Chapter One

Ouran High School Host Club, K. Pop Version

OMG. Aghfdukhkuahfkah- How long has it been? A year? Oh god. I am so sorry. I'm super surprised you guys didn't even unsub this fic D;

Okay, to recap, it's been a little over a year since I've updated, and after reading over this fic, I find my writing is super well, horrible. I have about zero detail, my grammar is disastrous and, AGH- Anyways, I'm 100% sure that my writing has improved, even if it's by a little, so I'll be re-writing/re-editing the first chapter as well as posting chapter two in a couple of days. (maybe)

So without further ado, here's the newly improved chapter one~

Original posted on: February 4, 2012

Re-written on: April 1, 2013

Haruka Mitsuko was overwhelmed.

Her dirty black sneakers made a scuffling sound and left small streaks of dirt on the previously unblemished smooth marble flooring, her slender bony arms clutched the navy blue three ringed binder to her chest, which was covered with a loose, old, sweater, two sizes too big and baggy jeans with ripped holes on the knees, swamped her lean legs.

A girl that passed her held up a manicered hand to her petite, cheery red lips and snickered.

Behind her thick, square shaped glasses, Mitsuko's eye twitched.

Oh yes, she was definitely regretting turning in her scholarship application to Ouran High School. Granted, it was the best High School in Japan, created especially for the rich, millionaire, billionaire company's heirs and such but, well, let's start with the appearance first. It was pink. It looked like a life sized Barbie Castle and the uniforms, oh god. The male uniform was okay, but the female uniform looked like poofy, over-sized buttercup. Who made the uniforms anyways? Blue periwinkle and daffodil yellow? Really?

Okay, appearances aside, there were the people. The rich, spoiled brats that have had everything handed to them on a silver platter from when they were born. At that thought, Mitsuko's pale pink lips turned down and she had a sudden urge to kick something. She bet their pocket change was more then her Brother's monthly pay!

Starting up a large, curved staircase, she scowled again, thinking about what had just happened, because of her 'commoner' status, gossip and whispering followed her everywhere. 'Really,' she thought with a huff, as she stormed up the last couple of stairs, 'Why is it that out of the four library's I visited, not one of them had people quietly studying!?'

She stopped in front of two, large double-doors, the placard above reading 'Music Room Three' in fancy script, hopefully, this place would be quiet.

Her slender fingers wrapped around the handle, preparing to push the door open, when she suddenly halted, a forbidding feeling settling in the bottom of her stomach. She paused for a couple of seconds before shaking it off and slowly pushing the doors open.

And a bright white light shone into Mitsuko's framed eyes, instantly blinding her.

"What the-" she coughed as a gust of wind blew rose petals at her face, then started hacking as another gust blew a handful of flower petals into her open mouth.

"Welcome~" Six different, syrupy voices spoke up as one.

The light abruptly stopped and Mitsuko blinked her abused eyes, trying to get the floating spots to clear up from her vision. Her eyesight refocused and she was met with a group of guys posing on a red, plush sofa.

"S-Sorry! Wrong room!" she yelped out and flung herself backwards, clammy hands grasping the door knob.

Why. is. this. thing. not. turning?!

"Oh, it's a guy," Two, rather bored voices said simultaneously. "What a turn off."

Excuse me?

Mitsuko let go of the doorknob and stood in shock for a couple seconds before her thoughts regathered. "I'm not a-"

But was cut off by a blonde-haired student posing regally in a chair, on closer inspection, he strangely reassembled a dinosaur. The dinosaur-guy waved a hand flippantly. "Watch your mouth, guy or not, he's still a very important guest."

"..." Mitsuko stared dumbly. Was it just her or does this guy have a stupid, idiotic air around him?

He stood up and elegantly crossed the room to where she was standing, he held up a hand. "Welcome to the Ouran High School Host Club, scholarship student, Haruka Mitsuko."

... Forgot what she said earlier. He has a stupid, idiotic, stalkerish air around him.

Kyuhyun caught the narrow eyed, 'Are you stalkers' look that Mitsuko was sending out and smirked, pushing his glasses up with his index finger. "It seems that the tone of our school doesn't really fit commoners, so you have to have a lot of nerve to get a scholarship here. Besides, I wouldn't be much of a student if I didn't know who you were." He stated with a pleasant smile.

Mitsuko twitched at being called 'commoner with a lot of never.' "...Yeah. Uh, thanks for explaining so... kindly."

