A Window to the Past


I don't even know where I'm going, I don't really care where I've been.
Driftin' into silence I feel a tightenin' in my chest.
I'm reachin' out for something that I already missed...

I want a love that can get me through another restless night.
Stay, go, whatever I do, I just can't get it right.

Counting up the lines on the highway like I'm counting my regrets.
I'm wrestling the angels and the devils in my head.
I left you without warning, no note beside the bed...

I pray you can forgive me. 
I hope you can forget.


Sehun was the same person as he was before. At least he thought he was.
As he walked out of the Slytherin dorm, straight to the great hall to have his breakfast before the first classes started, he felt no more different than the night before. More tired though. And lost.
Something was craving through his mind, but he simply just couldn't get a hold of it and the daily doses of nightmares didn't help his situation at all. Everyone seemed to notice the change in the boy's condition, but really paid no attention to it whatsoever because Sehun had made very clear he didn't want people to in his personal life.

"How long you're going to keep sulking and locking yourself into the dormitory like there's nothing wrong?" Xiumin sighed when the last lesson of the day had ended and Sehun was beginning to make his way back towards the parlour holding a small memo about invisible creatures on his hands. What seemed to surprise his friends, was the fact that the boy had suddenly found a new hobby in reading about weird spells and beasts.
"I'm not sulking?" Sehun furrowed his eyebrows and turned around to face his friends that now each and every one of them stared at him confused.
"You kind of are", Chanyeol sighed and straightened the black cape on his shoulders before nodding when Xiumin asked if it was because of that bastard of a Tao.

"Who's he?" The answer was something Sehun's friends had expected. They knew the boy pretended not to know or care about the blonde-guy hanging with the Hufflepuff leader, but the sincere tone on Sehun's voice was something that surprised everyone. And before anyone could ask about the situation, Sehun had already disappeared behind the corner.


Tao wasn't stupid. He knew damn well why Sehun was blocking him out from his life and seeming like succeeding at it. Those looks that once held so much kindness, had now turned into cold, short and almost empty glances, which had no meaning in them. It was like Tao was the only one longing.
Kris was wrong. He wasn't able to make him forget about Sehun. He wasn't able to do any of that he had promised and every time he answered with a small "I'm okay", he knew he was lying for the older one.

He hoped he would make it right somehow. He didn't care if he had to endanger his life to make it all better, but he felt the need to explain himself, or just to hear Sehun speak to him and him only.
But he couldn't say how. He barely even knew the guy anymore...


"Guys I have some bad news; The Hufflepuffs are joining in our Defense Against the Dark Arts -classes from the beginning of next Tuesday." Chanyeol was almost tripping on his own feet when he quickly walked inside the great hall where everyone else were already having their peaceful dinner.
"Not again?" Jongin whined and dropped the spoon on his plate, causing half of the soup to spill on his white blouse.
"Yeah I feel you... Last time I was in the same class with Hufflepuff students they almost set the whole school on fire..."
"Imagine what it would be like having them on DADA-classes", Jongin shivered, "They will probably wake up Voldemort or something."
"If we're lucky, they will only wake the half of him." Xiumin added changin the pages of the Daily Prophet placed in front of him.
"And the other half will fly inside some poor soul's body." Chanyeol thought it was fun to joke around but others just gave him a death glare before getting back to their own business.

Minutes passed by while a great silence flowed around the four Slytherin students. For three of them the silence was being too uncomfortable, since Sehun hadn't sad a word about the news.
"Sehun are you sure you're okay having Tao in the same classes as you?" Chanyeol leaned towards the younger one looking at him with furrowed eyebrows.
Sehun lifted up his head, stared nowhere in particular for a moment before turning to his friend like he had just said something rather uninteresting: "Seriously? Who is this Tao you're all talking about? Should I know him?"

Everyone turned to look at each other in great confusion.
"What's wrong with you Sehun?" Xiumin uttered out a laughter that sounded anxious at first, "Are you saying you don't recognize that blonde-guy sitting there next to Hufflepuff's keeper?" Sehun knew damn well who the keeper was and he hated him for life. He just couldn't say what was the cause for those feelings. Maybe it was because they were rivals in quidditch? Maybe it was because of that ugly looking smirk plastered on that face?
"Oh that guy. Yes I've seen him", everyone seemed to sigh out of relief, "Never talked to him though. He stares at me creepily..." And the holding of breaths were back on track. The three boys sitting around Sehun just hoped he would be joking.


