Love Will Make You Runaway


She is always a good girl to her family. 

Her father is always strict to her, even just contacts from her male classmate will not be accepted. 

She was forced to study abroad, was told to behave well.


However, she fell in love with a girl...

And her family found it out and forced her to meet different boys once she got back to Seoul.

Her relationship with her father is getting worse as she was found dating with girls again and again. 

She even moved out to escape the hell but with such life avoiding her family was not what she wanted. 

So she moved back.

Eventually she made a decision...

For herself

For her family

For her uality


A sad story I read online that happened in real life.



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Francean #1
Chapter 1: This was EXTREMELY beautiful and so wonderfully written! Amazing job man =D

I can totally understand why she did what she did. Sometimes you just need to make a specific decision, even if you aren't happy with it.
lightningmeiqueen #2
Chapter 1: My Poor JiGa heart! Jihyun why you do this, Gurl?!
TimelessStories #3
Chapter 1: My poor JiGa heart.. :c
TimelessStories #4
Chapter 1: Aaawwww~~~ jihyuuunnnn :c