Sleeping With Papa

Sleeping With Papa

ZItao caresses Sehun's hair gently. "Sehun..." He looks up at the door when he heard it being opened and sees his Papa and Mama walk toward him and Sehun. "Mama." He sees his Mama smiling at him.

"Yes, baby?"

"Will Sehun be okay?" Zitao watches as his Mama sits on the chair beside the bed.

"Sehun will be fine, baby."

Zitao turns to his Papa and lets his Papa lifts him from the chair he was sitting and hugs him, before sitting down himself. "Are we going home now?" He looks at his Papa.

"We are but it is just you and me, little guy."

Zitao tilts his head as he stares at his Papa. "Hm?" He turns to look at his Mama that is still smiling. "You are not coming home, Mama?" He sees his Mama shakes his head while walking toward him.

"I'm sorry but I have to stay with Sehun, baby."

Zitao looks down at Sehun that is sleeping on the bed. "Then, I want to stay with Sehun too!" He wiggles so that his Papa let him down. He climbs on the bed and slips under the blanket, lying beside Sehun. He looks at his Papa. "Papa, you stay too!"


Zitao blinks as his Mama picks him up and kisses him on his cheek.

"It just one night. You go home with Papa, okay?"

Zitao stares at his Mama's beautiful face. "But, what about Sehun?" He looks down at Sehun. "Why Sehun has to stay?"

"The doctor want to make sure Sehun is not sick anymore."

 Zitao lets his Papa takes him from his Mama. He hugs his Papa by the neck as his Papa holds him close.

"Sehun got the fever, baby. That is why his body was hot."

Zitao looks at Sehun that is sleeping soundly on the hospital bed. He remembered Sehun's skin was hot like fire when he tried to wake him up after their afternoon nap. He looks at his Mama. "If Sehun stay, he won't be sick anymore?" He sees his Mama nodding while smiling at him.

"The nice doctor will treat Sehun until he is all better."

Zitao closes one eye as his Mama kisses him on his cheek.

"And I'm going to stay with Sehun so he won't feel lonely. You go home with Papa, okay? Then tomorrow when Sehun is not sick anymore, we can go get ice-cream."

He nods eagerly. "Okay, Mama." He smiles at his Mama. "You make sure Sehun is not lonely, okay?"

"I will."

Zitao turns and stares at his Papa. "And I will make sure Papa is not lonely too." He hears his Mama chuckles.

"I'm counting on you, baby."

Zitao kisses his Mama goodbye and watches his Papa kisses his Mama goodbye too. He waves at his Mama before his Papa closes the hospital room door. He stares at his Papa as his Papa carries him toward the front door.

"Why are you staring me like that, Tao?"

Zitao puts his palm on his Papa's face. "Are you sick too, Papa?" He sees his Papa frowning at him.

"No. Why are you asking that?"

He pokes his Papa's cheek. "Your cheek is red like Sehun but you are not hot like Sehun." He chuckles as his Papa's hair tickles him.

"That... is because of your Mama."

Zitao tilts his head, looking at his Papa. "Is Mama making you sick?" He sees his Papa nodding while smiling.

"All the time."

"So you have to stay in the hospital like Sehun too?"

"No. Doctors can't make me better. Only your Mama can."

Zitao frowns. "But, you said Mama is making you sick." He let his Papa kisses him on the nose while opening the car door.

"He is but he is also the only one that can make be better."

"Papa..." He hears his Papa laughing when he puts him down on the car seat.

"Your Mama has magic that can control me."

Zitao looks outside the window when the car starts moving and sees other cars and lorries and bikes passing by their car. He turns to his side, looking at his Papa that is driving them home. "Papa."


"Can I drive a car too?" He sees his Papa smiling at him.

"Of course. I will teach you when you are older, okay?"

He nods. "Then, I can drive Mama and Sehun everywhere."

"Oh? What about me?"

"You at work. I can't drive you." He sees his Papa pouting at him.

"So, the three of you going to have fun without me?"

Zitao nods. "Mama said he misses you when you go to work so I want to take Mama and Sehun to play so that Mama won't miss you anymore." He sees his Papa's face become red again.

"You can bring Mama to see me at work."

Zitao shakes his head. "Mama said we shouldn't bother you at work." He stares at his Papa that is turning off the car engine. "And Mama said he loves seeing you come home from work everyday."

"Re... really?"

He nods with a frown face because he doesn't know why his Papa is smiling so weirdly like that. He waits as his Papa opens the car door for him and grabs his hand, walking side by side toward the front door. "Papa."

"Yes, baby?"

"Tomorrow when Sehun is not sick anymore and we go get ice-cream, can we go to the park to play too?"

"I don't see why not."

Zitao smiles as he hugs his Papa's legs.

"Now, let's get you clean up."

He nods as he follows his Papa to the bathroom. He stops playing with the water when he sees his Papa holding his shampoo. "Papa!" He makes a cross with his arms.


"I don't want you wash my hair."

"Eh? Why not?"

"You always make the shampoo goes in my eyes."

"I will be careful this time."

Zitao shakes his head while trying to take the shampoo off his Papa's hand but he can't reach it when his Papa holds it up over his head. "You said that before too." He walks toward the bathroom door. "I am clean now."

"But, your Mama said..."