Like his friends had predicted, Sehun thought that the Defense Against the Dark Arts -lessons would be disaster. Turned out they weren't that bad. Their new teacher was actually pretty funny unless they counted the fact that he was scary as . The man seemed to enjoy more than enough, talking about the unforgivable curses.
No one really knew why they had to study this kind of subject anymore since the Lord Voldemort was already defeated, but after the parents found out some students had some Death Eaters on their lineage, the requested of having DADA back to the schedule was soon spreading like a wildfire.

On their first lesson the students were separated into small groups in which they had to discuss about things that could cause them danger in the future and what kind of charms they already knew to use for fighting. Sehun wasn't good at this, but that blonde guy his friends always talked about, kind of knew everything.
Yes. They happened to get into the same group and those small glances the guy sent towards him, felt now even more anxious. It didn't feel bad when their eyes met from other sides of the great hall, but when it was coming right next to him, what could he possibly say or do?

When the teacher started to talk again and every students' eyes turned to the blabbering maniac, Tao leaned towards Sehun: "Hey... Do you have time to talk at some point?"
Sehun startled. What on earth did that guy wanted from him?
"W-what?" He whispered and gave a quick glance towards Chanyeol and Xiumin, who both had their eyes on the front. . He needed help and quick. Why was the guy next to him even talking to him right now?

"I know you're angry Sehun, but please don't pretend like you don't know what's going on... I really just want to talk to you." Sehun gave another helpless glance towards his friends, this time searching for Jongin who talked to some of their other housemates.
"I have no idea what you're talking about... Tao, right?" The blonde guy seemed to hold back for this. Maybe the pretending was going on a whole new level.
"Stop playing around Sehun!" Tao hissed, but made sure the only people hearing him was the 2 other people on their team. The frightened look on Sehun's face turned now more angrier. He didn't know why the guy was cursing at him like that, and he had no intentions to find out.
"Weirdo." Sehun had time to say before the teacher, for his luck, decided to dismiss the class for that day. The boy was one of the first to leave the dim lightened classroom.

Tao stood there, dumbfounded, feeling like something was dragging him underwater. He couldn't get a hold of what just had happened right in front of his eyes.
"C-chanyeol!" Tao was soon captivated back on earth as the tall giant walked by with his two other housemates, questioning where Sehun had went so suddenly.
"Huh?" The elf-eared guy turned around to face the blondie, along with his friends. Usually Tao would feel a bit uncomfortable for facing Slytherin students in general, but they were the only people who would be able to tell him the truth.

"Umh... You don't happen to know what's going on with Sehun?" Tao asked and the look on Chanyeol's face was something he had never seen before; pure sincere. He knew what Tao was asking for.
"No. Tao I'm sorry. He's been a bit upset these few weeks. I don't know what's gotten into him."
"Oh. I thought maybe you could tell me, but if you don't even know then..." Tao kept a pause to sigh silently.
"So what happened? I saw you two talking. Well mostly it was you, but anyhow."
"It was nothing", Tao turned his face from the floor towards the giant who didn't seem to believe what the shorter one was saying,
"I mean he... He just ditched me out completely. I just wanted to talk, but he acted like he didn't know me at all." Chanyeol furrowed his eyebrows for this. He thought that Sehun was only pretending around them, but to keep the wall up in front of Tao too? Doesn't sound right.

"Well to be honest he's been the same around us too. First I thought that it's just his way of... You know. Forgetting things, that are important for him, but he really has changed. Now he's just reading books about dragons and god knows what creatures." He saw the wounded look on Tao's face, which suddenly transformed into this forced, even a bit ugly looking smile. Chanyeol turned his head towards the door and seeing the other giant, Kris, waving at Tao and waiting him to get there. He didn't notice the loud scoff that left his mouth.
"Well. Thank you for your time Chanyeol", The blonde boy said and it was clear he was a bit disappointed for not getting any answers, "I think I must go now... See you around?"

Before Tao could walk away, Chanyeol took a soft hold of his sleeve, stopping him from going anywhere just yet.
"I can help you out with this is that's really what you want." He didn't know why he felt like helping. Maybe it was because he knew, deep inside, Tao wanted to get his friend back. Or maybe it was because he wanted to have his friend back. Yeah, that had to be it. He rather thinks his own good than any other human being's.
"Thank you Chanyeol." Tao nodded his head and after the giant let him go, the boy walked outside the classroom disappearing behind the corner with Kris strictly on his side.


Weeks passed by one after another. Tao didn't know how he was able to confront Sehun, since the guy seemed not to even notice him when they were passing each other by. It hurted to see him that way. It hurted to see that the other one really felt like getting over of what they had, but he was still battling against what he was feeling.
Kris was getting distant too. Or Tao was doing it on purpose. The older student always tried to help him out, ask him what was wrong, but how could he possibly answer that all he was thinking was Sehun?


