

"Umma, look. That woman is cheating on her husband."

The woman before you turned her head sharply, lifting her sunhat to get a better look. “Where?”

You nodded your head towards the middle aged lady a few feet ahead. “She keeps flirting with the tour guide. Look,” you pointed at a man tripping over himself in the middle of the crowd, “She’s letting her husband fall behind.”

You mother stood on her toes, eying them curiously, a hum of speculation vibrating through her lips. Suddenly, she frowned, shaking her head furiously. “______-ah, stop. Don’t spy on people.”

You frowned, watching as the woman leaned closer towards the young guide. “I told you, it’s not spying. If they turned around, they’d see me looking. I’m not hiding.”

Your mother fiddled with the buttons on her camera, “And I keep telling you, if everyone thought that way, the world would be a scary place.”

You breathed a laugh, pulling the sleeves of your thin cardigan over your hands, wrapping your arms over your chest. “Whatever.”

”_______-ah,” your mother whined, “Why are you being like this? Why don’t you ignore the people and enjoy the scenery? I thought you loved coming to Jeju. Hiking used to be your favorite.”

"I did. And I still do!" you huffed a sigh, looking up at the sun, gleaming through the myriad of leaves. "It’s just we do this every year.”

"Nonsense. We only come here every now and then. And besides, the trail is always different."

"No it’s not, Umma. You just think so because you always forget." You ran your eyes over the group before you, taking in the cheap floral shirts and caps, the sweating skin and tan lines. You let out another sigh. "The only thing that changes is the people."

"Yah!" your mother slapped you lightly on the head, "What do you think, your Umma is growing senile? Aish!"

She shook her head, messing with the notches in the camera once more. “Just give it time. We’re about to reach the first temple. You’ll enjoy yourself there.”

You nodded evasively, your eyes wandering over the all too familiar stone statues and ruins lining the dirt road of the trail. You walked slowly, dragging your feet against the floor. Your mother didn’t seem to notice your change of pace and continued with the crowd, completely immersed in the recitations of the tour guide. The group hiked forward, leaving you behind in their excitement. You didn’t mind, of course. The path was clear and easy to follow, and you’d hiked it every year since you were ten. You’d have been damned if you couldn’t figure your way to the temple on your own.

You tread onwards tiredly, occasionally unwrapping a granola bar from the canvas bag your mother forced you to lug throughout the trip. The road was silent, apart from the ambiance of the forest. You looked up at the sky, painted a perfect light blue, not a cloud in sight. You breathed in, relishing the fresh air, when a rustling caught your ear. Your eyes shot open, turning left and right in search of it’s origin. The path lay empty, not a stone out of place. A cricket chirped nearby as if to laugh at your cowardice. You sighed, brushing it off. It was likely just a squirrel, you convinced yourself, continuing down the path lazily.

A moment later, the sound returned, closer this time, and much louder. You gripped the drawstring of your bag, searching the vicinity anxiously. Again, nothing was found. Not a deer, not a fox, not even a squirrel in sight. You ran a hand through your hair, turning back to the road warily. Just as you took a step forward, you caught something in the corner of your eye. There, just between two stone statues, was a path. You approached cautiously, sneaking past the sculptures. The path seemed unmarked, and unfinished, consisting only of a narrow lane of flattened grass. Was it perhaps an abandoned section of the tour?  As you drew closer, you realized it had been formed by a creature. Your eyes widened in wonder as you bent down to observe the tread marks. The path was certainly not intended to be here. What could have created such a distinct trail? You searched around the area for footprints, coming up with nothing. You pulled yourself back up, folding your arms over chest as you glanced between the hiking road and the new found trail. You bit your lip indecisively. Should you go forward, or abandon the mysterious path? The tour group would have arrived at the temple by now. You thought of your mother, most likely searching for you. Surely, you were in for a scolding once you returned to her side. You glanced at the dirt road once more, before squeezing your way into the forest. If you were to be in trouble either way, there was no reason not to stall a bit longer.