He grabs his towel that has a big panda on it and wipes himself dry. He steps out from the bathroom, leaving his Papa and opens his and Sehun's bedroom. He pulls out his Pikachu pjs and wears it, before looking at the mirror and smiles. "Pikachu!"


Zitao turns and sees his Papa standing at the door. "Papa!" He runs toward his Papa and let his Papa picks him up.

"Because it is just the two of us tonight, do you want to sleep together?"

He nods and hugs his Papa by the neck as his Papa carries him to the bedroom. He stares at the big bed inside his Papa and Mama's bedroom. "Papa."


"I want a big bed like this too!" He jumps and rolls and buries himself on the big bed. It is so soft and smell so nice like his bed but his bed is small.

"Tomorrow, let's ask Mama about it, okay?"

"Yay!" He stops playing on the bed when his Papa lies on one side of the bed. He follows and cuddles with his Papa.

"Now, let's sleep."

Zitao sees his Papa closing his eyes and tugs his Papa's pjs. "Papa."


"Tell me a bedtime story."


"That has monsters and heroes and laser swords!"


"Tell me!" He sees his Papa staring at him.

"But, I don't know how. How about I read you one instead?"

"I don't want! Mama already read them this..." He shows his hands to his Papa. "...much! I want new story!"

"Then, I will buy a new storybook tomorrow."

"Papa!" He hears his Papa sighs.

"Okay, okay."

Zitao cuddles closer to his Papa with his eyes fix on his Papa's face that has eyebrows furrow together.

"Ha~ Okay. Hm, let see."

He blinks quickly, excited to hear his Papa's bedtime story.

"Once upon a time, there was a beautiful water guardian lived with his brave knight in a small castle."

Zitao nods.

"One day, the brave knight went out to get a present for his water guardian."

"Why?" He cuts off his Papa's words. "Is it the water guardian's birthday?" He sees his Papa staring at him before nodding.

"Yes. The brave knight arrived at a village and met with a powerful wizard. The brave knight told his quest to the powerful wizard and he told him that if he can defeat the fire dragon that lives in the mountain, the fire dragon will obey the person that defeated him."

"So, the brave knight go to the mountain?"

"Yes. The powerful wizard went with the brave knight to help him defeat the fire dragon because the fire dragon is very strong."

"Like you, Papa!" He sees his Papa smiles.

"The brave knight and the powerful wizard went into the cave where the fire dragon lived and when the fire dragon saw them, he blew his fire toward the two people."

"That is because they didn't knock first!"


"Mama said always knock first when you want to enter other people's house."

"Right. Your Mama is definitely right."

"Next, Papa?"

"Next... Ah! The brave knight pulled out his laser sword, ready to fight the fire dragon."

"The wizard?"

"The wizard swung his laser wand and made a big shield appeared to help protecting the brave knight."

"Doesn't the brave knight has his own shield?" He sees his Papa shakes his head.

"The brave knight left his shield at the castle because the water guardian was using it while frying some chips."

Zitao frowns as he tries to picture image and nods when he remembers his Mama did the same thing too.

"The fire dragon kept blowing his fire at the knight and the wizard because he didn't want to obey anyone because he liked living alone in the mountain."


"The brave knight and the powerful wizard felt to the ground as the fire dragon was too strong for them. The fire dragon was about the roast the two people when he saw a picture on the cave floor. He stared at the picture and turned into a human."

Zitao's eyes widen. "Eh?! The fire dragon can turn into a human, Papa?!" He sees his Papa nods.

"The fire dragon asked the two people about the person in the picture and the brave knight said that is his water guardian. The fire dragon said to bring him to the water guardian and he will let the brave knight and the powerful wizard live."

"Did the brave knight do that?"

"He did. The powerful wizard followed too because he didn't have anything to do. The water guardian stared at the fire dragon and he smiled, nodding when the fire dragon asked him to marry him."

Zitao frowns. "Eh?"

"Then, the fire dragon and the water guardian lived happily ever after with the brave knight and the powerful wizard. The end."

"But..." He stares at his Papa in disbelief.

"I told you a bedtime story. I didn't say it's a good one. Now, sleep. Tomorrow we are going to pick up Mama and Sehun at the hospital."

Zitao sighs, slowly closing his eyes as he let his Papa pats his to sleep. "Sehun is lucky. He has Mama telling him his bedtime story."




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2455 streak #1
all other events in this story were just sweet and made me feel things UGHHHHHHHH
Chapter 1: I feel Tao is jelly of sehun😂
2455 streak #3
Chapter 1: sis, have i told you that i miss your family aus? hihihi
muthiaulfam #4
Chapter 1: "Sehun is lucky. He has Mama telling him his bedtime story." LOL poor you, little Taozi. XD
SuhoSandi #5
Chapter 1: haha freaking cute, baby Tao with his Papa's own tune bedtime stories...miss them xo much, both Papa Kris & his baby panda -_-
yuri4u #6
Chapter 1: oh man LOved this story. THis might be my new favorite
Chapter 1: The brave knight left his shield at the castle because the water guardian was using it while frying some chips

ing dies. DIES. THiS
Chapter 1: Awwhhhhwhwhhhh <3 <3 loved this Krisho is too good!!
Chapter 1: Hahahahahahahahahahah that bed time story is a good one! XDDD