The Immortals

Red String of Fate


Jongin's Perspective:


I was born in Joseon the Korean Kingdom, well more commonly known by the name of Seoul in the modern world. 
1432 was the year i was born into poverty. My mother died giving birth to me and my father was under arrest for a crime i still to this day know nothing about. I was passed around my both sides of my family till everntually i settled in with my mothers second cousin, Chul. Chul was only 18 when he agreed to look after me. He had no last name, in fact when he was born he wasn't even given a first name. He was born under similar 
circumstances to myself, and think that was why he was so open to taking me in even at his young age. Chul gave himself his own name and from there he continued on with his life of manual labour and since i was under his care i had to do the same once i reached the age of 10 at this age i was considered old enough to work and so i did. For seventeen years i worked without question without fighting, i did as i was told. 

When i was 27 the year 1459 Chul was hunted and murdered without warning over a farmer accusing him of stealing food. The only person i had to call my family was killed in front of me. That night i let rage consume me and i murdered the famer who falsely accused Chul of stealing. What i didn't expect was for the farmer to have a wife and two children. The children were no younger than four years old. Little did i know that i would have an eternity to remember those small faces because the wife grabbed my throat and poured a liquid down it as she yelled at me in a forgien language, i had never heard anything like it before i haven't heard anything remotely close to it since then. I remember my throat feeling like it was on fire, grasping for air as my windpipe started to close, i thought i was going to die, then darkness. 

When i woke up again i was in the middle of a field, i was completely alone and the farm was nowhere in sight. I walked and walked but i couldn't find my way back home, i had no idea where i was. I was never hungry or thirtsy while i walked for days on end nothing seemed to make any sense anymore and the more i walked the more i thought about what that women had done to me till i found myself at a dock in front of a boat. When i finally found someone i was told that the boat was heading to Greece. I had never heard of Greece before, i hadn't heard of a lot of things back then, i barely knew how to talk my own language but something told me to get on the boat so i did. 

I finally reahced Greece in 1460
While in Greece a kind man and his wife took me in. I was taught the Greek language and in less than two months i was talking to them with ease. During my stay in Greece i was taught about the Gods that they worshiped. This was a very foreign concept to me at the time because i myself had never heard of any gods before. They explained that there were gods for almost anything you could think of and that they were prayed to constantly because the "mortals" as they called themselves were helpless without them and owed them their lives. I followed the practice of worshipping the gods and praying to them when we needed good weather for crops going and so on and so forth. The Greeks had books on the gods so i would read them in my spare time and gather knowledge about these immortal beings they called gods that lived on Mount Olympus. The stories were not something you would read to your children at night before they went to bed, most were extremely barbaric and ual, i didn't like the idea of worshipping such fickle and selfish beings. 

Despite our religious differences they still accepted me and allowed me to stay in their home. This is when i first started to discover that i obtained "powers".
Teleportation was the first power i recieved when i was asleep. I was dreaming about a small pond in the middle of a forest, the water was completely still and amazingly clean and clear. Then without warning i was standing in front of it, i could feel the dirt underneath my feet, i could smell the fresh air, the exact place i had dreamed of i was now standing in. Though of course it took me almost three minutes to realise that i was no longer in the dream. It was a very short lived moment because within the blink of an eye i was back in the house, crumpled and sore from being thrown at wall in the middle of the night. After that day i began to realise that wherever i imgained (given that the place was real of course) i could travel to it freely without much worry, the landing also became a lot cleaning and i could land on my feet instead of on my face. 

The people that i was living with had quarreled with another family in the village and without warning one night their home was set on fire with all of us inside. The man and wife passed away due to lack of oxygen and severe burns, i miraculously made it out with burns covering my entire body. It was extremely painful to move, to be touched as you can imagine and this resulted in me lying in the rumble of the house for days without anyone knowing i was there. After what felt like days but was probably weeks i was able to move again, i no longers had burns on my body and i was perfectly fine. 
No one seemed to notice that i was completely unharmed or even noticed me when after this, considering i was the only Asian person living in Greece (well to my knowledge) at the time you would think that they would react somehow but people seemed to just ignore me and continue on with their lives. 

