, the one he was trying to save fainted.

The police that was around the scene runs to them. He pulled out the driver first and then with the help of the driver, they tried to pulled out the passanger. The man still holding the other tightly. When they are out of the car, he lay the faint man on the ground, squat and supporting his head with his tigh. Slowly the faint man open his eyes but as he regain his conciousness, the pain begin to strike him. He grasp onto the other arm and shirt, anything he can reach. He closes his eyes to suppress the pain but it's not working. His hands shaking. Tears roll down his face.

"Shhh you will be alright...I'm here....the help will come soon" He tried to soothe the crying man. He knows that the other must be in terrible pain right now. Even though he managed to pulled him, but the crash too close to that man.

"Are you alright sir?" The officer asked him

"Hospital. I need to take him to the hospital now!" He shout at the officer.

"The ambulance is on the way sir"

"Why do I have to wait for the ambulance? He can't wait! He's in pain!"

"Master Bang...We need the ambulance, we can't take him right away, it's not safe for him" The driver called him to calm him down

"But He ..." the guy that called as Master Bang stoped as he felt the other squeezed his hands tightly, then he realized that he doesn't know how bad this guy injured.

"Hold on Himchan, they will come, really soon. Please hold on. Stay with me" He gently squeezed the hand.


After a while that felt like forever for Bang, the ambulance arrived. The paramedic jumped to rescue the man, named Himchan, according to what Bang called him.

Then Himchan is taken to the ambulance. "You need to come with us too, sir. You're bleeding" the paramedic hold Bang's hand and walk to the ambulance with him, even though without the paramedic told him, he will follow Himchan wherever they take him.

Inside the ambulance, Himchan whimpers and trying to find Bang. " hurts..." he said faintly. Bang comes closer and holds his hand. "Don't worry, we will arrive to the hospital soon, very soon, and they will help you with the pain. Please stay with me, Channie"

Lucky the hospital is near. They take both men to the Emergency Room. Without letting go Himchan's hand, he walk inside the ER but then a nurse stop him.

"Sir, you need to get some treatment too. Please follow me"

He doesn't want to let go off Himchan's hand but the nurse keep on saying "The doctor will take care of him, sir. Please follow me" and she dragged him to the bed near Himchan's, only separated by curtain.

He can hear Himchan whimpers and calling out his name. His nick name to be exact.

"Don't worry Channie, you will be alright, it's alright, they will help you. You're so strong, Channie. Please stay strong for a while. You will be alright, I'm here with you, don't worry" He tried to comfort him with his words since he can't see the other.

The nurse treated his wound, cleans the blood and shattered glasses on his hands, and some on his back. "Is there anywhere that hurt, sir?" the nurse asked but Bang cannot feel anything right now. He just worried about Himchan. "I'm fine" He answered and step down from the bed.

The officer comes to him with his driver. "Are you alright sir?" Bang nods and looking at his driver. "I'm alright sir, just some minor wounds, will heal soon" the driver smiled at him and Bang gave him soft eyes since he can't smile right now. He can't smile while Himchan still hurting.

The officer guide him to sit when a male comes to him with some papers. "I'm sorry, but we need the information about the patient that got the car accident. He need a surgery. Are you his family?"

Bang just staring at him, trying to understand what he was saying since his mind is still with Himchan.

"Sir?" the male staff asked him.


"Please fill this form"

Again Bang just staring at the form, but this time he did it because he just realized, he knows nothing about Himchan other than his name. So he fills the name with Kim Himchan but the other, like address, was his.

He gave the form to the administration. "Sir, what is Mr Kim Himchan's blood type" again Bang's face went blank. He shakes his head. He doesn't know.

He knows nothing about Himchan even though he's been there with him for years. He only knows that the man named Kim Himchan and he lived near his house. But for all this time, he never bothered to know where is the exact place, or even the simple thing like when was his birthday.

He watch Himchan's being dragged to the other room. Bang, his driver and the officer follows him, untill Bang got stoped by the nurse. "Please wait outside, sir. We will do our best"


Before he can say anything more, the door closed. Operation Theater , he read the words. The driver guide him to sit, and he just move without thinking. He sit and staring at the door as if he can see what happen inside.