You walked cautiously, hopping over stray vines, pushing branches and leaves out of your way as you delved further into the depths of the forest. What was simply ambiance before now sounded to you like actual life. Wild life. The chirps of insects, the hoots of owls, the rustling and pattering of squirrels and badgers created a melody beyond anything you’d ever heard. Your heart pounded with excitement as you eagerly continued forward to your unknown destination. You were unsure of how far you’d traveled into the woods, when a gleam of sunlight illuminated the leaves before you. Through the bright green, as if like a shadow, you caught sight of a silhouette ahead. You slowed your step, your heart catching in your throat, approaching the sunlight carefully. As you pushed away the obstructing plants, you found yourself in a small clearing. You dropped your bag to the floor, staring around in awe. You felt your stomach drop as your eyes fell upon the silhouette, now clearly visible  by the light. There, standing idly by the river, was a young man, clad in a black sweater and jeans. Your skin grew cold as the realization sunk in. Of course. What else could it have been? There were no animals on the island large enough to create such a path. And the rustling, well, it couldn’t have been anything but a squirrel after all. You frowned, watching the boy’s back as he looked left and right, confusion in his every movement.

"Excuse me?"

The boy jumped, turning sharply to face you. You folded your arms once more, approaching him. “Are you lost?”

He took a moment to process your words before shaking his head vigorously. “Oh, no no. I’m okay, really.”

"Were you with the tour group? ‘Cause they’re probably at the temples by now."

He shook his head once more, looking around, puzzled. “No, I was… with…my group….but…”

He sighed, throwing his head back in frustration.

"But you got lost?"

He shook his head again, attempting to convince you otherwise. You spoke up, interrupting him, “I can take you back, if you want. The road’s not too far, I don’t think.”

He flashed you a smile, bowing nervously. “Thank you, but it’s okay, really. I’ll be fine.”

"Are you sure?"

He nodded, running a hand through his hair. You shrugged. “Okay. Suit yourself.”

The boy smiled once more as you turned back to the trail. Before you could take a step, a loud rustling surrounded the clearing. Your eyes wandered through the collection of trees, convinced by now that a squirrel could not have made such a loud noise. Suddenly, a thump sounded just before you.

You turned sharply towards the opening of the trail, your heart freezing as a large speckled lynx crawled towards the both of you. Your eyes widened in shock, your feet inching back slowly. The feline drew closer, a deep guttural growl emitting from its throat. Your skin grew cold, your legs shaking as you continued backwards. You couldn’t hear the boy behind you. Of course, you thought to yourself. He’s left me to here to die.

You closed your eyes, preparing for the oncoming slaughter, when a loud ringing chimed through the air. You opened your eyes, turning towards the canvas bag on the floor. You felt an arm wrap around your waist. The young man took your hand and pulled you behind him as the creature turned, ambushing the bag.

"No!" you shouted, reaching an arm out as you chased after it.

The cat took the drawstrings in its teeth and ran off.

"My phone!!!" you screamed, searching the trees for any sign of the lynx.

"Are you okay?" the boy asked, approaching you.

"It took my phone! My water, my food, my map" you clenched at your hair, groaning. "Umma’s going to kill me."

The boy put a hand on your shoulder, “It’s okay. You’ll be fine.”

You looked up at him, smiling at you as if nothing had happened. His hand ran up and down your shoulder reassuringly, soothing your tense muscles. You took a deep breath, composing yourself. “You’re right. We should just find the road, before it comes back.”

The boy nodded, dropping his hand to his side. You turned to him. “Are you coming with me?”

He shrugged, scratching the back of his head. “I guess… I could use a little help…”

You nodded, making your way to the trail. “The road’s right through here.”

The boy caught up with you, following close behind as you trekked through the forest, keeping your eye on the floor so as not to lose track of the trail. You wandered for what felt like hours, turning this way and that, glancing around to see if anything seemed somewhat familiar. The young man kept close behind.

"Uhm," he stuttered, after a good two hours had passed, "Are you lost?"

You stopped in your tracks, looking around at the floor desperately for the trail. “I don’t know.”

You turned back to face him, your eyes clouded with worry. “The path led right to the road. I took it to get to the clearing.”

You searched the soil again, to no avail. “I can’t figure out which way it’s going. What happened?”