As time passed the information about immortals only became more limited in Greece, so after ten years i decided it was my time to move on, i was still hungry for answers about what was happening to me, about how i had become an immortal, about what was going to happen in my never ending life. I convinced a captain to allow me to board the next boat to England where i assumed i could find more information about the immortals other than the somewhat mystical gods that the Greeks believed in. When i was on the boat i started to get horrible migraines, to the point where i could barely see anymore, they were so strong that i would either faint or vomit and as the boat ride continued they only seemed to get worse. I thought i was going insane when i started to hear other voices in my head, i was going insane with the constant voices in my head, not even in my sleep could i escape them, and as much as i wanted to test what would happen if i teleported back to the peaceful pond i didn't want to risk not being able to teleport my way back on the boat, so i stuck it out for two months.

It was the end of 1470 when i arrived in England, the air wasn't as fresh as it was in Greece, the people were in more povety but it was still exciting to me. I was directed towards a pub and inn where they would allow me to stay free for one night. Not knowing any language but basic Korean and Greek i admit i should have done something about my English while i was in Greece since British people seemed to be travelling to and from Greece a lot but i didn't and this left me in an uncomfortable position. However it was in that pub that i met someone else who was going through what i was also going through. Wu Yifan.


Wu Yifan or Kris (as he prefered to go by while we were in England)
Born 1446 in Guangzhou, Guangdong, China
Turned immortal at 24 years old

Kris was and still is an extremely wealthy man, though i still to this day have no idea how it came about that way, he prefers to stay very quiet about his old life and does not like to bring it up. Even though he is rather cold and distant his heart is kind and his intentions are pure.
When Kris was 20 his mother was gravely ill and on her death bed she passed Kris a cup of water which was once intended for her, she asked him to drink it as her dying wish. He complied not wanting to offend his mother in anyway and when he did his mother told him that he was now an immortal being, and that she was happy that her son would be able to live on even if it meant her sacrificing her own possible chance at life for him to do so. 
A few hours afterward his mother passed away and Kris was left alone in a large house with no one but himself. 
With money, a good grasp of the english language and the drive to know more he boarded a boat from China to England and had been in for four years finding out all he could about immortals.

Even though there was a language barrier and Kris' temper was short with me most days, he did teach me how to read and write in English. He shared all his information with me which was more vast than my own. He told me that there was an old Chinese provicy that stated there would be twelve immortal beings, all possessing one or maybe more powers. The twelve would live for an extended period of time till eventually time would catch up with us and we would vanish without a trace for the provicy to carry on for another twelve. There was no word on when our time would eventually expire, so it made me question my immortality when there was in fact a time when we would no longer be immortal and we would end up dying just like everyone else, how long did we have? Where were the other ten? Who were the other ten?

Kris was very specific on the fact that we had to find the other ten though at this stage it did seem that it would be more difficult to find them all when we had no way of doing so. So in the mean time Kris and i lived together in an abondoned mansion deep in the forest. This became our home and our place to study about immortality and powers further.

This is where i learned to harness my own teleportation skills and where i realised my migraines and voices in my head was actually me learning to read peoples minds, it was easily controlled and was thankfully something you had to focus extremely hard on to use it so i wasn't constantly reading peoples minds constantly. Kris learned that he had the power of flight. It was a long couple months of trial and error as it was a lot harder for him to control then he though it would be, he'd often find himself launched into trees, walls, roofs, although it was highly entertaining, it did do a lot of damage to himself and the mansion so when he finally was able to control it, it was a big relief. He also learnt that he could control the sound frequences this usually resulted in him muting me whenever he felt it necessary so i was often talking to myself most days. We stayed in the mansion just the two of us for 112 years. Till one day i harnessed a new power that made me realise that finding the other ten immortals would be a lot easier to find then i once thought.


Park Chanyeol
Born 1561 in Seoul, South Korea
Turned immortal at 21 years old
South Korean 

My very first vision into the future was of none other than Park Chanyeol, a young man venturing over to England to attend the newly established University of Edinbrugh, however the very first glance i had of him he was vomitting on the boat, not the most attractive thing i've ever seen in my life but i was thankful for this recent gift since that meant that i could get to Chanyeol once he arrived at the docks. Months passed and passed before Chanyeol finally showed up. He was green faced and woozey from his travels but because of the very broken Korean i spoke to him he seemed to trust me enought to follow me to the mansion. 

It was there we learnt more about Chanyeol. That he was carefree, fun loving and a bit of an idiot at times, all that aside he was kind and friendly, he lightened the mood in almost every situation. We also learnt that he had come to England to further his education something his grandmother really wanted him to do since they were not from a wealthy family and she gave him all the remaining money she had to get him here. However how Chanyeol became immortal was (and still is) a mystery as he himself didn't know how if came about either, he was very accepting of it though and decided to test it out by jumping from the mansion roof.
Chanyeol was unique however as no matter how much time he spent with us he never gained any sort of power, however this never seemed to damper his mood, he was still very supportive and interested in everything that Kris and myself could do with our powers. 