One rainy day, Tao was passing by an empty hallway. All the classes were over for that day so he decided, it was best to let out some steam of his brains by spending some quality time at the greenhouse with talking plants.
His eyes soon scanned two people sitting besides the windows, laughing at each other. Tao recognized the other voice as Chanyeol's. it was deep and had that weird kind of sarcasm in it. The other one turned out to be Baekhyun's. What the giant and the Gryffindor prefect had between, was something no one really couldn't understand. They always nagged to each other and even a smallest thing set a fire between the couple. But maybe the hate was just some weird kind of public for both of them, Tao couldn't say.

The laughter stopped immediately when they heard steps coming from the other side of the hallway and as they noticed Tao's appearance, Baekhyun coughed and unwrapped his arms around Chanyeol's neck and shoulders.

"Hi..." Tao smiled weakly and nodded for both of them, earning nods back. Hell, he had thought it would be a relaxing evening for once, but as soon as he remembered what Chanyeol had promised couple weeks ago, he knew what had to be asked. "Have you umh... Found out anything? About Sehun?" 
Tao noticed the look the couple in front of him gave each other. It was full of worry, sorrow and plain disappointment.

"Well", Chanyeol started and looked back at the blondie, but seemed like he couldn't say anything so he just turned back towards Baekhyun, who just nodded at him, "There's this thing..." Chanyeol's stuttering made Tao worried.
"What is it?" He tried to search an answer from Baekhyun's face, but the older one just shrugged apologizing.

"He really can't remember you Tao." Chanyeol said it in one breath and the other one couldn't understand a word he was saying.
"Please be more specific?"
"I mean he has completely forgotten you. Baekhyun promised to help me and umh..." The giant gave another glance for Baekhyun, who understood to continue,
"I found out from one of the Slytherin house-ghosts what happened. He told me that Sehun had came back to the dormitory one night, looking like a total wreck of emotions. He couldn't hear what he was saying, but it was sure he was staring at a picture. The ghost said he didn't want to be a burden because it looked really important to Sehun himself, and just as he was leaving the parlour, he heard it..."

"Heard what?" Tao asked and the hold of his books tightened, "He heard him say what Chanyeol?" It was like Tao was searching some sort of better explanation from the giant, who only shook his head in an apologizing manner.
"He erased his memories Tao." Baekhyun answered silently so that his voice wouldn't echo on the empty hallway.
"H-how?" Neither one said anything and Tao already knew what they meant.

"Don't tell me he cursed himself..." Tao stuttered. he couldn't believe anything. It couldn't be possible...
"I found some pictures from Sehun's drawer." Chanyeol had seriously done everything for Tao. Even invaded Sehun's personal bubble and soon Tao was having one of the pictures on his hands. He remembered the place and the story behind the picture. They were sitting on the quidditch-field, drinking pumpkin-juice. Sehun was supposed to train his quidditch-skills and the picture was taken on their small break.

Tao didn't see himself on the picture even though he was damn sure he was sitting right beside Sehun, who now looked rather sad on the picture. And he was damn sure the other one had bene laughing in the picture they had taken.
"Is this a joke?" Tao's voice was trembling as he opened his mouth.
"I'm so sorry Tao." Baekhyun stood up from the window sill only to be held back by the giant.
"Is there something that I can do to end this...?" Both guys shook their heads before Baekhyun mentioned that he had tried to look help from the library.

"T-there has to be some way to bring him back. There has to be!" Tao didn't realize he had let out a miserable yelp and soon he found himself running towards his dormitory. He needed better proof. He needed to know this was all just a play, so he searched for his own copy of the same picture on his hands.

Tao couldn't keep his tears back when he realized Sehun was missing from his picture. There wasn't a smiling boy on it. Instead it was just him, sipping the pumpkin juice next to Jongdae and Jongin.
"This is not real..." Tao cursed as he searched for more pictures in vain. All the pictures he had been with Sehun were now transformed into ones, where he was sitting all alone, staring at the camera and looking rather lonely.


The poor boy didn't know what to do anymore. There was no way to fix any of the things that had happened in the past half a year. 
If there was a time machine, the young boy could definitely have some use for it right now. He wanted to get back the time where it was just him and Sehun. Neither Luhan nor Kris. But how in the hell he was going to get it all back? Baekhyun had said there was no cure for the charm and Tao felt miserable when he realized that maybe it was all true.