When his eyes give up, he closes his eyes and start to think.


He knows Himchan for years. He forgot when was the first time. But he remembers that day, Kim Himchan walked into his office room at home, smiling brightly, introducing himself.

"Mr Bang, My name is Kim Himchan and I will be your assistant from today" he bows.

Bang just nods and puts stack of papers on his table. "This is your first job. sort them all" that's all he said. Bang didnt even know who interviewed this guy but as long as he have assistant, he doesn't mind. Yoo Youngjae, his last assistant, resigned after he decided to get married with his lover. Bang disappointed, because Youngjae was brilliant. He can do anything without Bang tell him what to do, and he, as long as Bang remember, never made a mistake. Bang offered to rise his salary for him to stay but he refused by saying that after he get married, he will live peacfully at his lovers hometown. Maybe farming or something like that. Bang scoffed at his answer. He can have anything here but then he choose to be a farmer. Love is just a stupid idea for Bang that time. Maybe untill now.

Himchan also a good assistant. He did almost as perfect as Youngjae. But one thing that makes him different. Himchan loves to talk. He talk to everyone on that house. From the gardener, driver, chef, butler, even to his Boss.

Yeah, Kim Himchan is really something. He can make the scary boss laugh. People said Bang is scary. He always work. Never go out. Work at his house, not to the real office. It was not long after he came. Work time is over, but he stay there since Bang was still there.

"Mr Bang. Are you always working until late night?" He tilt his head, eyeing his boss who's still reading papers. Bang just nods without even looking at him.

"Aish that's boring" Bang frowns at his words. Working isn't boring. It's something he have to do to keep his family company alive. That's what his dad told him since he's young.

"Mr Bang, you've got so many party invitation. Have you ever come to any of that party?" again Himchan asking him weird question for Bang.

"No. I had my assistant go there as my replacement" He said, eyes still on the papers.

"So, you will tell me to go to one of those party?"

"All of them if that's important event"

"If it's really important, Mr Bang, you should've come"

"Why is that so?" He said in boring tone since he think party is just wasting time.

"Say, Mr Bang. If you held a party here, and you invited every single person you know. Who would you expect to come. The person that you know or their replacement?"

Now Bang staring at Himchan. "I'd love to have them in person, but if they're busy then it's alright if the replacement come, because i know how it feels to be busy"

"Aish. You're so weird, Mr Bang. And you old are you?" Himchan frowns in funny way that makes Bang smiles a little.

"I'm 29 Himchan. And if you have nothing left to do, you know that you can go home"

"You're 29 and never been into any party. While I'm Kim Himchan, also 29, knows very well how to enjoy the party. That's why you're a succesfull businessman right now" Himchan pouted his lips "Oh...and I'd love to stay here, cos I'm alone at home. Don't worry Mr Bang, I live near by"

Bang let out a sigh and then give up on his papers. Now he's staring at Himchan who seems to be never stop talking.

"And you're the star of the party, I guess?" Bang asked, judging at Himchan's look. His face, his fashion style, his hair. Everything about him just perfect.

"Well, you can say that"  He winked to his boss, making Bang's eyes widen. Did he just wink at me? then Bang frowns. Next thing he knows, they talk about anything untill he's tired. Himchan leads the conversation and always find a good question to be asked so their conversation keep on going.

"You can go home now, Himchan cos I will soon go to bed" Bang said while clears his desk from papers.

"Alright. See you tomorrow, Mr Bang"

And that's how he begin to talk with Himchan about something outside the work.

And after a year, Himchan getting bolder.

"Say, Mr Bang. It's over work time, and I'm not your worker right now, and we're the same age. It feels weird for me to call you Mr Bang all the time"

Bang just let out a sigh, knowing his assistant loves to give some weird idea after work time. "So, what do you want to call me? Hyung?"

Himchan just laughing. "Come one, Mr Bang, we're just few months apart.Can I just call your name?"

"You mean you want to call me Bang Yongguk? Isn't hyung more simple?"