Even though we urged Chanyeol to stay in the mansion to avoid being seen he contiued on with his play to honor his grandmother and started attending univeristy just like he promised. Kris was against it at first since he could risk the chance of exposing us but after time passed he warmed up to the idea and Chanyeol as admired for his loyalty to his word and to his grandmother.

It wasn't till an incident in a German mall in 1995 that Chanyeol first obtained his power to control fire. When himself and shop assistant got into a heated discussion about something that was probably stupid the whole shop went up in flames with the slightest bat of Chanyeol's eyelashes. From then on Chanyeol was forbidden to leave the mansion until he learned how to master his powers, we couldn't have him risking the lives of innocent peoples lives. After a few years he learned how to handle his powers but he's still not allowed to go back to Germany. 


Zhang Yixing
Born 1580 Changsha, Hunan, China
Turned immortal at 19 years old

Zhang Yixing was a rare case of timing when i met him. Yixing was from a wealthy family much like Kris. When himself and his two best friends caught wind of "immortal" water being sold on the black market in Changsha the three rushed over to see if they could buy any. When i recieved their "immortal water" the three went off laughing and excited about their purchasem, they drank their canteens together then went their seperate ways home. 
However that night Yixing's two friends died in their sleep, the water thy drank had been poisoned and the one was intended for Yixing as his family had crossed another wealthy family, there idea of revenge was to kill their one and only son.

For a long time Yixing blamed himself for the death of his friends, he wished that he had drunk the tainted water instead as to save at least one of his friends from death at such a young age. After almost a year of sitting in self loathing and pity, he decided to find out more about the water, get a source about how tried to poison him. He headed back to the black market and miraculously the man who sold the water to him was still selling and dealing there. The man told him the source was from South Korea and gave him a map free of charge.

With enough money to get by he left in the middle of the night as to not worry his family and made his way to South Korea. Yixing spent months searching for the spot marked on the map and when he found it he also found me. Our first encounter was not a good one. I was making my weekly trip back to pond to try and vile the water and do more tests on it, to see if i drank more would i gain more powers etc Yixing on the other hand though that i was the man who poisoned his water and attacked me with his knife.
After a long discussion, a lot of explaining why i hadn't died and a few shed tears, i informed him that the water he drank must have been the water in the pond we were sitting in front of. 

Yixing came back with me to England where he met Kris and Chanyeol and within a few days learnt that he had the power to heal. Yixing was a mess for a very long time. Large parts of him wanted to go back to Changsha and revive his friends that had died but he wasn't powerful enough yet the most he could do was revive a flower. This resulted in more self loathing and isolating himself from us. It took Yixing a long time to come to terms with the fact he couldn't do anything for his poor friends and he had no way of finding the family that killed them and after ten long years Yixing finally accepted fate, his powers became stronger and within that spring we had another addition to the mansion.


Kim Minseok 
Born 1575 in Seoul, South Korea
Immortal at 24 years old
South Korean

Minseok is the definition of happy go lucky a very helpful and kind person. 
Minseok's immortality came about with none other than a kind gesture to a elderly women and her young granddaughter. The two had just come over from Japan and needed  a place to stay for the night, no matter who they asked they were denied shelter for even the night that was until they met Minseok. Minseok was a young man who working out in the fields without a care in the world, he did as he pleased and enjoyed every second of his life. Without hesitation he took the two back to his home and allowed them to stay as long as they pleased.

After two or three months of enjoying the twos company, he came home from work to find that they were gone leaving only a scribble on his floor and a vile full of water. Minseok couldn't read the scribble since he didn't know Japanese but he took the water and for a long time kept it in his house untouched. Minseok continued with his everyday life even though he missed the company of the two women very much as he'd been alone for so long he continued to smile and not let a single negative thought into his head. 

One day after work he was extremely thirsty and without thinking drank the water from the vile. Annoyed at himself for drinking the only thing he had left to remember the two he threw the vile at the wall as much force as he could. Not only breaking the vile but freezing the whole wall as an end result. In complete and utter shock over what he had just witnessed he fainted. When he woke up i was there to greet him.