The boy had browsed almost the whole library through without finding even a single mention of "withdrawal of obliviate" or something like that. Tao was just about to put back the book on his hands and give up, when he felt the presence of another person appearing on the same aisle as he was standing. The blondie's breath hitched a bit when he realized it was Sehun who grabbed books on his hands, quickly glanced them through before putting them back on their places. When he felt someone's eyes on him, he lifted up his head and their eyes crashed with Tao. Neither one said a word to each other although Tao felt the need to open up his mouth and scream out everything he once wanted to say.

In the end they only turned back to their books, Tao getting another one in his hands, while Sehun just swiped the pages without paying attention on anything.
Minutes flew by and the blonde haired was having enough of the silent treatment although he knew there was nothing he could do about it. If he wanted to make it all better he should just... Start over, right?

"Are you looking for something particular?" Tao closed the book putting it back on it's place before turning to Sehun who had now gotten couple steps closer to him.
"I umh... Not actually. I'm just searching something good to read." Sehun answered and was just about to get back to his own world when Tao jumped next to him, smiling softly.
"Dragon Breeding for Pleasure and Profit, huh?" Tao asked when he saw the book Sehun was holding at the moment, "That's a good one! I read it at my first year," Tao kept talking and Sehun listened carefully what the other one was saying before he was asked a question, "You like dragons?"

"Yeah, somehow I've grown interested in those kind of creatures." Sehun answered with a small nodd and noticed Tao disappearing behind the shelf just for a couple seconds before coming back with two books.
"Then I recommend these. They are really good and interesting." Sehun took the books on his hands looking at them curiously. As soon as he opened the cover, he got too enchanted of big picture of Hebridean Black on the first page.
"Thank you?" It came out as a question. Sehun didn't know why was that weird boy helping him out at a time like this. And why they were even speaking? Sehun had promised to keep himself away from the weirdo.

"You're welcome." Tao smiled and then it became silent once again. Both of them just stared each other like trying to find out what to say next. Tao let out a small breath, almost turning around when the silence had became too unbearable, when Sehun opened up his mouth.

"You like dragons too?" It felt like the first day when they met in the train. Tao tried to hold back his tears for the hundreth time under 24 hours. He couldn't find himself to answer with words so he just nodded his head and Sehun seemed to ease a bit.
"Have you ever seen one before?"

"Yup. And I happened to burn other side of my hair. That summer, I spent my time as the bald kid." Tao laughed and so did Sehun although it came out without him even realizing.
"Of all of the people, I get jealous for you." Sehun smiled and Tao felt the need of asking what did Sehun mean by that, but then he realized he had probably seem a bit straightforwards with him after the Christmas vacation. When Sehun didn't even know him.

"Anyways. What were you searching for?" This time it was Sehun asking questions and Tao gulped down the saliva on his mouth. What he could explain for this?
"Nothing. Umh... A spell-book."
"About what? I can help you out since you did the same for me."
"That's not necessary."
"Don't try to be a saint, you sound like a total prick. Just tell me what you're searching for." Tao didn't remember Sehun being this demanding on things. In the end he sighed and his shoulder slouched downwards.

"I'm looking for a book to withdraw obliviate." Sehun let out a small laughter.
"Have you accidentally made yourself forget something?" Tao didn't feel like laughing along so he just furrowed his brows and Sehun understood this was a serious situation.

"Oh, umh... Have you checked out the Restricted section of the library?" Tao shook his head in denial. Wasn't it forbidden to borrow or even look at a book from there without teacher's permission?
"Come with me. Let's check it out." And so Tao followed Sehun in the darker side of the big library, pretending to search, while everything he was looking was Sehun's back.

"Ah here", Sehun said and watched as a small book flew down from the upper shelf, "Let's see. Obliviate, obliviate..." Sehun mumbled as he browsed the pages. Tao wondered was it that easy for the boy to let out that word months ago? Did Sehun hesitate at all when he let slip past his lips?

"Nope, not in this one..." Sehun mumbled putting  the book back before getting another one on his hands, while Tao was doing the same.
They spent a hour and a half searching without any effort.

"I'm sorry Tao. But I can't find anything that would include a withdrawal of obliviate", Sehun panted as he walked back to Tao from the very back of the library. He had taken off his cape and was now only wearing his white button-up shirt, which sleeves were wrapped on his elbows, "But I did find a screaming book, did you hear it?" Sehun laughed and Tao shook his head. Or maybe he had but didn't pay any attention to it, thinking it was just someone on the corridor.

