The Hans Are Alive?

Cats Can Be Human The Sequel

Chapter 1: The Hans Are Alive?

Now that Yuni and Daehyun are together, can Yuni and her parents reunite after 10 years of being apart?


“Mingi! Mingi! I have something really important to tell you!” My mother finally reaches us exasperated. “Remember when you told me your parents names and where you two used to live? Well I did my research and I found out that your parents are still alive!”

"What?! That's impossible my parents were abducted by a cat!" I burst out in confusion. Everyone but Daehyun look at me as if I just escaped from the loony bin.

"Honey do you need to lay down?" Mrs. Jung whispers as she leans in and touches my forehead as if taking my temperature.

"Can someone tells us what's going on because I'm scared," Himchan pipes up and it seems like he's not the only o
ne as the other guys around him slowly nod their heads in agreement wanting an explanation.

Knowing they do need to know I begin to tell them about that night 10 years ago. After telling my long story Daehyun begins to tell his side.

"So that's when we found her in the bushes. I remember the first thing I said to her. 'Your my new best friend. I'll take care of you,' and that's still true but now she's my best friend and more than that and I'll let nothing bad to her happen again," Daehyun turns to look at me with that warm smile of his as he puts one arm around me to bring me closer to him. And just like the first day I met him I felt safe and comfortable in his arms.

Looking at everyone around us we watch as they ponder the thought of a human actually turning into a cat.

"Mingi if your parents disappeared because of this cat like creature why did I find an address of a Taesung and Eeeun Han that live somewhere in Incheon?" Mrs. Jung excitedly pulls out a sheet of paper that had been printed out. Slowly I receive the paper and begin to look over the information. 

"Could they actually be my parents?" I ask still not convinced by just the names. There could be a lot of families where the parents have that name.

"Well I don't know for sure but there's hope! Maybe it could be them," she answers.

Turning to Daehyun, I hand him the information as he himself slowly goes over it. Looking up at him I wait for him to comment. 

"If they are actually your parents you should go to them even if there's a high possibility they could not be. It's better to know then go on with the thought of what if," He smiles down at me and I agree with what he had to say.

"This is just a lead. I'll look more into it and when and if I find more information we will go to Incheon!" Mrs. Jung's excitement grows more. 

Me and Daehyun nod our heads in agreement before be pulls me in closer to give me a kiss on the forehead.

"So you guys are dating now?.." Mrs. Jung teasingly looks at us with raised eyebrows and a smile.

Daehyun and I smile brightly at eachother making that our response as a yes.

"Will I be able to trust you two living under the same roof?" She continues to tease us as she stares us down with her eyebrows still raised. The guys begin to tease Daehyun themselves by ooooohing and laughing. Daehyun dosen't loose his chance in punching them in the shoulders to make them stop.

Suddenly it becomes really awkward between us as we slowly turn to look at each other. Our cheeks turning a bright pink. I begin to hide my shyness by covering up my cheeks with my hands as Daehyun coughs gently once before saying, "Uhmma!" In a lets not talk about that tone.

"What! I see the way you too look at each other and I got my eyes on you two," She warns as she begins to take two fingers and point them at her eyes then at us as she stares us down intently again.

"Uhmma!" Daehyun whines like he had done when he was seven.

"All I'm saying is it's not that far from your room and her room so-," Mrs. Jung gets cut off by Daehyun.

"Uhmma don't you need to get back to work?" Daehyun changes the subject.

"Oh yeah I can give you all a ride home if you want?" She offers.

"No that's fine we can walk homes," Daehyun turns to me to get my opinion. 

"Yeah that's fine. Thank you though," I reply.

After we all say goodbye Mrs. Jung gets into her car and drives off to work.

"So your name isn't Mingi but Yuni?" Yongguk turns to ask me as we begin our walk home.

"Yeah I changed it to Mingi when I first turned human," I answer Yongguk and watch as he nods his head in unserstanding.

"It's going to be hard not to call you Mingi," He chuckles.

"It's fine if you do," I giggle along with him.

"It's hard to imagine the cat that I've seen at Daehyun's house and with him all these years to be you," Zelo says.

"Yeah I've known you guys longer than you had known. And I know a lot of stuff about all of you and your embarrassing moments cause I've been there," I giggle and look at the other guys.

"Do you know about the time Youngjae peed his pants in the 2nd grade?" Jongup begins to burst out laughing causing him to get hit by his hyung, Youngjae.

"Why do you all have to bring that up all the time?!" Youngjae tells at his friends in annoyance. 

"I only found that out a few weeks ago from Daehyun," I cover up my giggles by putting my hand over my mouth.

Youngjae leans over to hit Daehyun too.

"But you were in the 2nd grade," I say defending him.

"Yeah!" Youngjae pouts causing Daehyun to ruffle his dongsaengs hair. (Daejae moment! ^^ My OTP!)

"So..." Daehyun turns his attention to me as he slips his hand into my own fitting perfectly. 

"So..." I coo and look up at him warmly smiling at me. The way he smiles at me was too cute to bear as I shyly bury my head in his arm to hide my blushing face.

"What?" He chuckles as he watches me stay in that position not moving.

"You need to stop!" My voice comes out muffled and soft.

"Stop what?" He chuckles some more.

"Being so cute Dae!" I move my head away from his arm to look up at him.

His smile grows bigger into his even cuter eye smile.

"Your cheeks are pink," He teases me as he watches my eyes widen in embarrassment. I hide my face in his arm once again. He begins to laugh.

"Stop! Your the cute one!" He  makes me show my face. I pout cutely as he kisses my nose.

"Awwwww!!" The guys suddenly say.

