Building Bonds

Stay With Me

"Mmh, I don't wanna get out of bed. It's so comfortable~"

"Come on, get up, Dalian! Or we'll be late for school."

"Okay, fine! I'm getting up, Jackson ge." You cried while lazily creeping out of bed. You head on over to the bathroom to take a shower. You place your phone down on the counter & undress yourself. As you climb into the shower, your phone vibrates & you decide to go check it out.


{ From: Jungkook

Hey Dalian! I brought you something for your kindness, thanks for being a good friend~! }


You smiled & replied to Jungkook's text. You place your phone down a second time & climb into the shower. The warm water pours out & touches your body. It feels good. Moments after you've finished your shower, you wrap one towel around your head, & one towel around your body. You feel refreshed as a new day begins. You get yourself all ready & prepare to go downstairs to join your family for breakfast.

"Good morning, mama! Good morning, papa! Hey, ge ge~" You greeted everyone as you sat down at the table joining them.

"Dalian, dear. How was your first day at Hirosue High yesterday? Did you like it? Did you have fun?" Your mother asked.

"Of course & I already made new friends!"

"Really? But you just started ahaha." Your father laughed.

"Mhm! They're all so very nice, too." You replied & your parents smiled.

"That's very great to hear, sweety! I'm glad you had a good one. Did your brother watch over you well?" Your mother asked while turning to look at Jackson.

"Yes, he did." You replied.

"Well duh! I even picked her up from her class, too! Not only was I taking care of her, but so did my friends~" Jackson said teasingly.

"H-hey! It's not even like that!" You said feeling a tad bit embarrassed. Your parents both looked at each other & managed a chuckle.

"Do you like someone already?" Your mother joked.

"N-no!" You almost shouted. Everyone laughed & Jackson gave you his mischievous raised-eyebrow look [like he always does xD]. You squinted your eyes at him & he stuck out his tongue.

"It's okay, Dalian~" He said.




Arriving at school, Jackson's friends waited at the front gate. You looked over to their direction & tapped Jackson.

"Ge, look. Your friends are over there." You said. You both head on over & Jackson gives them each a bro hug. Before you knew it, Mark stood up, kneeled down in front of you, & placed his hand on your shoulder.

"Hey, Dalian." He said as he smiled. Your heart thumped all over the place. You did not see that coming… & neither did Kai. Kai looked at Mark unobviously & somewhat glared. Judging by his reaction, you can tell that he was probably jealous.

"O-oh, hi Mark!" You greeted unable to look him straight in the eyes.

"Did you get my 'good night' last night? I was afraid I might have sent it to the wrong number." He spoke with that voice of his.

"Oh yeah! I forgot to reply though hehe sorry." You said & he smiled.

"It's okay, I'm just glad I got the number right." He replied. You smiled back & he stood up from his position. As he stood up, Kai watched his every move. Mark began to talk with Jackson & Tao, so Kai decided to make his move. He walked over to you & suddenly hugged you.

"Sup, Dalian." Kai said while hugging you. Your ear on his heartbeat & your head under his chin.

"Hi, Kai." You said. While hugging you, you felt his hand move down your arm, & then off. Just like that, he quickly made left his impression. You gulped down your saliva & cleared your throat.




"Jungkookie~!" You expressed as you entered your class.

"Hi, Dalian! Oh wait, here!" Jungkook said while handing you a pink & white striped box with a baby pink colored ribbon.

"What is it?" You asked curiously.

"Open it~" He replied & you decided to open the box.

"Eeep! Macarons!" You said & hugged him. "Thank you so much, Kookie! You're so sweet~"

"No need to thank me. I hope we'll become really great friends, that's the only thank you I'll want!" Jungkook said with a cute smile. His smile was so cute that you couldn't help but pinch his cheek.

"I have a good feeling we'll be good friends." You told him & he agreed.




During class, you asked the teacher if you could use the restroom. You exited your classroom & began walking through an empty corridor. You wanted to take your sweet time. Them, your phone vibrates in your pocket. You pull out your phone & read the text.


{ From: Mark

Dalian, do you wanna eat out with me after school? If you can't, I understand :3 }


After recieving this message from Mark, you felt like giggling. Your excitement level began to rise & you composed your reply.