"It's okay... Baekhyun already told me I would be searching in vain if I did." Tao sighed and lifted up his body from the floor.
"What do you want to remember anyway?" Sehun scoffed putting his black cape on his shoulder. Tao didn't answer although he would have wanted to say something along the lines; "I just want you to remember everything"


Weeks passed by and it wasn't that awkward in the DADA-classes anymore between the couple although the air was still mostly silent around them. They did talk about dragons though... And after dragons they started to talk about other things, like the care of magical creatures -lessons where Tao had signed up for two years ago. Tao told Sehun about all those fire-salamanders and hippogriffs Hagrid was teaching them that period.

"I'd really like to see a fire-salamander..." Sehun sighed as soon as he heard that they puffed smoke every now and then, because they hadn't grown lugns big enough to create fire just yet.
"Well, you have a free period when were having our magical creatures -lessons so maybe you could join us?" Tao said and his smile was so wide and sunny, it almost blinded the boy next to him.

"Uhh... I don't know about that..." Sehun couldn't say why he felt the need to join the blondie while he could rather spend his free period inside, reading or playing exploding snap with his friends or somehting.
"Oh, don't be such a coward! No one will mind you're there with us." Tao knew that very well, because once upon a time they had spend most of their time together. Showing up each other's classes every now and then and people sort of just got used to it.

"Are you sure?" Sehun asked, getting an immediate nodd back. "To hell with it. Okay, I'm coming..."


Sehun seemed to enjoy the class more than he had expected, because suddenly he appeared in front of Hagrid's hut with Tao almost every time.
"Glad ya get yer friend back Tao." Hagrid smiled as they made their way to the edge of the forbidden forest. From Sehun's point of view, the sentence sounded a bit weird, but as soon as he saw the next weird creatures they were going to study about, he quickly forgot what Hagrid had said.

Only one who couldn't stand the renewed friendship of the couple was Kris, who decided to make his point of view very clear one rainy afternoon.
"Tao, I need to talk to you..." The boy had made his way from the Hufflepuff table to the Slytherin's where Sehun and his group along with Tao were now sitting and playing wizard chess.

"Yeah what is it?" Tao stopped his laughing, smile still plastered on his face as he looked up from the chessboard.
"Well can we talk somewhere else?" Kris asked annoyed look on his face.

"Umh... I'm pretty busy right now. Could we maybe talk after supper?"
"No, it can't wait. I'm sick of being left aside all the time." Kris' voice raised on a small scale but no one except Tao and the boy next to him seemed to notice that.

Tao knew this day had to come sooner or later, but he really didn't want to face it right there, right then.
"Please Kris... Can we just talk later? It takes me 15 minutes to eat and finish this match, then I'm done."

"I just said this can't wait!" This time Kris' voice could easily be heard, but only a few seemed to pay attention.
"Why are you yelling at me?" Tao answered with a same sort of desperation making Sehun startle on the next seat.

"Well I wouldn't yell at you, if you wouldn't act like a total douche! Please do tell me what you're doing with that jerk? You promised me you wouldn't get yourself into that anymore?" Tao couldn't bring himself to answer. He just wanted Kris to stop speaking so loudly. Actually to stop speaking at all.

"Can you please tell me what's going on?" Sehun butted in because curiosity killed the cat. He did regret it as soon as he felt Kris' eyes burn on him.
"No one said you a thing." The guy spitted out and Sehun made a mental note not to touch his food anymore cause it was surely ruined by that 's spit.

"Okay, enough!" Tao yelped before Sehun could even think about starting a debate with the elder, "Fine, we'll talk..." And so they disappeared from the sight, leaving Sehun to stare after and making another mental note to ask some questions from his friend the next time they'll see each other.


"What was the other night about?"
"You mean Kris?"

"No I mean the night we made out under the freaking stars," Tao gasped hoping Sehun had gotten his memory back but was brutally slapped back to the reality, "Of course I mean Kris, what the hell are you thinking about!"
"Oh, nothing..." Tao blushed and fixed his hair before opening up his mouth the second time, "well, we kind of dated some time ago."

"Does some time ago mean, you just ended it up yesterday?" Sehun asked with an vicious smirk plastered on his face.
"N-no! I mean yes. Was it that obvious?"

"Well let's say your relationship didn't look like you had all the teletubbies in the town..." Sehun kept smirking and Tao had to hand it to the guy. He didn't remember that the boy could make him feel a whole lot better with words like that. "Anyhow. Are you okay?"

