An Eerie Feeling

Cats Can Be Human The Sequel

"You have a brother?"
I could hear how surprised Daehyun sounded. I'm taken aback myself after seeing this picture to be honest. After all these years I forgotten what my brother looked like. I knew I had a brother, but being six and all I couldn't even remember much of my childhood. I just had blurry memories of playing with this older boy and some vivid ones. After staring at the picture more and more I could see the resemblance. My brother looks a lot like me.

"What happened to him?" What happened that day wasnt hard to forget.

"He wasn't with us that day. He didn't like going on the walks so my parents would find him a babysitter." Having my brother still living in town didn't seem likely. But what could have happened to him?

Daehyun sensed that he shouldn't ask anymore as I take the lead and walk up the stairs. At the end of the hallway was my old bedroom.

"You really loved the color blue," Daehyun says as he takes in the sight of my light blue themed room.
I chuckle. "I-" The sound of movement coming from downstairs stops me.
Daehyun lifts one finger towards his lips as he motions for me to stay still so we can carefully listen. The sound of walking continues for a few more minutes before it is apparaent that the intruder had left.

We didn't wait after that. Heading downstairs everything is as it was expect for the back door swinging back and forth and the picture of my parents, me and my brother missing. Out of everything in the house why would somebody steal a family photo..

"Something isn't right here.." Daehyun says frozen in his place.

"We should go." I breathe out heavily. It didn't take Daehyun long to agree.

I approach the lunch table where we all usually sit. All the guys are already there talking about as they eat their lunch. 
"Hey guys! Look what I got for you guys!" I exclaim as I set down the cooling hot bowl of cookies that we had made in cooking class.
The guys all dive in to get a cookie, causing me to take a step back.  
"Thank you!" They all say in unison.
As the guys happily eat I walk over to a pouting Dae.
"I didn't get a cookie Yuni-ah," He looks up at me with his glittering puppy dog eyes. 
"And they looked so good!" He adds sadly.
"Don't worry Dae," I say as I secretly take out a bag fill of cookies that I had saved for him.
"These are for you," I smile at him.
"THANKS YUNI!" And with that Daehyun joins the guys in eating their cookies.
"Hey guys..are you getting the feeling of being watched?.." I ask as I look around me. I'm getting an eerie feeling.
The bell rings signaling the end of lunch.
"it's probably nothing jagiya," Daehyun kisses my cheek as he stands up from the table. "Come on we'd better get going to class," He says as he takes my hand and leads me away.

"Where's Yuni?" Yongguk asks Daehyun once they are all in his room.
"She's at a friends house studying. So this is a good time to ask you guys something," Daehyun closes the door behind him. And watches the guys look at him with an eyebrow raised.
"Ask us what?" Hinchan asks curiously.
"It's Yuni's birthday soon, and I want to plan something for her. Something that's memorable. She hadn't had one since she was six, so it has to be special," Daehyun explains.
"What did you have in mind, Hyung?" Zelo asks.
"I was thinking of doing something just me and her, and then coming home to a surprise birthday party. AH!! AH!! I KNOW WHAT TO DO!"
"So you and Dahyun..." My new friend, Risun, smiles up at me. I grab a magazine and sit down next to her.
"Yup," I smile as I flip through the pages.
Her smiles dies down. "I'd be careful if I were you."
I stop flipping through. "Be careful of what?"
"Daehyun," she says expressionlessly.
"And why would I have to be?" I suddenly become defensive.
"Yuni it's fine. Daehyun's is a good guy, but he breaks girl's hearts," She gives a sympathetic look as if feeling sorry for the same fate that awaits me.
"Yeah right, I know Dae. Better than you think I do. And even if he does, like who's heart?"
"Heesun," Risun says.
"Heesun?" I scoff.
"Yup, she's been telling all the girls how he broke her heart. Kinda sad," Risun shakes her head at the thought before flipping through the rest of the magazine.
"Huh...yeah pretty sad..." I say.
*Text messages between Daehyun and Yuni*

From: Daehyun
"Are you sure babe? You don't want me to pick you up?"

From: Yuni
"Yeah it's fine. It's not too dark yet. I'll be alright."

From: Daehyun
"Ok...I don't want my girlfriend walking out alone at night though.. Be safe. I love you. 

From: Yuni
"I will. I love you too."

Walking through the neighborhood seemed pretty safe. I'm getting closer to home now, but in getting that eerie feeling I felt at lunch today.



Long time since I've updated! Sorry >.< I hope this chapter is okay. 


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Xinyiluvren #1
Chapter 2: Update soon author nim!!!
starbucksgirl #2
Chapter 2: update soon please :)
Chapter 1: i luvv this fanfic, because i love catss<3<3<3 /what looking forward to this storyyy <3 really curious about what happens nexttt! update sooonn <3
Chapter 1: Waaaaa~~! <333 A lot of DaeNi moments~ They are so cuteeeee! They're cheesy too.. kekeke XD Awww..Daedae is being so adorable and cute~~ Overload cuteness..Too much to handle..Hahaha XDD
OMO O.O it is sounds familiar...DON'T TELL ME!!
Hahahahahahaha..Anyway,really looking forward to the next chapters~~ :D
Gosh..this make me so curious for the next...
Yayyyy!! A sequel!! :DDD <333