Minseok was very understanding of his new situation, he was very comfortable with talking about it and once he got over the shock of himself freezing a quarter of his house he was very understanding of that as well. With little to no effort Minseok came with me back to England. I was thankful that all the immortals were very understanding of their situation and what the next step was in their future. That was until i met Byun Baekhyun.

Byun Baekhyun
Born 1673 in Bucheon, Gyeonggi Province, South Korea
Immortal at the 22 years old
South Korean

One game of  Russion Roulette with two cups of poisioned water and one of "pure" changed Byun Baekhyun's life forever. After successfully not killing himself he started to act as if he was in invicible human. Baekhyun was neither poor or rich, he had no one to answer to but himself and he prefered it that way. Baekhyun's line of work was an interesting one as he was in fact a con man. He could talk his way around anyone he wanted to, get got riches from not even raising a finger, loved his work and he was good at it. 

Just when i thought that gathering all the immortals would be easy Byun Baekhyun completely smashed every hope i had of that happening. My first vision of him was at a festival where i saw him getting beaten up but he was still standing on two feet, anyone else who had beaten as badly as he had would have been dead but he continued to stand his ground till he won the fight. 
I immediately was impressed with Baekhyun and his durability and i was quite happy to have someone with such determination added to our immortal family however when i met Baekhyun for the first time he tried to pickpocket me then when he realised i had no money he started a fight for no reason other than he knew he was now invincible.

After a long gruling fight that we both had to endure for hours he finally stopped fighting me long enough for me to explain that he was now immortal. Baekhyun's reaction was so severe that he turned the stary night pitch black with one loud scream. The following months (yes months) were excruciating, Baekhyun did not want to be found, he didn't want to move from Seoul and he wanted nothing to do with me. Whenever i thought i was close to catching him, the lights would go out, whether it be candles or the sun itself. His powers progressed very fast, the more he resisted the more powerful he became to one day i had a vision of where he was going to be a few hours before it happened and i managed to catch him.

After a lot more explaining about his situation and talking about the prophecy Baekhyun was still reluctant to go as he didn't want to travel to a country he knew nothing about, he was hard to convince and i ended up following him around for days on end trying to convince him, after wasting a year in Seoul trying to get him to England he finally agreed and we left with finally no struggle.

Kim Jongdae
Born 1799 in Seoul, South Korea
Immortal at 18 years old
South Korean

I met Jongdae's mother before i met Jongdae himself. I was visiting the pond when i saw a women scooping water up into a canteen. When she saw me, it was almost like she knew who i was and explained the situation that he was in. 

Jongdae was what would be referred to as terminally ill in the modern age, he had agressive forms of cancer growing on his lungs and they were developing at an alarming rate. With no cures, no way to ease his suffering other than death his mother decided she was going to save him. She told me that the only thing she wanted was for Jongdae to smile and be happy, something it seemed she hadn't seen in a long time.

When i met Jongdae myself the boy was practically transparent. He was lying on the floor with a thin blanket over him, he already looked dead. His mother fed him the water and then we waited. There was no saying if the water would rid him of his cancer, yes he would live forever but would he be living in pain forever or would the cancer disappear? There was no way to know all we could do was wait.

Because of Jongdae's weak physical state, there was no physical changed to his body for a long time. Then one morning i woke and heard that Jongdae was breathing evenly, that his skin had a healthy glow to it. His mother was overjoyed when Jongdae could sit up by himself with no help. His physical healthy only seemed to grow as the days progressed. As the days continued to roll by Jongdae's mother became more aware of the fact that when i left Jongdae was leaving with me. I think with time she began to accept it and then one day after he was coming back from a trip to the market his mother had packed his blanket and some other sentimental possessions for him to leave with.

The departing was a hard one, it had to be done but seeing Jongdae in such a state was also incredibely hard to swallow, to be with someone your whole life just to have them ripped away from you was something i knew all too well and i sympathised with Jongdae over that.
Once in England Jongdae locked himself in his room for a long time, when he wasn't in his room which in itself was rare he wouldn't talk to anyone or even make eye contact. It took Jongdae a long time to come around, the thought of him out living his mother was something that he didn't want to experience then thought that he wouldn't be able to see her again was also something that made his depression even harder for him to deal with. 

Until one day when he was outside with the rest of us and he finally spoke to everyone, this first sentence was "look what i can do"
Then within the blink of an eye lightning had hit a tree near us and set it on fire. From then on Jongdae used his powers mostly for mischieve and mostly to tourment Baekhyun who would mercilessly.

