Chapter 60 – In Which I Learn DoNotReply’s Name

Deer Luhan, With Love
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I originally wanted to post all the posters sent to me in order, but then Sushi_Sykes sent me this and it just suited the last chapter so well I had to put it up with this one.... (Chen is the chibi having the dream.)

Deer Luhan,

Why didn’t I think to ask Chanyeol to take photos of Chen and Baekhyun while they slept?



I awoke to the smell of coffee and the feeling of warm breath ghosting across my nose.  Turning my head away, I yawned and tried to stretch.

There was a body in the way.  My eyes popped open with surprise and I lifted my head up, looking down to see Sehun wrapped around me sort of like a burrito.  His head was resting on my right arm and his arms were around my waist, pinning mine to my sides.

For a moment, I was utterly baffled as to what had happened.  Then I remembered him coming down to comfort me last night.  There was a lot of skin showing on his part, though, and the daylight filtering in through the curtain and window was making it extremely obvious.  Sh*t, sh*t, sh*t, if Luhan sees this….

I carefully extracted an arm from Sehun’s grip and tried to nudge his limbs away.  It didn’t work.  Sighing, I rolled over.

And came face to face with a smirking Luhan.

“Holy sh*t!”

He snickered and blew air across my nose again.  I realised with growing horror that he had to have been the one who woke me up: his forearms were on top of each other on the thin mattress directly beside my face, and his head was resting on them.  Unlike Sehun, he was also fully dressed.

“Don’t worry,” Luhan told me with a wink as I sat up in a panic, causing Sehun to whine softly in his sleep and try to tighten his grip around me.  “I didn’t see anything.”

Eyeing Luhan distrustfully, I set about trying to free myself from the human burrito.

“Chen didn’t see anything either,” Luhan added, and I froze.

“Chen was in here?”

“Yup.  Came in for clothes not twenty minutes back.”  Luhan pointed to the suitcase rack, and I saw that some of the cases had been moved.

“ my life,” I groaned in despair, flopping back onto the mattress.  Sehun immediately snuggled up again.

“Chen actually didn’t see anything, though,” said Luhan, lifting his head off his arms and straightening up.  “I switched you and Sehun around so Sehun would be less visible and then stood in the way of the view of you two and chatted to him.  He was kind of disappointed nothing had happened and he’s too small to see into the top bunk.”

I breathed a sigh of relief.

“Actually,” Luhan went on, turning to the table and fussing with something on it, “he asked me last night to take photos and stuff if you two did anything at all.  I was going to because I woke up nearly an hour ago, but the sight was so adorable I just ended up watching you instead.”

“You could have woken me up earlier,” I grumbled as he turned back and handed me a steaming plastic cup of coffee.  “Watching people sleeping is creepy.”

“Well, look,” he said, holding up his phone.  “Literally the only photo I have is the one that’s now my background.  You can’t deny it’s super cute.”

My words died in my throat when I saw the picture, partially out of abject horror and partially because he was right.  Sehun and I were curled up around each other like a pair of puppies, his hand tucking my head in under his, and the light caught the profile of his face perfectly, highlighting his features – and also exactly how tired he looked.  I couldn’t help a glance at the sleeping boy beside me.  The poor thing had bags under his eyes.

Feeling a blush rising to my face, I hastily hid my emotions behind the coffee cup and hoped Luhan wouldn’t notice.

Unfortunately, he not only did notice, but he correctly interpreted the reason behind my silence.

“I’ll send you this,” he said, tapping the screen.  I stopped sipping at the coffee.

“Luhan, I know we joke about Lay getting up to some sh*t, but in future I’d appreciate it if you could tone your inner voyeur down.”

He looked bewildered.  “First of all, why do you know that Chinese word, and second of all, I never mentioned .”

There was a very awkward silence.

“Also,” said Luhan as an afterthought, “you should wake lover boy up.  Chen said the manager wants to brief everybody at ten, and it’s already quarter to.”

I shot out of the bunk like I’d been fired from a catapult, forcing Luhan to stagger backwards into the table as he tried to catch me at the same time as getting out of the way and failed at both.

“Ow, my back,” he complained, but I was too flustered to care.

“Sehun and I are not dating!”  How many times am I going to have to explain this?