He leaned over you, inspecting the floor. “Maybe that cat came this way and broke the trail?”

You felt your throat tighten, your breathing growing shallower as anxiety overtook you. “What should we do? How are we gonna find the way back now?”

The young man put his hand on your shoulder once more, the warmth of his skin relaxing your nerves. “It’s okay. We’ll just keep walking straight. We have to find the road eventually.”

You nodded as he slipped his hand into yours, leading you through the forest. You flinched at first, unused to the warmth of another’s hand, but quickly calmed down, tightening your hold on him to avoid being left behind.

"What’s your name?"

You glanced up at him. “_______.”

”___________-ssi?” he turned to you, “That’s very pretty.”

You looked away, observing the trees as you mumbled, “Thanks.”

He smiled, turning back towards the trail. “My name is Junmyun.”

You hummed in understanding. “What are you doing here, Junmyun?”

"In Jeju?" he looked up at the sky, "I’m on vacation. Isn’t that why you’re here?"

"But you said you were with a group. Don’t people usually come here with their family? Or their girlfriends?"

He chuckled nervously, “Ah, yes, they do. But the group that I’m with, they’re like my family.”

"How is that?" You quickened your step in order to walk by his side.

He shrugged, glancing down at you. “I live with them.”

Your mouth curved in a circle, “Oh. They’re your roommates? How many are there?”

He nodded, flashing another pearly white smile in your direction. “There’s six of us, including myself.”

"Six?!" your eyes widened, "How do you keep up with each other?"

He shrugged, “It’s busy but we get along well. They’re very close to me.”

"Are you the oldest?"

He nodded in affirmation. You hummed in understanding, “It must be a lot of work, taking care of so many people. They look up to you, don’t they?”

The young man chuckled uncertainly, “I guess. There’s a little bit more responsibility, being older. But I don’t really mind.”

You looked at the floor, then back at him, “How did you get lost then?”

He flushed, laughing nervously as he avoided your gaze. “That… I was looking for someone.”

"There’s another person lost in here?"

"Ani, ani," he shook his hand earnestly, "I found them, but we got separated going back."

You nodded slowly, a grin forming on your lips as you laughed. “This happens a lot, doesn’t it?”

He knit his brows together, “You can tell?”

You bit your lip, suppressing your laughter. He mirrored your grin, looking to the floor in embarrassment.

"It’s ok," you reassured him, "It’s still very kind of you."

 He smiled, murmuring a small  thank you beneath his breath, his fingers interlacing with your own, unconsciously. You glanced down, a tinge of red coloring the apples of your cheeks as his thumb rubbed against your skin. You felt your skin tingle at his touch.

"What about you?" he asked, meeting your eye. "Are you here with… a boyfriend?"

You shook your head quickly, the flush in your cheeks deepening. “No! No- I’m here with my mother.”

He nodded, his lips itching at the corners with another grin. “Did you get separated from her?”

"No," you took a deep breath, your eyes wandering over the vines, "We were with the tour group and she went ahead. I was following behind, but I found that trail, and-"

You curled your lips inwards as you shrugged, “I don’t know. I followed it and ended up at the clearing.”

He remained silent for a moment, observing your features as your eyes shifted from the trees to the sky, your chest rising and falling steadily with each breath you took. He felt a sense of serenity ease his nerves as he watched you. He smiled silently to himself. It was nice, this feeling of placidity you seemed to inspire within him.

"Why did you follow it?"

You looked up at him, caught off guard by the intense curiosity smouldering within his burgundy eyes. You stuttered to answer, “I-I don’t know.”

You cleared your throat, pursing your lips, “My Umma and I come here every year to do this hike. I just thought there’d be something- different there. Something new.”

You looked away, your body burning up as you felt his eyes still on you. “And I found you.”

"Oh" he mumbled, looking down at the floor, a small smile stretching across his lips. He breathed a nervous laugh, ruffling his hair.

You tilted your head, searching for his gaze. “What is it?” your cheeks burning, “What’s so funny?”

"Nothing!!" He shook his head earnestly, "It’s nothing."

"Then why are you laughing?"

"I’m not. I was just thinking of something." he curled his lip inwards, fighting back another smile, "A story I read."