"Yeah, I'm fine. Like you said, our relationship wasn't going that good anymore. I think we just grew apart?"
"Think it this way; maybe you weren't meant to be together. Maybe this is some sort of message?" Tao blushed hard at this. Maybe he was right? Maybe this was a sign of something bigger? And maybe he should just stop even thinking things like this...

"Let's forget about my poor relationship," Tao shook his head in denial and grabbed a hold of Sehun's shoulders, "quidditch season is nearing. Have you been practising hard?"
"Only in my dreams. The weather hasn't been nice for quidditch lately."
"But you have to win the Gryffindors this year! They took a big step to the second place after winning Ravenclaw..."
"And you think I don't know this?"

"You have a habit on forgetting things..."
"Says someone who owns a remembrall."

"How do you know I own one?"
"You look like someone who owns such a thing. I mean, you study for every exam like they're O.W.L.s or something."

"I'll take that as a compliment..."


It didn't take more than 7 hours before Sehun was woken up by Chanyeol's loud yelling of 'get up we're having a quidditch practise'. Sehun had enough time to look at the clock on his bedside table and groan for it was only 6am and a Saturday morning before his broom and other stuff were thrown at him.

The groaning continued to the breakfast table and then to the field where Jongin told the squad all his lunatic ideas for the upcoming match. For Sehun's luck, he wasn't the only one yawning. One of his squad friends did snore at one point, which luckily went unnoticed by the captain Kim.

As the players entered the field, they were blessed with company. Only two people were sitting on the stands, watching the practise: Gryffindor prefect Byun Baekhyun and the Hufflepuff nerd Huang Zitao.

"Okay who invited Baekhyun?" Jongin stomped around furiously, "He might rat about our plans for his housemates!"
"Only thing he will rat is my d..."
"I can hear everything you say Park Chanyeol! 5 points from Slytherin!" Baekhyun raged from above making all the slytherin players fume.
"Chanyeol you will be the death of our house some day." They spitted and sat on their brooms, starting the practise with frowns on their faces.

Sehun followed and flew near Tao, who was eating his breakfast and smiling.
"Don't you catch a cold in there?" The green coated boy asked and his ears perked as Jongin requested the practise snitch to be released.
"I'm fine Sehun. Just focus on the game."
"What are you even doing out here?"
"I said focus on the game!" Tao blushed as he looked down to his shoes, deciding that they were more interesting than the flying boy in front of him.

"What ever you say..." Sehun sighed as he took his place in the corner of the field.


"I told you, you were going to catch a cold!" Sehun scoffed as he listened to Tao's ongoing sneezing couple days later. People had gathered to the great hall to eat breakfast before the next big quidditch match between Slytherin and Gryffindor and even though the place was filled with noise, poor boy's achoos, could probably be heard in London too.

"And I said I'm totally fine. You just focus..."
"On the game, yes I know," Sehun ended the sentence, leaving out a great sigh before taking a spoonfull of porridge into his mouth. "At least put a scarf around your neck when you're getting out." He said and noticed the clear blemish on Tao's cheekbones.

The sight of Tao was totally hilarious in Sehun's point of view. Before leaving the school building, Sehun had made sure the boy wore at least 3 scarfs, and so the poor boy was almost drowning in knitted fabric when they walked to the field side by side, rest of the Slythring squad following after.

"Make sure to beat their asses today." Tao sniffled before leaving Sehun, sweat-handed to the dressing room, where he put on the green uniform and waited for the match to start with his teammates who every single one looked like they had eaten a toad.
And as promised. The Slytherin won the quidditch cup with great 220 points against 60 points, which only meant one thing; heavy atmosphere was bound to start in the dungeons the following night.


Tao who didn't feel like joining up the party although Sehun had invited him, sat on the Hufflepuff common room sofa, studying for the finals. He twisted and turned the pinkish remembrall on his other hand, anxious that he might have forgotten something important, but couldn't just get a hold of it.
"What is it that I don't remember?" He whispered for the ball and as nothing happened, he turned the page on his potions book and kept reading.

20 minutes later, the boy hadn't gotten any forward. He stayed on one sentence at least 2 minutes before giving up and turning to another, trying to understand what it said.
He took another look at the ball and suddenly the pink smoke started to disappear. Slowly but surely.

"Oh? That's what you want huh?" He smiled, closing the book and leaving it to the sofa as he rushed out of the common room.

Minutes later he found himself standing in the dungeons, in front of a grey stonewall, which stopped his intentions. He didn't have the password and he had to wait for the first person to come out or trying to get in, which took him another several minutes. Luckily one of the Slytherin students was kind enough to inform Sehun that he was waiting outside.

