Sad Life of Do Kyungsoo

Sad Life of Do Kyungsoo




Nothing registered in the young Voice Major’s mind except that damn word. No matter how many books surrounded him—all open to pages on vocal dynamics, Beethoven, or the date of the big final exam— Kyungsoo could only process the temperature around him.


Why the did his roommate have to set the AC so low?


Maybe it’s because he deserves it. Maybe the younger boy he’s rooming with is too childish to let their petty game of rock-paper-scissors go. Maybe this is payback for winning the rights to the bathroom first. It was just the bathroom! Then again, that same roommate did look drenched in sweat from his previous dance class… And he’d be damned to stay in that room any longer seeing the sheen of sweat glistening on the boy’s skin.



Hands combed through his hair in anger as he plopped onto his back. He won fair and square! He doesn’t deserve this.



“Having fun studying, hyung?” Speak of the devil. Out pops the spawn of Satan from the door, smile set in a cheeky disposition as he strode over to Kyungsoo. The elder tries not to give any form of attention as the younger pretends to shiver, acting as though he only noticed the temperature then.



“Brrrr. Hyung, how can you focus like this? Maybe you should turn down the AC.” As much as his words expressed concern, the intention was quite the opposite.



“I-I’m f-f-ine, Jongin.” Kyungsoo spat out, though it wasn’t as convincing as he wanted it to be. “I-If you’re s-so bothered by it, y-you turn it down…” The elder flipped the page of a random book with his chilled fingers, pretending to be indifferent.



Jongin was quick to smirk at the struggle, though. “Nah, I’m good. Wearing comfy clothes.” Kyungsoo spared a glance at the boy, cursing as he saw how the other was dressed—2 hoodies, thermal pants, socks, and a beanie. Damn, that boy planned well.



“O-Okay then… D-Don’t bother me…” How he wanted to rub off the smirk he’s sure Jongin is wearing right now. One of these days, he’ll find a way to get back at him. This constant game of revenge will just carry on like… like…—






The sneeze startled the both of them, even more so Kyungsoo since it came from him. He couldn’t be catching a cold, can he? Shrugging it off, he reached for another book, only to be interrupted by another sneeze.



And another.



And another.



Through squinted eyes, the elder glared at Jongin despite the worried look that emitted off the later. “D-Don’t look at me like that… Th-This w-was your plan all along… To g-get me sick …” He resumed to his former spot on the book about Key Signatures, stuffiness starting to become evident in his tone. “Well c-c-congrats, Jongin. You win. I’m sick. Th-Thank you—“



His words were stopped when his head was suddenly stuffed in fluffy cloth. Trying to wriggle his way out of it, his head only popped up in a hole. He thought he had broken it—whatever ‘it’ was-- but when he suddenly felt Jongin lifting his frozen wrists into the sleeves he realized his head was in the right place.



At least, he thinks so.



“J-Jongin, what are you—“



“Sorry.” Despite how the younger wasn’t looking directly at him and only at his arms as the younger put one of his hoodies on him, he was taken aback. Jongin never said sorry. “I didn’t mean for you to get sick, hyung. It was just a prank.”



Kyungsoo could only stay silent, save for a few sneezes, as the younger placed a beanie on his head. It was only then that the younger got to look at him directly, hands around Kyungsoo’s ears as they warmed them of their icy plague. “To make up for it, I’ll make some ramyeon to warm you up. Can’t have my roommate fail and drop out ‘cause of a little cold, can I?”



The elder blinked, hoping the warmth he feels on his cheeks is from the younger’s hands. “Who are you and what have you done with my roommate?”



The laugh that leaves Jongin is short, but meaningful as it ends with a smile and not an evil smirk. “I made him settle a momentary truce until you get better.” That smile knew just how to warm the elder up before he freezes again. “So what do you say, hyung? Ramyeon on me?” The younger squished Kyungsoo’s face with his hands, causing the elder to swat it away.



Jongin lets go and his laugh is a bit longer this time around, and just a bit more hearty. It’s one Kyungsoo will cherish for a while. At least, until the next time they seek vengeance from one another.







What Kyungsoo learned that day: never trust Jongin to buy ramyeon.




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