A hand swatted limply at my back and then latched onto my collar, hoiking me back with surprising strength for somebody who was still fast asleep and now actually snoring.  Luhan raised an eyebrow in alarm and disbelief.

“Yet,” he said, and his imitation of Sehun’s poker face was flawless.


“So you’re telling sleepwalked through two locked doors and up into a top bunk and ended up practically kissing Baekhyun?” the manager demanded.

“Yep,” said Chen glibly.

What Luhan hadn’t told me was that the reason Chen had been up early was because the manager had actually been trying to wake all of us up early (he’d failed drastically when it came to the room Kai and Kris were sharing with Tao) and Chanyeol had left the door to his compartment, which had been housing Baekhyun, Chen and Lay besides himself, open when he’d popped out to the toilet.  And apparently Baekhyun and Chen got very touchy-feely in their sleep.  Baekhyun had even switched ends of the bed mid-slumber because his nose seemed to be sensitive to the smell of feet.

But the main problem was—

“There are fans in this carriage with us!” the manager hissed, gripping his hair in his hands.

Which was why I had concluded it was a very good idea to wear the chest compressor for the rest of the day rather than taking it off as Sehun and Luhan had suggested.

“What if one of them had wandered in?” the manager continued.  Baekhyun rubbed a sleepy eye and swung his legs out of the bed.

“Fan service?” he suggested around a yawn, and I couldn’t help giggling.

“Hit,” Kai announced abruptly, drawing my attention back to the game of Blackjack we were playing in the corridor with Sehun and Chanyeol, Luhan having locked himself in our compartment so that I could wander about freely.

Chanyeol left off fiddling with a small piece of plastic to deal Kai a second card.  Kai considered it for a second, biting down on his bottom lip, and then motioned for another card.  His eyes lit up as soon as he received it, so I gathered he hadn’t gone bust.

“Hit me,” I told Chanyeol, and he reached over to thump me on the arm.

“Not literally, you idiot,” Sehun grumbled at him.  Grinning, Chanyeol handed me another card.

A second ten.  The chances of an ace coming up if I asked for another card were too slim, so I elected to stand and went back to eavesdropping on the manager’s little rant.

My concentration didn’t last long because of Sehun celebrating his win with an exuberant: “Oh yes!  Twenty-one, b*tches!”, fanning himself with the ten of clubs and ace of hearts.  He was loud enough to draw out the fangirls.

They arrived faster than Dumbledore could have apparated, and I thought I was going to suffocate when a pair of arms wrapped tightly around me from behind.

“Oppa!” a familiar voice squealed in my ear.  “Why didn’t you tell me you were going to be on this train?”

Chaos ensued immediately.  I tried to pry DoNotReply’s arms off me; Kai and Sehun started getting really defensive but were blocked from getting to me by the appearance of more fans; Chanyeol looked up, absolutely bewildered; Baekhyun appeared in the doorway with a loud “what the ?” and quickly clamped his hands over his mouth because he’d sworn; and the manager almost knocked Baekhyun flat on his face as he barrelled past him to get out into the passage with a roar of “Luhan, we’ve already had the dating talk!”

Which of course resulted in DoNotReply and a couple of other fans who understood Korean going absolutely hysterical because “what?  Oppa’s dating?”

“No, I was just giving the manager advice about his girlfriend,” I said with a glare at the man as I finally managed to get fre

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Mitsukiii #1
I still find all the jokes in this story hilarious. You'd think I'd have abs by now since I laughed so much over the years reading this.
Chapter 16: wow you really nailed the fan craze over EXO, it feels so real
Chapter 15: 'Eleven of them! There's only eleven of them!' (not about Kris but wow this still punches in 2023)
Chapter 14: the cliffhanger author's note at the end of this! 'leigh runs away' AHHHH
Chapter 12: last line: 'Oh', Sehun said.

is this an unintentional pun on Oh Sehun (his full name)
Chapter 9: spoiler:
this reminds me of Office Antics chapter 0/1 lmao
Rereading again, love this fic
Chapter 81: Oh, dear! To think that I'm re-reading this on Chen's B'Day itself! They're all grown-up now!
Ash_weareone #9
Chapter 61: I think Sehun wrote I will miss you on the lock.
Ash_weareone #10
Chapter 45: So apparently all of except Suho all the EXO members know about Leigh, heck even SuJu and TVXQ. this is so hilarious 😂