Finishing Last
Sehun gets invited to a beach trip a few weeks after graduation in celebration of Tao's summer birthday along with a few others: Baekhyun, Kyungsoo, Luhan, Aya and her group of friends, Yin and her best friend and finally Tao's older brother, Kris tagged as well.
The ride to the resort was noisy as heck; they all squeezed themselves in Kris' monstrous pick-up truck under the scorching summer sun along with coolers filled with drinks, refreshments and a day and a half's worth of food supply.
Baekhyun is hilarious and despite the cramped circumstance, Sehun admits that their hearty laughs, though carried away by the rushing wind, would remain a pleasant ring to his ears.
Aya speaks to him in full animation, Sehun only nods at appropriate times but his gaze continues to stray towards Yin who is too engrossed taking in the fantastic scenery as the car whizzes past. She is like a little kid in Sehun's eyes, easily awed and appreciative. Watching her brings a minute smile to his lips.
Arriving sometime past lunch, each filed out the truck nimbly, excited for a late feast by the beach. The resort is by the cliff so they have to march down the long flight of stairs made out of rocks to reach the big house where they'll be staying and another short one to reach the shoreline where an open cottage sits.
Sunlight seeps through the trees above, birds singing in harmony to the breezing warm ocean air. A few steps down the stairs and Sehun inhales the welcoming saltwater smell.
Continuous chatter filters the otherwise silent area and Sehun laughs along his friends' (mostly Baekhyun's) dumb jokes. Yin does too, Sehun observes, but his eyes drop to her hands which are busy clutching a water container almost a third of her size. She slightly stuggles in maintaining her balance, gravity at its best in the steep stairway.
Sehun simply speeds up one foot after the other, overtaking Kyungsoo and Luhan who are struggling with the cooler's weight and wordlessly claims the container out of Yin's hands. He focuses straight ahead, eyes set on the steps before him, not completely ignoring Yin's soft, quiet gasp followed by a word of thanks.
Half day's worth of swimming, playing with the sand, beach volleyball, water games and Kris losing one of his slippers in the water, is enough to tire everyone out of their socks.
The sun is setting, splaying wonderful hues of orange and red in the horizon.  Colors reflect in the waters, waves slowly crashing into the tiny pebbles by the shore, blissful and calming.
They gather on the sand one by one after a refreshing shower, Sehun choosing to join Kris on the tiny wooden bench to avoid sand getting into his shorts. They marvel at the view's beauty, seldom witnessing nature's gifts such as this in the hustling and bustling city.
Yin emerges last from the big house, a huge picnic blanket in hand. She joins the group and Kyungsoo immediately snatches the blanket from her whilst praising her ingenuity because he "hasn’t thought of this idea. Genius!"
Yin settles in front of Sehun. He is in full view of her back, her hair slightly messed up by the wind. He hears her laugh to something Baekhyun says. Everyone does, except Sehun because all he can focus on is how melodious her laugh is or how perfect she looks in just her t-shirt and cutoffs. While his friends admire the wonderful sunset scenery, Sehun admires the girl he finds even more wonderful.
They play a game of truth or dare after dinner. Kris set up a bonfire with the aid of Luhan and Kyungsoo so they'd be able to roast mallows and feast on delicious s'mores. They gather round the fire for the mini feast when Tao, spur-of-the-moment suggests that they play the game to pass time.
Everyone pipes an agreement and that is how Sehun ended up squeezed between a hyperactive Luhan who seriously had too much chocolate for the night on his left and a thankfully fairly normal Yin on his right, unable to form his answer on the pending question. Curse Aya's best friend for putting him in the hot seat by asking when he plans on making it official between him and Aya. Curse himself for choosing truth instead of a dare but he begs to differ because they made Baekhyun y dance while halfway submerged in the cold waters.
"Aya and I aren't together. I must've misled you into thinking that we are but she already knows that I like someone else."