Tao didn't even have time to say a cat before the boy was standing in front of him, hair full of confettis.
"What's up?" The boy's smile was warm enough to make Tao's heart flutter as he reached for Sehun's wrist.
"Come on. I need to show you something..."


"Are you seriously even considering on taking me to the forbidden forest?" Sehun asked, other eyebrow raised. He felt his hair on his neck to go up as Tao nodded happily.
"Did the gryffindors sent you to do this? Are you sending me to die now that we won the quidditch cup? At least tell me what you're getting from this? How many galleons?"
"Relax. You're not going to die here. I've been here dozens of times. I know what I'm doing. Just follow me." And so Tao disappeared behind the thick cluster of trees.
"So you say now, but what if there's like... Dementors or something!"

"Seriously Sehun? Are you afraid of dementors? I thought you were the heir of Slytherin!" You could just hear Tao laughing in the distance which was totally enough for Sehun, who felt like losing his ego in a nanosecond.

Sehun couldn't say how long they had walked forward. It felt like the hour turned into another and then another one more before Tao came in to a halt.

"Ah! We're here." The boy whispered and took Sehun closer to a big open area. At first the boy couldn't say what it was and his heart was racing like hell, but when the creature stepped out behind the bushes, the boy gasped as he caught a glimpse of weird looking horse. It didn't seem to have any skin or flesh left. It was just...

"A bony horse?"
"Thestral you idiot..."

"Sorry..." Sehun rolled his eyes and turned back towards the boy next to him, "Why are you showing me this?"
"I umh... I had a sudden urge?" It came out as a question, "besides thestrals are most beautiful at night-time." He fixed the sentence so that he wouldn't sound like a crazy person with crazy urges. And Sehun had to admit, Tao was true. Although the thestral looked like it were suffering, the sight was totally beautiful.

"Can you tell me what these really are?" The boys' eyes met and for the first time Tao gave Sehun a smile that reminded him of something. Something that once felt dear to him.
And as they sat down to the stony ground, Sehun couldn't keep his eyes off the other boy, who explained everything about the creature walking past them.


"-- And that's why I took you here." Tao smiled and stood up from the ground, taking hold of the other boy's hand when offered.
"Because you were lonely?"
"No! Because I thought you might like seeing this!"
"Aaand because you were lonely?"

"You know it's impossible to argue with you..."
"Because you are a loner?"
"That has nothing to do... I mean just shut up." Tao pushed the laughing boy so hard he almost stumbled back on the ground.

"Okay that was a part of the reason, but I also wanted to give you this..." Tao searched for the small object on his hands and gave it for Sehun, who stared at it in great confusion.

"It's your remebrall? Why?"
"I thought you might need it more than I do." Tao winked and pointed at the ball, which had immediatelly turned bright red. "See? You have forgotten something really important."

"But the problem here is... I can't tell what I've forgotten."

Tao bit his lip so hard he could taste the blood. Should he just risk it all or should he just continue on being a friend? He didn't know how long he could play, pretend.
And before his brains could even function right, he had his lips connected on Sehun's own.

The fingers around the remembrall tightened. There was something reminding a flash going through Sehun's brains. Not even a flash. There were at least three of them. He recognized these lips, the smell of Tao's presence and the way his heart raced for something so lunatic.

"What the ..." Sehun cursed as he parted away from the other one.
"I am so sorry!" Tao cried and looke dlike he was ready to dig a grave to the ground for himself.

"N-no. I.. I said that to myself." Sehun whispered and it was hard for him to raise his eyes from the ground, and when he did second attack of flashes hit him. He knew that blushing face and the messy hair and that panting breath after a certain situation.

"I... I must get insane." Sehun tried to search for some sort of explanation. He was sure, Tao had never belonged to his life before those Defense Against the Dark Arts classes. But something inside his brains told him that he and Tao had a history together and those things he saw, wasn't just something his imagination had created.

Both of them fell silent, which kept going for minutes before Sehun couldn't stand the oncoming flashes and he had to turn away. 

"You used that obliviate charm on yourself!" Tao yelped. It was the only way to stop Sehun from getting away.
"Last year. You cursed yourself and..."

Sehun didn't answer. He didn't know how, but seemed like Tao had read his mind.
"I wish I knew the answer for that one too." Tao sniffled and took a step closer for the boy.

"It had to be something what I did, because one morning, you just... Had forgotten everything about me. About us." Sehun didn't seem to have any idea what Tao was talking about, but somehow he trusted the boy.

