Love Conquers All

At the Karaoke Place


“Oh, crap”, he said out loud. *Crap, I’ve already resigned*

"what?" you asked
"um...uh.... what?" you asked confusedly.
He really couldn't say anything; he didn't want to tell you that he was leaving because he thought you had a

"Nothing, it's just that I didn't realize I was going to be leaving real soon"
"Oh, so when are you leaving?" you asked
"I'm leaving the day after tomorrow"
"Aw well that's a bummer" you joked.
"Okay...well... I have to go to the bathroom, after I get back we're leaving." he said as he tried to hide his blushing face
"Okay, bye" he skidded out like a little kid because he was
You started pacing around the room "Oh my god, I can't believe I kissed him...I kissed him...oh my God, I kissed him"

*What is wrong with you ~~~~~~, since when do you start kissing random people* You started pacing around wondering about what you just did. You know you like him and you also know that he likes you, but you don't care about his feelings enough to want to be with him. "Thank God, he's leaving soon, I can breathe a little" you said to yourself.

"What did you say" you were shocked that he had opened the door right when you said that.

"Um...uh...I said nothing", you craved under pressure.

"I'm pretty sure you said something"

"I...I..was talking to myself" you confessed.

"I thought you said nothing"

"What are you doing WooHyun", you were starting to get irritated.

"Nevermind...I was just messing with you" he said "Okay, let's go"

He escorted you outside.

"Whoa, it's dark already" you said. You both walked to the parking lot. While on your way, you started to get chills. You put your palms on your arms and started rubbing them, that way you won't feel the cold air. *It's so cold*
"Here, have this" WooHyun said. You looked at him with a shocked expression "Oh, no that's okay"
"I don't want you to freeze to death"
"That's a harsh way of saying it" you glared at him.
"Okay, I don't want you to get sick, so preeetty pwweeease wear my jacket" he said carefully and sarcastically.
You rolled your eyes "That was so fake"
"Whatever, wear my jacket, or I'm not going to give you 'cause I don't wanna freeze to death"
"Why are we arguing?"
you asked.
"'Cause I'm leaving" he said wanting to change the subject.
"Right" you said. "Ok, I feel like we've been walking in circles the entire time...where did you park the car?"

"Sorry..I forgot where" he said apologetically.
"I think you parked on the street"..."Just press the car alarm, I think we can find it that way" you suggested.
After minutes of looking for the car, you finally found it. You jumped around like a little kid and WooHyun was laughing at you.
"Aah, warmth..oh you can have your jacket back" you threw it at him.
He caught just in time, before it hits his face.
"I'm going to take you to the person that's going to be watching you, okay"
"Now", you were shocked. "Not now, tomorrow"
"Oh, ok, never mind."
He took you to your place and escorted you upstairs. You were inside but you didn't close the door yet. WooHyun was unwillingly to leave. He scratched the back of his neck thinking of what to say next.
"Um...about the kis.."
"Don't talk about the kiss" you stopped him from talking. You were also nervous, because every time he speaks, your heart jumps a little.
" kissed me back... right"
"I thought I told you not to talk about the kiss".. After an awkward 3 secs you attempt to close the door "Bye, WooHyun...hopefully you remember where you parked the car" you said.
"Kiss goodbye" WooHyun said. You made a face "Ok, bye then" he gave you a wink. You couldn't stop yourself from smiling as you put  your head outside to say "bye" to Woohyun who was in the car ready to go. *Why do I feel this way* you rested your head on the wall next to your window. You heard Woohyun screaming on top of his lungs
"See you tomorrow" you smiled to yourself once again *He's so cute..too bad I'm not looking for a relationship*

