Shades of Pink

Shades of Pink

"Why must I always see her?" you whisper-screamed and covered the sides of your face, not wanting to be seen. It has been like a routinely thing, seeing Saeri and the dirty looks she gave to you every single time.

Your day have been passing by pretty perfectly and of course something had to ruin it all; seeing Saeri's cloying face in the hall of the school campus. You never really liked her in any way considering she treated you in a gruff manner and put you down all the time. You even remembered how she picked on you during an audition of the cheerleading team and totally humiliated you. Signing up for it was actually the worst decision to ever make. After all, she's the captain of the team.

You turned your heels apace and the swift movement with your worn out shoes almost landed you on the floor face-first. That could have been embarrassing, you thought to yourself. But it wasn't like you had a good sense of balance to start off with.

"Is that Jinhae?" You perceived her voice of disgust and stopped in your tracks. You weren't in the mood of dealing with her right now so you foolishly shuffled forward and swung your arms around a male student's shoulder. As expected he gaped at you.

"So yesterday I showered my guinea pig in a tub full of yellow toy ducks...." You smiled nervously and tried to haul the young man forward but failed, he only gave you a confused expreession. That was totally a self destruction in terms of image. You were embarrassed at your stupid actions and a shade of pink played on your cheeks unconditionally. Too engrossed with you own thoughts you missed the small upward curve on the corner of the boy's lips.

"Oh hey dumb twit." Kim Saeri stood right in front of you ready to ruin your life once again.

"Excuse me?" You let out a low grunt, getting a little provoked already.

She smirked, "Well I was just 'greeting' you, ugly ."

The student gently pushed you behind him. "Oh hey , having fun abusing people aren't you?" He mimicked the same tone Saeri had used.

You were a little flustered at his choice of language but smirked. At least he was saving you from some breath and all the insults. Saeri was quiet for some reasons and had an uneasy look on her face.

"I guess you're a little luck today." She directed her speech to you.

The young man glances at you and turned back to Saeri "Yeah and by the way, she physically looks way more appealing than you do." I looked away not being able to resist chuckling at his words.

The enraged girl clicked her tongue and traipsed away.

"Well that was easy..." You smiled at the boy. "You don't look all that fierce to actually chase her away like that." You looked down at his metal name pin. Oh Se Hun, it read.

"I don't know... maybe it was me correcting her grammer mistake during her presentation last week or something." He flashed you his beautiful eye smile. For that moment, your mind just went blank and you spaced out for a couple of seconds.

"Well you know that wasn't the most pleasant situation to ever meet a person in so why don't we start this all over again?" He shook you out of your daze and held out his hand, "I'm Oh Sehun."

You shook his hand and told him your name in return.

He raised his hand out politely yet again but towards the garden outside the hall. "Do you mind?"

You contemplated at his offer. Even though you actually had papers to settle back at the dormitory, rejecting him after he had saved you from some humiliation wasn't the best thing to repay him. "Not at all." You shrugged and allowed him to you out.


Sehun dragged you by the hand in the middle of your conversation with Chanyeol. "Sehun that was just plain rude interrupting someone else's conversation and randomly dragging me out!" You raised your voice, slightly fed up with your best friend's unreasonable behavior.

He pulled you into a secluded corner away from the cafeteria and stared at you with stern eyes. "I don't like the notion of you being all close with Chanyeol." He finally spoke.

"What?" You uttered a yap at the ridiculous situation.

"You shouldn't be getting all affectionate and stuff with him. I'm warning you because I know Chanyeol and his habits." He repeated

"He's a nice guy okay! He has a good sense of humor, great features and an absolutely unique personality although, I must admit, he does have the most boisterous laugh in the world." You chuckled at the thought of it. You actually fancied Chanyeol a little bit more than a friend and maybe... Just maybe, you might have a crush on him.

Sehun tensed up. "But I'm not comfortably with that so you should take my advice and stop acting so over friendly towards him."

"What's so bad about him?" You asked, not understanding upon his insistence.

"He's just not right for you!" Sehun displayed evident disapproval.

You knitted your eyebrows, "And how would you know that unless you could prove to me that he's a player which is obviously not the case or you're just downright jealous of us!"

"Yes I am jealous!" Your eyelids fluttered at his guileless answer. He scooted closer towards you. "I'm jealous. Jealous because I really like you. Ever since you grabbed me by the arm and started talking about things that doesn't even make any sense. Your beauty just seemed to draw me in and my heart, cheesy as it sounds, palpitated at even your smallest actions. And seeing you acting so close with Chanyeol hurts me especially when he's my friend too. I'm sorry if you don't return me the same feelings, you don't have to, but I just... thought you needed to know how I felt towards you... and that I don't ever look at you as just a friend." He bit his lips and for a moment he seemed to be so interested in his shoes. Sehun never thought these kind of things would actually come from his very own mouth! Though, he was uncertain about the risk he just made to the friendship between the two of you.

After that little confession he made, all the confusion in your heart seemed to all dissipate away.

You took a step closer towards him, making him widen his eyes. "And just who said I'm not going to return you those feelings." You reached up and kissed him fully on the lips. Sehun didn't move for a few seconds before he started progressing the situation into his brain and kissing you back. He encircled his arms around your waist and pulled you closer for a deeper and more passionate kiss. That, you could've sworn, was the sweetest seconds you had ever experienced with him.

Sehun slowly pulled away and laid his forehead on yours. "I hate you so much." an obvious blush formed on his cheeks. I chuckled knowing the cute nature of Sehun saying the opposite of what he really meant when he was just embarrassed.

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MuChicken #1
Chapter 1: Hehe ! Cute.