"What?" We both ask as we turn to look at them.

"You two are so cheesy that it's cute!" Himchan says.

"Thanks" Daehyun and I shyly say in unison.

"So what do you want to do to celebrate your first day official day as officially staying human?" Daehyun turns to look at me again.  

"I really want to spend time with you Oppa. Just hanging out talking," I softly say.

"I like that idea. And I'll tell my Uhmma that we should have dinner with all your favorite foods and foods you've always wanted to try, does that sound okay?" He asks.

"That would be nice," my stomach growls in agreement. 

As the guys go their separate ways, Daehyun and I near our neighborhood.

Entering the house Daehyun who was already holding my hand softly begins to pull me up the stairs.

"Wanna hangout and talk now?" He asks as we make our way up. I nod my head yes before we walk into his room. Daehyun lays down on the bed motioning for me to do so too.

"Hey Yuni I've realized that I don't know when your birthday is, " Daehyun says as we lay in his bed with my head resting on his right arm.

"Oh yeah. It's April 21st," I answer.

"You haven't gotten to celebrate your birthday ever since you were six. Aw I'm sorry Yuni," He says sympathetically.

"It's fine I don't really mind."

"Well your 17th birthday is going to be the best one you've ever had," He turns his head causing him to be once inch away from mine and smiles. I happily wrap my arms around his waist.

"I wonder what would happen if that day never had happened? Would we still have met? I think that if school opened that year we may have never had met each other or maybe we would have but wouldn't be best friends as we are now," Daehyun silently thinks about the alternative.

"I've thought about that yesterday. In a way it there was a good thing out of the horrible night. I met the most important person in my life," 
I look up at that most important person.

And we continue to talk until Mrs. Jung returned home.

"Hi Uhmma," Daehyun greets his mother when we see her at the front door.

"Hey you two," Mrs. Jung struggles to keep all her files in place. Daehyun steps in to help her before everything falls to the floor.

"Uhmma for dinner can you make Yuni's favorite foods if it dosen't trouble you to celebrate her being officially a human?" Daehyun sweetly asks his mom.

"Of course! That sounds great! What would you like Mi- I mean Yuni?" Mrs. Jung asks me then goes into the kitchen to start dinner when I told her a few foods.

"Hey do you want to go to the playground?" Daehyun suggests as he intertwines both his hands into mine and pulls me in closer towards him. Smiling up at him I pretend to move into a kiss before stopping right before his lips. Daehyun who's thinks I'm going to kiss him stands waiting.

"I don't know- LAST ONE THERE HAD TO PUSH THE OTHER ON THE SWINGS!" And with that I bolt out of the house and towards the school leaving Daehyun dumbfounded. 

"Y-yah! That's not fair!" He begins to run after me. "You got a head start! Yah!" He calls after me as we race towards the school.

As I see the playground in the distance I pick up my pace but notice Daehyun right behind me.

"NEVER CHALLENGE A SOCCER PLAYER!" He yells for me to hear as he passes by me.

Realizing he passed by; I run as fast as I could possibly run.

"NEVER CHALLENEGE A FORMER CAT!" It was my turn to boast as I pass him noticing his eyes widen as I stop at the front of the school. Out of breathe we both put our hands on our knees and pant.

"Looks like you have to push me on the swings," I smirk.

"Yeah yeah I know. But I'll beat you on the way back," he says I between heavy breathes. I roll my eyes.

"I'm more disappointed that you tricked me into thinking I was going to get a kiss," He pouts cutely.

"Your such a dork!" I laugh before jumping towards him as we fall to the ground causing me to be on top of him. And I give him a soft kiss.

"Happy?" I tease when we pull away.

"Yes," He adorkably smiles up at me.

"Ahhh! Again with your cuteness! Come on Dae you owe me a push on the swings," I get up and pull him to his feet as we run towards the open set of swings.

Starting off slowly Daehyun begins to push me on the swings.

"Faster Daehyun! Faster!" I squeal as I watch the scenery mesh into one huge blob.

"You should jump off and I'll catch you!" He stops pushing and moves towards the front with his arms out waiting for me to jump.

Knowing that I can trust Daehyun to catch me I shut my eyes and jump off falling into his arms then falling down to the soft ground. Bursting out laughing at the fun we're having we turn to look at eachother when Daehyun suddenly calms himself and looks at me deeply as he puts his hand on my cheek. 

"I love you," He says and moves his head closer to kiss me. Sitting up I watch the pretty spring environment as Daehyun does the same still lying on the ground. Suddenly I see rustling movement coming from the trees and it's not the squirrels..

"D-daehyun, w-whats t-that?"


First chapter is up! A lot of Daeni moments!^^ And what's behind the trees?.. Sound familiar? >.<

I usualy write about 700-800 word chapters but this chapter has almsot 2200 words! I'm trying to write longer chapters haha ^^ 


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Xinyiluvren #1
Chapter 2: Update soon author nim!!!
starbucksgirl #2
Chapter 2: update soon please :)
Chapter 1: i luvv this fanfic, because i love catss<3<3<3 /what looking forward to this storyyy <3 really curious about what happens nexttt! update sooonn <3
Chapter 1: Waaaaa~~! <333 A lot of DaeNi moments~ They are so cuteeeee! They're cheesy too.. kekeke XD Awww..Daedae is being so adorable and cute~~ Overload cuteness..Too much to handle..Hahaha XDD
OMO O.O it is sounds familiar...DON'T TELL ME!!
Hahahahahahaha..Anyway,really looking forward to the next chapters~~ :D
Gosh..this make me so curious for the next...
Yayyyy!! A sequel!! :DDD <333