Letter To You

Letter To You




            I was leaning in my bed, looking at that picture again. That picture that the two of us were smiling happily. That only picture of us that remained. That only picture that I couldn’t throw away. Because when you leave me, I couldn’t bear to see things that reminded me of you around the house and threw it all.

            But now I’m here, writing you this letter. Writing with all I have.

            I know that I send you away with a smile on my face and telling you that I was okay. But that was a lie. And when you turned your back to me, my eyes instantly got red and when you got out of my sight, I’ve collapsed in tears.

             I know that I told you that I didn’t liked you anymore too. But that was a lie too. I still loved you in that time, I’m still loving you until now and I think I’ll do for the rest of my life.

            It’s being about six months now, right? And You know what? I saw you today. And you are really pretty! I think more pretty that you was when you was with me. You seemed radiant.

            You was with him. Holding hands, kissing, shopping, laughing, all in public. Like we couldn’t do and you always wanted. My heart ached seeing this. I thought that I wouldn’t be able to breathe anymore. I hid myself for you not see me. I didn’t know what to say to you and if I could hold back my tears if we faced each other.

            And I’ve finally realized why you leave me. And I couldn’t help but blame myself. I know that you didn’t want me to do this, but I know that the cause it’s me. If I had paid more attention to you, understood your concern with me, viewed that you weren’t fine, held you more tight in my arms… Maybe you would be with me yet.

            You know… When I close my eyes at night, I dream about you. I dream about you smiling and waving at me and getting further and further away. I run at you with all I have, but you are faster than me. So, I collapsed in the ground crying and yelling your name, begging you to don’t go, to don’t abandon me. And I wake up in a complete mess, feeling worse than when I went sleep.

            I want you back so badly. I know that probably I can’t make you happier like him, I know that I could make you cry someday, and I know that I’m being selfish. But please, I can’t take anymore. I want you. I need you! I love you so much…

            Please, I’m begging… Come back to me!

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kissingyoulove #1
great1!!! :DD
ah!!!!! Doojoonie... T^T don't worry I'll accept you with open arms.. :P<br />
<br />
nice oneshot! :D
NamHarang #3
Me too~<br />
I would never even THINK in leave him!! XD
Doojoon.<br />
This'll never happen to me, because I will never leave doojoon. T_T<br />
(I'm delusional XD)<br />
if doojoon wrote me that...which will never happen xD but if he did.....i would run back to him <3