Next day

Knock Knock,
you heard as you were eating your breakfast. "Suzy" WooHyun called
*Oops*, you almost knocked you cereal bowl over as you rushed to the front door. You opened the door to your surprise there was another person with him.
"Hi, ..who's this" you pointed to him
"Wow, she's very nice" the man said
"Suzy..." he glared at you."Meet my senior, Detective Park, he'll be looking after you while I'm gone" Woohyun said.
"Sorry, you may enter" you said politely. The detective entered but you didn't allow Woohyun to because you needed to speak with him.
"Why didn't you tell me you were bringing him here" Woohyun ignored you
"You can't be rude to him like you are with me...good that he's older than you" Woohyun said while entering.
You quickly followed him while talking to him "Mister... that is not the answer to my question" Woohyun ignored you once again.
"By the way, you look hot in that pink glasses...makes you look feminine, you should dress like this more often."
You smiled to what he said but quickly stopped yourself when you saw the detective staring at you.
"Okay, so do you want anything to eat" you asked.
"No need to eat, we still need to go back to work" Mr. Park said.
The three went ahead to talk about the status of the case as well as how you need to be protected. The detective told you he won't be coming to your place, he only needs to know you have the tracker with you at all times, that way the suspect won't be able to connect the police to you. "However, if something dangerous comes up, I am going to come to your apartment", the detective explained.
"Okay, so the person you caught last time didn't say why they are targeting me" you asked.
"He won't talk" Woohyun butted in. "We have to go now, be careful."
"Nice meeting you" you said to the detective.
"Bye" they both said. "Detective Park, can you wait for me in the car for a minute" Woohyun said.
The detective left.
"You're so weird, why were you ignoring my questions" you said
"I thought I saw you smiling"
"Ow" you shouted. "What happened" Woohyun asked worriedly
"There's something in my eye". WooHyun came close to you, he noticed there was a single strand of hair in your left eye.
He came closer to you because he wasn't able to see the hair better. "Stop blinking"
You could feel his breathe hitting your eye, the next thing you saw was his finger. "Don't put your finger in my eye" You wanted to stop him because you were sensing the atmosphere would turn to what happened at the karaoke place.
"I took it out you're such a kid"
"Soo what were you doing then"
you asked.
"I was admiring your beautiful eyes"
You scoffed. "Sometimes I wonder where you get these words, and I'm pretty sure Mr. Park is still waiting for you downstairs"
"Oops, I forgot...that's what you do to me, you make me forget things"
"Okay, then" you rolled your eyes. This was the last time you were going to see him and your mood starting changing.
"What's wrong now" he asked.
"I just realized I won't be able to see you anymore"
"Aww...I'm gonna miss you too" "Hug" Woohyun reached out his arms to you and you came into his embrace.

Both of you stood there for awhile and you could hear his heart beating as you placed your cheek on his chest. "You should go now, I'm sure he wants to leave to go do more important things than staying in front of my condo"

"Okay, bye" Woohyun said. Both of you linked fingers before he left.

*I'm gonna miss your company*. With that you start started your daily routine.

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check out my new story "My only love"


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Chapter 45: Omg I love that ending!!!<3
But I still feel like something should have been done to that cousin,that friend and uncle! That should never happen and they shouldn't have done that to ~~~~~
Ok byeee!i seriously like your story!!!:)
Chapter 10: Although it's bad that she's lying, I think the finance lie helps her feel more comfortable around woohyun since that's a good way to escape anything like kisses or whatever
Chapter 4: Gosh all that is just...sick.....
LoveUL #4
Chapter 45: Awww... i just started reading it and at first i thought it was boring but as i went through the chapters i would say it was very great~~~~ i love it~~ not so rated:check! makes me giddy:check! Thanks for making this fic author-nim!!^^.
Haha.. Love the ending! Great story by the way ;)
Nice Story~!!!
I read it in 1 blow ._.
that was exaggerated but anyhow, I love it <3
claribelmiranda #7
awwwwwwww.....what a wonderful story is this! :) atlast, i'm done reading this! :) kyaaaaaaa...
@obsessedbeyondbelief I should update it at most, in two days. I'm just trying to add some things to the completed one I have now.
update ? :)