"What story?"

"About the thread of life."

You furrowed your brow. “What is that?”

He looked up at the sky, covering his eyes from the gleaming light of the sun shining through the leaves. “There was an old legend, long ago, that said there is a thread that represents each person’s life, and the gods use the thread to determine their fate. In the story, each thread was woven into a giant tapestry, and each string that intersected was one life connecting with another. Every thread that intersected another was placed there by the gods, specifically with the Great Design of the World in mind. So everyone you’re ever meant to meet is going to meet you no matter what, when you reach their connection in the tapestry.”

He glanced at you, his cheeks tinted almost as red as yours. “Don’t you think our threads intersected when you decided to go into the forest?”

You remained silent, your face turning crimson as the words sunk in, like a melody. You felt your heart thumping erratically in your chest as he turned to you, the palpitations so loud, you could have sworn the birds flying overhead must have heard it as well. You looked away, avoiding his gaze, as you searched the vast amount of trees surrounding the both of you. Junmyun turned away as well, his eyes wandering across every inch of the forest as his face burned with another blush.

"Hey!" you called out, your voice slightly shaking from embarrassment, "What is that?"

You pointed ahead, targeting the small niche of sunlight radiating from behind a collection of bushes. “Is that the road?”

You quickened your pace, never taking your eyes off the light. Junmyun followed behind, your hand still latched onto his. You stumbled over a few stray branches, scratching yourself lightly on the arm as you sprinted by. You quickly pushed aside the obstructing leaves as you felt your feet hit the solid surface of the dirt path. A rich wave of light welcomed you, soaking into your skin. You covered your eyes, unused to the brightness. A grin spread across your face.

"It’s the road!" you very nearly shrieked, turning to the boy.

He reflected your grin, looking up at the clear blue of the sky. “Do you know where we are?”

You turned in circles, looking around for any familiar marks. You pointed to a large bellied statue, sitting by a small hill. “I’ve seen that before.”

You approached the sculpture, standing at the peak of the hill. In the distance, you caught sight of a large building, constructed of wood and stone. “There! That’s the last temple.”

You turned to the boy, your face lit up with excitement, “We must’ve taken a shortcut or something. I don’t think the tour group would’ve passed here already.”

Junmyun moved to stand beside you, searching for the building. “Should we wait there then?”

You nodded, slipping your hand into his instinctively as you rushed to the temple. The sky steadily changed hues, shifting from the bright pastel blue to a deep indigo as the sun began to set. A gust of clouds drifted overhead, as if migrating back from the other side of the island, hiding the orange sun behind their thick white veil. You felt a chill of wind blow past, dancing between your hair. Suho took notice of your shiver, shifting to stand just a bit closer, the warmth of his body radiating against your side.

"What about your roommates?" you asked, breaking the silence as you approached the wide stairs leading to the platform of the temple entrance. "How are we going to find them? You said they weren’t with the group, right?"

He nodded, his eyes glancing over the structure before you. “It’s okay. I’ll find them eventually. I always do, somehow.”

You stepped into the old temple, the thick aroma of incense hitting your nostrils as an old tour guide, adorned in shabby monk’s clothes, greeted the both of you. You bowed in return, walking aimlessly through the large common room of the building. The temple was fairly big, consisting of two floors and a meditation garden, simple in design, yet beautiful in it’s ancient decor. The first floor had been renovated to resemble something of a gift shop. Little knick knacks hung against the pillars, vases and miniature statues displayed upon pedestals throughout the wide hall. You and Junmyun found a small bench in the corner and sat down. You took a deep sigh of relief, feeling the pain ease from your sore feet as you shifted the weight off them. Junmyun leaned back against the seat, running a hand through his hair.

"Oh," he pointed to your arm, "You’re bleeding."

You followed his finger to find a long scar across your forearm, the thin cotton of your cardigan torn at the spot, a single stream of blood leaking through the blue fabric. Junmyun drew his eyebrows together in concern. “Does it hurt?”

You shook your head, rolling the sleeve up to avoid a deeper stain from forming. “It’s fine. Just a scratch.”

