[홀린] Spellbound



words can't say how much I want you to be mine.



One world, two people, two minds.

One a genius, the other...not-so-genius.

One an athlete, the other a couch potato.

Living under one roof, what could possibly

go wrong?

Hmm, let me see...




Woo Hee Jin

The quiet bubbly girl who loves

to playfully tease and make jokes.

Seeing people happy is her priority.


Lee Jung Shin

The man who outsmarts almost every

geek and brainiac, gets straight A's, and

plays the violin.


+Author's Note;

Hello! Mikipompom here, bringing you my first fanfic. Prepare your eyes and ears for a horrible fanfiction, because:

1. This story is based off of my life.

2. My life is boring.

So if you're bored with it already, the [ X ] button is to your top right. Just kidding, please stay ; ; I love you all, even

though I have no idea who you are. But still, I will give you my sarang if you stay with me 'till the end. Bye for now!~



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