My Story Chapter 1

My Story

Your POV:


"Look everybody it's ___ !" yells someone in the crowd as I stop in front of the gate.


I give them my dazzling smile as I walk in.


"Hey baby!" Kris says as he walks up to me


"Hey honey." as I walk up to him and give him a peck on the lips.


Kris and I walk in to the school and everybody bows. After all we are the star couple!




The bell rings and Kris and I say goodbye.


My friends walk up to me as we head to class.


" Lookin good ___ ! " says Bom, one of my friends


" As always!" I say


We reach the front door of our class and walk in.


The teacher comes and tells us to go to page 100 in math






The last bell rings as my friends and I walk out of the classroom.


When we walk out I see Kris standing by the door waiting for me. "Bye girls!" I say


" Bye ___ see you tomorrow! " says Hana


Kris and I walk to the bus stop together as we wait for the bus.


We have a small chit chat of what we did today.


He tells me that him and EXO are going to try out for the talent show this year.


The bus arrives and I get on after I say bye to Kris and giving him a peck.


As the bus starts to go a car comes speeding and hits the bus.


I see dents, blood, and glass everywhere. The people on the bus and the car are bleeding 


and slowly losing their conscious like I am. I feel something coming down my


forehead. I touch it, it's red, blood red. I start to lose my consciousness I hear loud bells and screaming outside, then I blackout.


Last thing I hear is someone yelling my name, ______.



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