Kim Joonmyun
Born 1845 Seoul, South Korea
Immortal at 23 years old
South Korean

Joonmyun's story was a simple one. He simply one day stumbled upon the pond. When i met with him and asked him why he decided to drink the water he simply replied with "i just wanted to" with that i thought that Joonmyun was going to be an open and shut case, easy to deal with however i was wrong.

Joonmyun did not accept the fact that he was immortal easily, he kept laughing whenever i tried to explain it. He called me a liar and demanded to know he put me up to such a "joke" it wasn't until i stabbed him with a knife that he finally believed me but even then he was still sceptical.
You'd think that after someones stabbed you in the heart and you didn't die that they would understand that they are immortal but not Joonmyun.

It took me a month to convince him to come back to England when he got to the mansion his power to control water started to develope well, he was one ofthe fastest to master his power. he used it mostly to end fights between people in the mansion by throwing water at them till they stopped fighting. As amusing as it was it left the floors and walls with water stains.


Huang Zitao
Born 1850 Qingdao, Shangdong, China
Immortal at 19 years old

Ziato was in South Korea for the adventure of it all, his friends and himself decided that they would travel all around Asia to experience what the world close to them had to offer. Himself and his friends stumbled upon the pond and because of how hot the weather was they decided to go for a dip. Zitao who couldn't swim underestimated how deep the water was and started to drown. His friends hadn't seemed to notice the only reason he survived was because of the amount of water he drank while struggling to get to the surface. 

It wasn't till almost five minutes later that one of his friends realised he was still under the water. Zitao had nightmares about that moment in his life for a few nights and every time he'd wake up from a nightmare he'd freeze the time around him in his shock. Kris was the on who went to Zitao. I still to this day don't know how he convinced him to come back to England, i don't know what they talked about, i know nothing about that day other than Zitao came without any hassle and that Kris and him became very good friends in the end.

Zitao's training however was very difficult, as he didn't take criticism well he'd use his power to freeze time and attack you in a physical way to get back at you for hurting his feelings. The amount of times he has kicked me in the shin is far almost they same amount of years i have been alive. 


Do Kyungsoo 
Born 1878 Goyang, Gyeonggi Province, South Korea
Immortal at 17 years old
South Korean


Kyunsoon was from a very poor family and he started working at a young age to help pay off the debut that they had accumulated from a series of lone sharks. One day he stumbled upon the pond on his way to work, his thirst consuming him he drank as much as he could then ran off to go and work.
On his way home he tried to find the pond so he could get water for the rest of his family but no matter how much he tried he couldn't find it and eventually he went home feeling extremely defeated.

I found him a few days later after a vision i had of him. Kyungsoo accepted the fact he was immortal very quickly and agreed to come with me to England even though he was worried about leaving his fammily behind with nothing but his memory, so instead he lied to them. He said that he was going to England for work and was going to send money back home to them, He begged them not to worry, and he promised he'd be fine.

After a tearful goodbye we were in England and Kyungsoo started working outside of the mansion to earn money for his family. All the money he earned went straight to them, i would teleport back and forth for Kyungsoo whenever he got paid and soon he had paid off all the debut and he had given them enough money for his baby sister to be raised on proper food and water unlike how he was raised. After that he sent one more letter telling his family how much i loved them and that was the last they heard of him.

Oh Sehun 
Born 1899 Seoul, South Korea
Immortal at 21
South Korean 

Sehun was immortal for years before i got to him. he had somehow slipped off my radar and Kris was the one who caught wind of him from a "source" in South Korea.

Sehun was much like the others and accepted his fate with ease however his soon to be wife was pregnant with his child and he couldn't just leave her by saying he was going to work overseas and he couldn't just disappear without a trace. He was still very close with his grandparents on both sides and talked to his mother and father everyday, Sehun's situation was more complex than anyone elses so we had to take drastic measures.

Sehun was pronounced dead at 3am 1920 on Wednesday morning. 

Even though Sehun left with me easily, i still felt like he resented me for making him leave his life in Seoul. He wore a locket with is girlfriends picture in it (he still wears it now) every single day and he was always writing in a journal, later on i realised that what he was writing was unsent letters to his girlfriend and his newly born son. 

Sehun wasn't like the others he was well educated with his power of seeing the future, he mastered and controlled it with ease and because of this he grew tired of the mansion quickly, i could see him slowly going mad over how he was almost like an animal in captivity. Sehun was a free spirit, he would run away constantly and Kris always had to find him since two people with future sight couldn't see each others fates. 
I was about to loose hope with Sehun till something miraculous happened, the last immortal was made.