And although Aya smiles, Sehun notes the hint of sadness reflecting from her eyes. He feels sorry but he made it clear to her since her confession that he could not reciprocate her feelings. She recovers though and bravely inquires, "You always told me you liked someone but you never told me who."
Sehun his lips, unsure of what to do. His eyes flick to everyone else's except Yin's because he is afraid he'd snap out of his composure the moment he catches a glimpse of her face.
"One question each turn. You've asked him one. You can save the others for later." Tao gives him a wink and Sehun feels like he could hug his best friend to death for being so dependable.
Rounds of bottle spinning is enough to drain all of what's left of their energy. Tao has eaten 5 scorched mallows, pink ribbons are now fastened onto Luhan's hair (Kyungsoo made sure to take a picture), Kris will probably be enraged to find his face full of doodles in the morning courtesy of Aya's friend, thanks to the dares, among many others they've conjured. Everyone purposefully avoided choosing truth because where's the fun in that (according to Baekhyun anyway)?
They've agreed that they'd do a single more bottle spin before they'd all disperse back into their rooms for a much needed z's. Tao gets the honor of spinning the last round and he gets to decide on the final question or dare as well. The bottle completes several rotations before slowing down to a complete halt with its head pointing directly at Yin.
"Alrighty then. I choose dare." She declares with a grin.
Tao flashes Sehun one of his signature winks before turning to Yin.
"I dare you to back hug someone in this circle who you'd willingly date and who you think would make a great boyfriend."
Sehun chokes on his own saliva. How could Tao make Yin do a dare like that? Everyone takes on a sudden interest in the game, snapping back from their previously semi-concious state.
"Seriously?" Yin half asks half states.
Tao nods vigorously, almost too eager to which Yin responds. "You're not getting a hug from me. You'd make a terrible boyfriend." Everyone bursts out laughing, even Sehun, despite his growing jitters. Tao, sassy as a girl retorts: "Then who?"
"Back hug! Back hug!"
The chanting starts from Baekhyun and it dominoes to the rest. Tao childishly sticks his tongue out to Yin, feeling victorious over getting her cornered.
Sehun feels Yin stand from his side and exit the circle. He waits a few seconds that seem to last like eternity but fails to see her go round the group. He assumes that she must have walked out, too defiant to Tao's immature challenge.
But when Sehun feels arms wrap around his shoulders, thousand emotions course inside him that he turns rigid, unable to process what's happening. He is deaf to the teasing, dominated by Tao's ecstatic whistling. All he feels are Yin's arms, though awkwardly resting on his shoulders in a not-so hug. He is shocked, he is happy, he is so happy that he can imagine himself doing hundred somersaults.
Sehun feels empty when she retreats her arms back to her sides, quick and fleeting. But he is still happy, nonetheless, his cheeks turn brilliant red and Tao does not fail to point that out. He gets endless hoots and chants, fueling his already flaming face. He throws a sideward glance at Yin and catches her peeking at him too. She turns away rapidly, and Sehun doesn't know what to do with the pounding in his chest.
They all scatter back to the big house after all the excitement died down. They've all assented to camp in the living room, spacious in comparison to the cramped bedrooms. Sleeping bags and extra foams spread in a messy array on the floor, each of the bunch calling dibs on specific spots but still heeding Kris' only sleeping rule: boys stay on the left side, girls stay on the right.
Sehun finds himself by the wall and when he hears Tao plop beside him as Kris officially declares lights out, he decides to face the cold concrete whilst pulling the blankets over his head because his best friend snores like there's no tomorrow. Plus, he didn't want Tao's drool ending up anywhere near his shoulders (or anywhere near his entire body for that matter).
He tosses and turns, trying to force his restless body to sleep. But after the thousandth sheep he'd been counting since the second hour, he finally gives up, peels the blanket off his nearly suffocated body and patters towards where he reckons is the kitchen for a drink.