"Aish this man. I won't call you hyung. Yongguk. Is that okay?" Himchan asked with his face that Bang can never resist. "Fine. Call me Yongguk"

"Yay. Yongguk. Guk. Gukkie~"

Yongguk frowns. "What was that?"

"It just sound cute. Gukkie~ " Himchan giggled. Yongguk knows that nothing he said can stop Himchan from calling him that way, so he just let him.

Years after, he came to one or two party, after Himchan annoyed him for the rest of the day. People said Yongguk has changed. He smiled alot while talking to Himchan. He's more sociable now, proven by the party invitation increased after he attend a party.

And he always let Himchan choose the party he will attend.

Himchan gives him new life. Now he can spend more time resting, not working his brain 24/7. Himchan show him that he can do better if he rest enough. Himchan really help him managing his life.

And what did he know about the other? nothing. He let Himchan asked anything about him but he never bother to asked the same question to the other. maybe he think that Himchan will tell him someday. But no, he never tell Yongguk anything.

And he regrets it now.


The door suddenly open and without thinking Yongguk stand up and reach the doctor. "How was he?"

Doctor pats his shoulder. Yongguk heart dropped, thinking that something bad happen. But the doctors words let him breath.

"We tried our best, he lost a lot of bloods inside, his head was injured, his leg was fractured, but we managed to save him. Now it's up to his will to wake up"

The doctor squeezed his shoulder and gave him a smile. Yongguk let out a relieved sigh.

"When can I see him?" He asked

"When he's transfered to his room. Mr Bang, I'll take my leave now"

"Thank you doctor. Thank you" Yongguk bows and the doctor leave.

"It's a relieved to hear that, Sir. I'm sorry for disturbing you, but we need to ask some questions about the accident, can we have your time?"

Yongguk just nods. As long as Himchan's safe, he will do anything he asked for.



Yongguk came back to the hospital after giving his statement to the police officer. He walk to supposedly Himchan's room. He felt his heart beats faster. Guilt all over his head. Not because of the crash, but because he knows nothing about him. And he claimed Himchan as his best assistant to everyone. The fact is, Himchan is his best assitant but Bang Yongguk is a terrible boss that knows nothing about his assistant. He never bother to take a look at Himchan's cv on his file.

Slowly he opens the door and saw the male still sleeping.

He steps closer and watching the sleeping beauty in front of him. His perfect face look pale. His broken leg was wrapped and Yongguk feels the pain inside his heart. He missed the bright Himchan who always greet him, comes to him, talk to him and assure him that everything will be alright when something happen.

He sit beside his bed, reach his hand and wraps him on his own. He realized now, that this person, the one that sleeping right now, is the most important part of him. Himchan with his own way turns to be part of Yongguk's life without him knowing. Yongguk is depended on Himchan now. Yongguk needs Himchan on his life, more than just a boss that need an assistant.


The next day Kim Himchan still sleeping. Doctor said he will be alright, and he supposed to awake anytime soon, so Bang Yongguk never once leave his place.

"Don't sleep too long, Kim Himchan. Doctor said you'll be alright. Wake up when you had enough sleep. I'm here,so don't worry. You won't be alone when you wake up. So please, don't sleep too long. I have so many questions for you. You don't even let me know about yourself if I don't ask you. Gukkie will wait for you, Channie, cos you're so important to me" Yongguk said to the sleeping man, smiling as he caress his hair, believes that Himchan can hear him somehow.

And then, the sleeping beauty's eyes slowly opens.


Yup. That's the end.

Thanks for reading this story~

I finally decided to give the role to BangHim as I write this story here.


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Chapter 2: I try to open the story but it said the story only open for those who got an invitation from the author...
chanchanxx #2
Chapter 1: I was scrolling through the banghim tag and found this again... and I was wondering why I wasn't subscribed to it? Lol
Chapter 1: AH THE END! When he opens his eyes was the perfect moment to finish the story, but I also want a sequel! I want to see how Yongguk starts to know Himchan :')

Nice story author-nim!!
Chapter 1: Gaaahhh that's the best cliff hangover (?) ever ;A; like it left unfinished but finished at the same time... uuhh sequel pwease~
chanchanxx #5
Chapter 1: Crieeeessss :')