"So to speak, you are a hero, Mitsuko." And she was suddenly being gripped by her shoulders by dino-guy. He slid his arm around her shoulder and continued dramatically, waving his free hand in the air. "Even if you are the top student, you are also the poorest in the school, people will call you a weed, and you will be despised as a lower person."

And then pink flowers and sparkles appeared around him (and her) as he spoke on. "But don't worry! I praise the poorest! What is important to the hero is a reckless spirit!"

Mitsuko's eye twitched again,"... You don't have to say... that much..."

He ignored her.

"Even so, I cannot believe the rumored student is gay..."

"... Say what?"

"So, what type do you like?" Dino-head asked, flippantly disregarding what Mitsuko just said. "Lee Taemin, the cute type?" he gestured at a rather short, brown haired kid who was sitting adorably one of the plush couches scattered throughout the room.

"The wild type, Choi Minho?" he pointed to the tall, dark-haired guy that was standing like a statue behind the couch that Taemin was sitting on.

"Jo Youngmin and Kwangmin, the little-devil type?" here he pointed to the twins. They had blond hair and were seemingly identical in looks, except that their hairstyles were parted in opposite directions. They looked at each other, then looked back at Mitsuko, smirks breaking out into their faces simultaneously.

"The cool type, Cho Kyuhyun?" He gestured at the guy with glasses, who had pulled out a black notebook and was now scribbling on it, completely ignoring everything that Dino-guy was saying.

"Or," here Dino stopped to chuckle pompously, "Would you like to try me; Kim Jonghyun, the princely type?" He asked flirtatiously as he grabbed her chin.

"No!" Mitsuko attempted to remove his hand from her face. "Look you misundersta-" Before she could finish her explanation, Taemin appeared by her side, smoothly cutting her off.

"Wow Mitsu~ Are you really a hero? I want to hear the story where you saved the queen!" he exclaimed with childish enthusiasm.

Mitsuko finally snapped. "Who gave you permission to call me Mitsu?" she growled out, eyes shooting daggers at the childlike senior.

Taemin's eyes started to water up, giving him a adorably heartbroken look, but Mitsuko didn't notice, turning around only to come face-to-face with Jonghyun.

... Close. Wayyy to close.

She opened and started inching backwards, eyes trained on the door. "Okay, look, I think I should go now... Ahahah- Ow! Whoah! GAH!"

It all happened in a flash, Mitsuko, who was attempting to get away from the host club tripped, bringing down a display case which was holding an elegant and rather important looking vase.


... .

"Oh no. That rune vase was supposed to be the main feature for the school auction." One of the twins started uncaringly. "What will we do…? We were going to start the bidding at eight hundred million won." The other twin finished.

Mitsuko started sweating profusely. "I… I'll pay it ba-…" The twins interrupted her.

"Can you? You can't even buy the uniform. What's with the lame clothing you're wearing?" the twins pointed out blandly.

She fumbled for a moment, "These was my brother's and I couldn't find anything else that looked remotely like a uniform..."

"What do you want to do Jonghyun?" Kyuhyun asked to the blond, who was, once again perched on his throne-like chair.

"Aah. Do you know this proverb Mitsuko?" his started rather casually, before his tone did a complete one eighty. "When in Rome, do as the Romans do. If you don't have money, pay with your body! From now on, you are the Host Club's dog!"


And that was just the beginning.

And that's it! (for now)

I started getting a headache halfway through re-writing lolsob. Hopefully it was better then the original, and yeah, look for an update in a couple of days! :D


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KandyLand #1
Chapter 1: Interesting concept, even though its unoriginal, update?
oohhh!!! please update soon!!! i'm excited to read this!!!
kekeIfarted #3
This is good xD Update soon please ~
keiila #5
Eepp!! Update~
Update soon! ^^
angex99 #7
hahaha , i'm glad she isn't one of those clueless girls :X
kekeIfarted #8
This fic is really awesome!!! <br />
for the other authors out there(not offeneding anyone >_<) who do these kind of fics - need to really think about the character and personality: which kpop idol suits them best you know? At first I was iffy reading this - but then I dont regret anything because your writing style is great! ^^ <br />
okay... onto my fangirl mode: kyaaaa~ I love ouran!!! its like one of my favourite animes around :D update soon~ =]]
Minhaeric #10
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Btw, you made a typo. "Aah. Do you know this proverb >>Fujioka<<-kun?"<br />
<br />
You wrore Fujioka instead of Haruka XD