He cautiously pads around his friends, as to not wake them from their well-deserved slumber. But as he sweeps a glance, he notices that one spot is empty, one that is supposed to be occupied by Yin.
He explores the house only to find no sign of her so he ventures outside, stepping into the cold, breezy night.
Sehun marches towards the beach, feet digging into the soft sand. He looks up, only to be entranced by the moon's beauty.
It is a starry night. Constellations dot the midnight sky that is free from obstructions. He finally takes in Yin's silvery silhouette by the shore, elbows propped leisurely on the sand.
Hands on chest, Yin turns to the sound of his voice, startled less by his sudden appearance. A light chuckle escapes Sehun's throat as he drops himself to the dune beside her and she does as well, a hearty giggle that rings like music to Sehun's ears.
She fake punches him in the arm and he feigns pain. "What're you doing here, dummy?" A teasing lilt is traceable in her voice, "It's way past bedtime."
"Probably the same as you." He responds, a slight smile playing on his lips. She nods, eyes travelling back to the night sky. However, his stay on her.
The sound of water slapping the rocks by the shore soothes his ears. The ocean breeze is chilly, biting slightly at his skin but he oddly finds it warm in Yin's presence. The sky, decorated by the glittery celestial body is marvelous in Sehun's eyes. But he can't deny that Yin, under the moon's luminous glow, outshines them all.
"It's perfect, right?" Yin catches him off-guard and he mumbles a confused "Oh?"
She smiles at him and repeats, "The night." She sends him a sidelong glance and stares into his eyes. "This moment. Everything around is serene and quiet and beautiful."
So are you.
"I wish I could freeze time. Or perhaps capture this inside a bottle and watch it over and over." She whispers with a wishful sigh.
Me too.
"I like you."
Sehun breathes the words in a faint rush. He his lips, years of pent up feelings, emotions and affection coursing through his entire system. He finally said it, the words he'd been wanting to say during high school's first day, during the class cake riot, the fateful busride, on his supposed confession, during prom night and just about every single time he sees Yin.
He fears rejection; he could slap himself thousand times if he just dug a hole out of a rare, perfect time like this with Yin. But what he fears the most is that this is a matter of now or never. He'd never live through another  phase like a 'Yin and Jongin' or whomever guy she might fancy without saying as much as anything close to a confession. Or maybe more years of fruitless almost-confessions.
I like you.
He repeats the words over and over in his head. Out of all the cheesy lines he's rehearsed through the years they melted down to three simple, generic and really uncreative words. However, they are sincere. And Sehun feels that the words filled with nothing but simplicity and authenticity would be the perfect mirror to his genuine emotions.
Yin smiles.
Not the shy nor the amused kind. The one that invites an onslaught of confusions and misconceptions.
Rather, hers, though mirroring a hint of slight surprise, is genuine. Sincere and comforting, like the moon silently gleaming overhead. It is warm, her gaze too, that Sehun feels them radiate to his chest, and he swears he could almost feel his heart burning up as its beating speeds up. Her smile is also contagious, like a virus he is willing to catch because his lips stretch on their own will. He doesn't stop them though, because he wants to show Yin how happy, immensely happy he is.
He feels like fireworks are coursing through his veins but he stays still because he can't get enough of Yin. They are silent, but the silence is enough to assure him that though it took him too long to confess and ignite something in between, maybe finishing last isn't so bad.
Not when he gets the chance to be with the girl he treasures the most in the end.
I made a playlist of ballads while writing this part hoping to out some inspiration. Funny how it turned out to be bad idea because I kept on singing along to the lyrics and my brain just couldn't form coherent sentences.
Anyways, what'd you guys think of the story? Was it fine or did it ? Tell me which parts you liked (or hate) in the comments section below. I'm dying to hear from you. Also, constructive criticisms are welcome. 
Thanks for reading!


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Many apologies for the false update. (If ever they pop up, I'm not really sure) I noticed typos so I went back to correct them. Anyways, thanks for reading!


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