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You made your first link into the Korean entertainment industry through BtoB.

It was just meant to be a temporary job but then you started getting close to the members...

What now?


You (Seol Lynn):

Date of Birth: 1995/12/31 (Seoul)

You recently graduated from high school in Australia and managed to be accepted into Med School of Seoul University. Having finished school in December, you had quite a bit of time before university started in September. And so, you decided to apply for a job as a translator/ English tutor at Cube Entertainment, and thanks to your amazing grades plus some personal links, you were given the role despite your young age. 


BtoB members:


Date of birth: 1994/10/04

Because of his chic personality, you found it a bit hard to get along with Ilhoon at first...



Date of birth: 1992/03/07

When you first met BtoB, you immediately developed a liking for this guy due to his cute eye smile and kind personality...


Date of birth: 1995/05/02

Used to being the maknae of the group and being favoured by everyone, he found it hard to get along with you, especially because you weren't the typical noona he'd come across during his career...


Date of birth: 1991/02/26

Despite the odd first impression, you got along pretty well with Changsub...


Date of birth: 1993/03/10

You guys started having some DMCs (Deep Meaningful Conversations). Because Peniel could communicate fluently and more comfortable in English, you guys started becoming quite close...


Date of birth: 1990/11/29

Thanks to his friendly personality and all, you got on really well with Minhyuk...


Date of birth: 1990/11/22

You could tell Seo leader was an absolute angel right from the first time you met him...



Hong Sajangnim / Mr Hong (CEO of Cube Entertainment)

Han Yoojin (Co-ordinator of BtoB) , Date of Birth: 1991/03/24 , friend you made while working at Cube Ent

Seol Joon (Your older brother, Date of Birth: 1990/04/14), also studying Medicine in Seoul University, very popular with girls due to his looks, brains and personality 

Seol Min (Your twin brother), aspires to be a singer

+ Various other Korean celebs to cameo....



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AngelGirls #1
Nice story ^^