{ To: Mark

Sure ^^ }


You sent it & felt your palms sweating. He's just so damn gorgeous, who wouldn't say yes? You put your phone back in your pocket & started to head for the restrooms. Then, a little rustling noise came from behind. You turned around to find no one there.

"Okay, that's weird…" You said & continued to walk. You took another step forward when someone grabbed your wrist.

"AHH!" You screamed.

"Woah woah, calm down. I didn't mean to starttle you." Kai said.

"Oh, it's just you. I thought I was in trouble or something haha." You said.

"Just me? Aren't I handsome though?" He asked teasingly.

"Ahah, of course." You told him, not trying to sound like you were into him or anything. Kai looked into your eyes. Almost seducingly. You felt uneasy & wanted to look away, but your eyes were so drawn into his.

"You're so cute." He spoke into your ear. You felt yourself starting to blush & he chuckled. "But I know you're into Mark."

"H-huh what?" You stuttered.

"It's okay, I saw the spark early. But you'll give yourself up to me one of these days." He said & laughed. Was he joking or nah? You couldn't tell. But it seemed as if he were serious, just trying to play it off with a laugh.

"Haha, well I have to use the restroom. See you later." You said & walked off leaving Kai behind. Kai watched you walk off until he couldn't see you anymore. You entered the restroom & let out a sigh.

"Oh my gosh." You said to yourself.




After school approached, & you packed your things. Jungkook gave you a hug & said bye. You took out your phone & texted Jackson saying that you were gonna go hang out with some friends. Jackson approved & told you to come home before the sun went down. You put your phone away & when you looked up, the tall & handsome Mark was standing in front of you.

"You ready?" He asked & you nodded. You followed him & he stopped in front of a beautiful pearl white ninja motorcycle.

"You drive this?" You asked him.

"Yeah, pretty cool huh?" He said with & smile & you giggled. "Here, put this on." He said while handing you a helmet. Mark also put on his helmet & climbed onto his motorcycle. He held out his hand for you to grab & helped you onto his bike.

"Just wrap your arms around my waist & don't let go, okay?" He stated & you nodded. You slowly wrapped your arms around his waist & held on tightly. You couldn't believe that you were hugging onto Mark. You felt the giggle inside of you & tried to keep it in. Mark started the engine & began to drive. You could feel the wind all over. You had no idea where he was taking you, but since you trusted him, you just stay put.

About some minutes later, you arrived at a diner with a seaside view. You both removed your helmets & Mark quickly turned to look at you.

"Well, we're here, Miss Dalian~"

"Waah, it's beautiful!" You said while looking around at the seaside scenery. Mark chuckled & picked you up. Your eyes widened as you were unaware that he was gonna do that. He then set you down. He just helped you off of the motorcycle.

"My bad ahah." He chuckled.

"It's okay, I was just starttled." You replied & you both entered the diner. You ordered your meals & being the gentleman that he is, he paid for it all. The two of you began talking about your personal lives, hobbies, & interests, stuff like that. You felt that you & Mark had gotten closer through the conversations. You were happy because you really wanted to get to know Mark better & become close with him.

"Dalian, you wanna know something?" Mark asked.

"Hmm? What is it?" You asked. With that said, Mark leaned over. His face confronting yours. Your heartbeat beated quickly. He had that captivating smile on his face & moved towards your ear.

"I think you're really cute~" He said.

"O-omo--" You stuttered. Mark leaned back & chuckled. You started to blush & he kept looking at you.

"You're so cute, Dalian. Jackson's so lucky to have you." Mark's words just lingered in your mind.

"Omg he said I'm cute!--" You thought.


Later on that evening, Mark took you home. Before you entered your house, you gave Mark a hug. He smiled & you smiled back.

"This just looks like the beginning." He spoke. "See you tomorrow, Dalian. If it's alright with you, I'll text you tonight."

"Of course it is." You replied & he smiled.

"Goodbye then!" He said. You waved your hands & he drove off into the distance. You entered your house & went upstairs into your room.




Bed time quickly approached & you had gotten ready to go to sleep. You climbed into bed & recieved yet another good night text from Mark. You smiled & sent him a good night message too. You tucked your phone under your pillow & began to doze off…


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I like it so far! Hwaihting❤️❤️
koreanfreak24 #2
Chapter 1: Please update!