He hummed obscurely. “Wait here.”

You looked up, confused, as he made his way to the register. You could hear the chatter of conversation as the old “monk” smiled, handing him a small white box. The young man bowed, thanking him once, twice, three times, before turning back to make his way towards you.

"Here," he sat down, turning towards you, "Can I see you arm?"

You nodded shortly, holding it out for him. He opened the box, revealing a collection of medical products. The boy retrieved a small white packet, ripping it open to take out the alcohol wipe from within. You jerked your arm away as he was about to press it down.

”_________-ssi,” he spoke gently, holding your arm delicately at the elbow. You felt your cheeks flush at the sound of your name, sounding so much more harmonious coming from his lips. “It’ll only sting a little.”

You swallowed anxiously, as he pressed the alcohol pad against your torn skin. You grit your teeth, in a breath as the sting of the liquid surged through your skin. Junmyun glanced up at you, lightening the pressure to ease your pain. As he continued to clean the wound, you looked up at the boy from beneath your lashes. It was the first time since you’d met, you were able to get a good look at him. His skin, although slightly coated in a veil of dirt, was smooth and white, like milk. His features were traditionally attractive, yet held within them a peculiar charm all their own. His eyes seemed to sparkle a brilliant auburn under the light of the room. His lips, perfectly pink, were slightly rounded at the corners in a way which made his entire appearance all the more welcoming. His hair, a rusty maroon shade, fell messily over his forehead, just barely touching his lashes as he glanced up at you.

"Is it ok?"

You nodded, looking away, caught of guard by the sudden eye contact. Junmyun removed the wipe, disposing of it in a nearby trash bin. You exhaled slowly as he took out a large band-aid, the searing of the alcohol dissipating. He tore open the wrapper, gently pressing the adhesive against your arm, smoothing it with his slender fingers. You pulled your sleeve down, brushing a strand of hair away from your face.

"Thank you."

He smiled, “It’s nothing.”

You folded your hands upon your lap, fidgeting nervously as silence fell between the two of you. The young man’s eyes scaled the vicinity of the room, stopping at the entrance to the garden.

"Do you want to go outside? Your mother should be here soon. She’d be relieved to see you waiting for her."

You shrugged, getting up to follow him to the patio. The garden was old, but maintained well. A small waterfall situated itself within the center, surrounded by a vast collection of flowers. Among the outside edges, were a collection of tall willows and miniature shrines. A thin slab stone walkway encompassed these displays, wrapping itself around and between the garden. You walked slowly, taking in the cool air of the growing night, stopping by a fountain to quench your thirst. As you sipped on the clay cup, a voice yelled from within the temple.


You both turned sharply towards the garden entrance to find your mother making her way towards you, her gait alone emanating with fury. Your skin grew cold as you turned to the boy before you.

"That’s my mother." You put down the bowl, "I should go."

Junmyun looked around, flustered, “Ah, okay. Are you gonna be back?”

You glanced back at your mother, running a hand through your hair. “Just give me one minute.”

He followed your figure as you ran to greet the aged woman, bowing as low as your waist would allow. He looked away, feigning interest in the fountain before him as he heard the muffled shouts of derision from a few yards away. He pursed his lips, a wave of guilt settling in his stomach as he glanced to see you bowing again. Another scolding carried through the wind to his ear. He watched as you nodded quietly, your mother stomping away back into the shop. He quickly turned back to the fountain, fiddling with the stream of water as you made your way over.

"I have to go." you mumbled, looking at the floor. "It’s getting dark, anyways."

He nodded in understanding, shuffling between his feet. “I’m sorry you were yelled at. I should’ve spoken to her with you.”

You smiled softly, “No, it’s ok. She’s not as mad as I thought she’d be.”

He arched a brow, glancing back at the garden entrance. You breathed a laugh. “It could’ve been worse. At least she didn’t yell at you.”

His eyes widened slightly as a nervous smile played across his lips. You bit your lip, looking up at him. “Thank you, for everything today. Really.”