Lu Han 
Born 1922 Haidian District, Beijing, China
Immortal at 17 years old


poor boy from a poor family. Kindly helped an old women through a dusty path and in turn she gave him the elixar to live forever. After awkward incident with his younger sibling he drank the entire canteen to prevent his siblings from possibly getting sick from the water. Without knowing he turned himself immortal.

Luhan also didn't want to leave his family, he wanted to stay with them but after talking for a long time he agreed to come back to England with me and was pronouced dead, midday Friday 1940.

Luhan was nothing like he is today, he was very timid and nervous around the other immortals and myself, but mostly he was scared of Oh Sehun. I made Sehun his mentor due to the fact that Sehun was the most successful immortal so far when it came to mastering his power. Sehun at first loathed Luhan, he refused to be around him, he wouldn't teach him, he would pretend he wasn't there most days. Then one day i walked past Luhan's room and Sehun was teaching him how to use his telekinesis.

After that the two became inseparable, they ate together, they worked together, they did everything together. It was heart warming to see Sehun happy again after a very long time. Then the two started to grow tired of England and with my allowance the two began to travel and live in different countries only staying for a few years each other so they wouldn't expose themselves. I would always keep my tabs on Luhan since i couldn't track Sehun so knew if they were save of not. The two would always come back with interesting stories and souvenirs for everyone. Those two are the ones i am most worried about, Luhan is a carefree spirit and likes to go where the wind takes him and Sehun is never too far behind him. The two have a tendency to get into trouble more than i would like.

With news about Cheyol Yong it's now become a situation bigger than the two of them it's now become about all of us not to mention the fact that Luhan was told our secret to Nanami, it's only a matter of time before she disappears as well.


Authors note:

This is the longest chapter i have written in my entire life wow.
Sorry if it was really long and (possibly historically inaccurate i tried my best)
I have been written this chapter for literally hours since 5pm it is now 10.40pm and i am so done i probably wont update for a few days because i just wow i needa break. Also sorry if there are any spelling mistakes i really can not be bothered to go back and fix it because that would require so much concentration and i have none left. 
The disapperances will be addressed in the next chapter because i am so tired i think i'm going to pass out and this chapter is already really long 
Anyway i hope you all liked it anyway, have a nice day/night/afternoon~


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Chapter 31: Wow I like it because this final is more realistic, if I were in Nanami's place I would made the same decision and just like you said we can interpret it, so i said it was a happy ending because Nanami and Luhan are in heaven together or maybe no.
Have a great day!
It's a great story! ^^,
Chapter 31: Dang... I was really hoping that this would end happily. Wow, I don't even know what to say. I'm a wreck. This was an emotional rollercoaster I was not aware I was boarding. I don't even know what I'm going to do with my life anymore. I'm not crying, but I feel as though someone has just torn my heart out of my chest. Last time I had this feeling, I stopped reading fanfics for like a week because I didn't want to become depressed again. Then again, with the last one I literally cried for the last 10 chapters. It was rough... I literally don't even know what's happening.
Excuse me while I just wallow in my depressing thoughts.
(The story was a 10/10 btw)
Chapter 29: Wow this story is getting more interesting! Can't wait for the next chapter. Hugs ^^,
Chapter 27: It is good! Hope you are alright with the moving. Hugs ^^,
Chapter 27: Lol Chanyeol is dumb
twinkle_blossom #6
Chapter 26: Wow! Very interesting...but the big question is, how long will Nanami last?
Chapter 26: Wow so cool! I like the explanation of chanyeol about the immortals. Can't wait for the next.
Chapter 26: Oh my god so it is the other way around? Luhan will leave first and if nanami is strong enough to get rid the idea of immortality from her sanity?
jungkookmyluv #9
Chapter 24: I'm looking forward to this....."Will she change??"That question keeps lingering in my mind.. ..but i think she'll not change because of the red string of fate that connects her and Luhan..That only means that they will be together forever right?...I also think that what if the time has come that Luhan and Nanami are together buty she is really old?Will she die? But what if they find that the water youth still exist?Will they give it to her so she can be with Luhan for endless life or not?
Chapter 24: Yay! Chanyeol has entered! I'm also kind of confused about the "changes" everyone keeps saying that she's very far in, but her interest doesn't even really seem to be about Luhan, but about her mom... I'm confused as to if I'm missing something and she's "changing", or if she genuinely does not seem to be changing atm...