Missed the bus


Date: 25-01-20XX


School today! such fun!


lies! she's not in school


she missed the bus



That's a whole week not going to school. Mom got mad at me, i cried and hid myself in the closet... ah!~ the shame! when i went out of the closet i went to look for my dad, but he wasn't there so i guess that he went to go shopping soo... i texted him and told him where i was and what had happened... i actually didn't hahaha... ha... ha.... But i did tell him that i missed the bus, he replied... you know what he replied?!



He replied ''OK'' you believe that?! ''OK''

O.O O-K-> this means danger! when he got back home he gave me a good growl, then i didn't go to school. Well i'll go to bed, i'm tierd :c night!

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