You bowed quickly. He returned the favor, bending just a little lower. You felt you cheeks burn with another blush as you met his eyes, gleaming a fiery burgundy. You lingered before him, hesitant to leave. You pulled your sleeves down further, clenching them in your hand. Your heart pounded faster and faster as an adrenaline built up in your veins. You clenched your eyes shut and with one determined breath, leaned up and smashed your lips against his. The young man stood frozen in shock for a moment, before melting into the kiss, his hand grazing your own just slightly as he hugged your lips sweetly. You pulled away quicker than you’d have liked, your face turning beet red as you looked down at the floor.

"J-just in case our strings stop connecting after today." you muttered, your voice shaking with embarrassment. You bowed once more, "Goodbye, Junmyun-ssi."

With that, you turned, making your way quickly to the temple, your eyes never once leaving the floor.


”__________-ah, have you finished packing?”

You pushed down on the suitcase top, tugging the zipper with all your strength until in succumbed. With one swift pull, you zipped the case shut, catching your breath as you ran a hand though your hair.

"Neh. Are we leaving now?" you called to your mother, stuffing her own clothes away in the other room.
"Come here and  take this," she called, the sound of struggle clear in her voice as she wrestled with the case.

You dragged yourself to the room, stuffing your hands into your dress pockets. “What is it?”

She nodded towards the camera lying on the pillow, “Take that to the shop downstairs, will you? They have our memory card and photos.”

You nodded, stuffing your hand through the string of the camera as you made your way to the hall. You pressed down on the worn silver button, waiting patiently before the elevator.


You slid between the door, pressing the floor button and leaning back against the metal rail. You closed your eyes, listening to the generic jazz tune echoing through the steel walls as the numbers above the door steadily decreased. You counted down in your head.

6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0


The door opened slowly into the warmly lit main hall. You walked past the main desk, down the hall into the souvenir shop of the resort. The faint scent of spa products filled the air, circulating through the room as a fan in the corner produced gusts of wind. You approached the counter lazily, placing the scratched up camera upon the plastic surface.

"Excuse me," you called to the attendant, "I ordered some photos the other day."

The attendant turned to the counter, asking for your name and room number. You provided the information, rocking back and forth on your heels as he turned to retrieve the items. You took a deep breath, your eyes wandering to the shelves of soaps and perfumes lining the wall.

"The photos are almost done. It’ll just be five minutes, if you could please wait."

You nodded, thanking the man quietly. You reached on top of the counter, grabbing the old camera and flipped through the various photos as the whirring of the printer hummed through the small boutique.

"Excuse me," a voice called from beside you, "May I have that statue please?"

You glanced at the attendant as he retrieved the tiny gold Buddha, ringing it up for the customer. He paid swiftly, taking the bag in his hands as he bowed.

"Kamsahamnida." he said. "Kamsahamnida."

"Kamsahamnida, ahjusshi."

You felt your heart skip a beat as you counted. One, two, three times. You nearly the dropped the camera as you turned sharply, watching the young man turn the corner out of the shop, out of sight. You made a move to follow him, when the attendant called you.

"Your photos are ready, if you could just sign here."

You glanced between the door and the man, before signing the paper, your chest heavy with regret. You took the bag of photos from the counter, stuffing the camera inside as you sulked away.

"Excuse me, miss,"

You turned to face the man at the counter. He held up a phone, a small post it stuck to the screen.

"Is this yours?"

Your head shifted back to the door, your brows knitting together in confusion. “Uhm, yes, it is. Thank you.”

You took the phone from the counter, exiting the store quickly. You scurried to the elevator, waiting till you were safe within it’s metallic walls before pulling out the phone. It was black, and almost new, with nothing but a small engraving etched on the side. You squinted to read the cursive letters.


You felt your breath catch in your throat as you turned the phone over, peeling off the post it. Your heart beat rapidly, a lightheaded feeling clouding your mind as you read the words silently to yourself:

"Sometimes we make our own tapestries."

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Chapter 1: I thought Suho was some supernatural being they she meet in the wood. Hehe. It turn out he is human. So he accidently left his phone? So that they can meet again. How sweet of him!
Chapter 1: Your story is good! Good job author-nim :)
YoonhaeKim #3
Wow, this was well-written! Could this one shot probably have a sequel? Hehe :)