"Well this doesn't make any sense. Why... I mean. I don't even know what to think." Sehun said a small rage on his tone while he turned to look at the boy right behind him.
"Don't think anything. It was wrong for me to even start this. There clearly was a reason why you wanted me out of your life. But I really want you to know that I always," Tao had to keep a small pause before saying the next thing out loud, "loved you. From the day you entered the same train wagon as I did." 

"The raven haired kid, who liked dragons..." Sehun whispered and seemed to realize something.
"Are you the raven haired kid that liked dragons," He repeated and after getting an unsure nodd back the better he could to gather all the pieces together, "I always thought it was just the story my mom told me when I was a kid. I remember her telling me about a boy who travelled to Hogwarts to study dragons or something because of his dad..."

Tao could feel something gather up to his throat. Maybe tears, maybe the day's dinner, he couldn't tell nothing more than that he was happy.

"You can remember that..." The sniffling that came from Tao, scared all the thestrals and in no time there were only Sehun and the crying blondie left in the woods.
"Yeah keep crying for me. You had to be a real if I had to erase you from my mind with a freaking curse." Even though Sehun sounded mean, the smirk on his lips told something more and suddenly he was grabbed on a tight hug in Tao's arms.

"I missed your sarcasm."
"I think I don't miss anything about you to be quite honest."
"Don't be so cruel! I just confessed to you!" 
"Well it was the weakest confession I've ever seen."
"That's because you don't remember the first one."

"Could you maybe repeat it? Just to fresh my memory?"
Tao looked stunned for a moment before an enormous grin spreaded on his face.

"That would mean we'd have to do it in fornt of the dungeons."

"There we go then" Sehun smiled as he grabbed the hold of Tao's wrist and started to lead him forward on the small path. 
"Aaand in fornt of the library. And in front of the great hall. Not to mention the third floor... The list is endless really."



Thank you for everyone who read the sequel :)

I think this is the lamest way to end a fic, but really. I didn't have any other idea as for now. I'm sorry Luhan wasn't in this one. If you want to know what happened to him and hun you can you know... Ask. I can make up something for you XD

As you may have seen I've been on a hiatus for a while now. I got into a new school which meant I had to move into a whole new city and after half a year this place is still a bit new to me. I don't have time for writing anymore because of the work and the fact that I tried to get out from the fangirling mode that got me on hook on the long summer vacation las year. I was stupid to even think to give up on writing, because now I remember why I did this on the first place. I miss creating something that you people love to read. And writing seems to be the only way for me to get away from my prison-like thoughts.

I can't promise you that I will now keep writing more often, because I'll just feel horrible if I can't keep my promises.
But I can say I have a couple ideas for my next stories and hopefully I'll have enough time and energy to write even a paragraph a day or something. And hopefully you'll still be here to read them :3

Anyhow, I hope you will stay beside me and understand this annoying hiatus I'm on rn. And if you're having the same kind of problems as me, then. I totally get you. Awfull isn't it? :D

Well what else was I supposed to say in here?

Oh right! THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR SUPPORTING OBLIVIATE! Thank you everyone who upvoted, subscribed, commented and most of all, just read this and joined in the magical madness :3 I wouldn't be here if it wasn't for you my dear readers <3




Oh and btw: Who else thought about this on the quidditch scene? XD 

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Thank you!
The sequel should be up by the weekend ;)


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Chapter 2: Im cryingg.. the feelings :')
Chapter 2: The first part was full of emotions and then the sequel was soo cute!!! Loved it ♡♡♡
Girlsgexo #3
Chapter 2: Best ff ever i love it so much
Cougousterstixs #4
Chapter 2: OH YAY YAY YAY YAY YOU DID IT !!!!! **0**
I was waiting for this sequel thankyou thankyou !! And it was perfect TwT
I really loved this ! >>^<<
star-fragments #5
Chapter 2: ohmy. OHmy. OHMYYOUAWESOMEYOU!
You, dear, are an awesome writer. This was perfect. I read it all over again and... whoa.
I'm so happy and sad and... it was so beautiful really.
So glad a sequel came up. Can't believe it.
This was pretty fantastic, great job~
this was awesome..! We want more... we want more ^^
kennocha #7
Chapter 2: Dear lord, A Sequel?! That was the most perfect way to end this awesomeness. Thank you for writing it <3
leissa68 #8
Chapter 1: Oh god! I love the plot of this story! Please make a sequel .
Chapter 1: The idea is really great! Can't you write a sequel? There is so much potential in this story!
d_marumi #10
Chapter 1: it'd be a great great story if not the ending, aish... i like happy endings ><
But your writing is really good :)