Love Conquers All

Your life seemed pretty normal after your conversation with Woohyun; you didn't feel like someone wanted to kidnap you. This situation made you even crazier; you definitely did not want to get closer to anyone. Whenever you went outside to do something, you'd always bring your I-pod and pretend to listen to music. Whenever you went to work, you felt like you needed to distance yourself away from your co-workers even more; you weren't really sure who had had you 'kidnapped', but they were not to be trusted. As you got further away from your co-workers, you got even closer to Woohyun. No, you didn't trust him, but you only trust him as a detective who was protecting you, but you were very comfortable with him like a friend you'd never had.
You know he knows where you lived but you pretended you didn't know. *How could he think I didn't know, you freaking gave me a tracker, for god's sake*, this was when he 'accidentally' came to your neighborhood. You've been living in the same place since you came to Korea, and that was the first you'd ever saw him there.
"So this is where you live, looks expensive" WooHyun said.
"Have you seen your place, it's full of rich people", you said
He made you call him everyday; "You know you can call me right?" you said.
"I don't wanna... you call"
"Whatever, I'll call you everyday!!!"
you screamed and hung up.
You'd call him every night 'cause you know he's very busy in the daytime. You'd talk about everything; you'd talk about, politics, work, and pop culture.
"So, are you okay now, you still don't talk to anyone except for me" he asked worriedly.
"I'm okay. I don't even talk to any random person anymore, and I pretend to listen to music on my I-pod". You wanted to change the topic 'cause you didn't feel like talking about your depressed life.
"Ooh, do you listen to Infinite?" you asked
"Infinite, you don't know them?"
"I've heard about them, but I don't really like them that much"
"Oh my God, you're so missing out"
"Not really, their songs "
he said.
"How can you not like them, there's even someone who has your name, you two even look alike *gasp*...are you living a double life?" you exaggerated.
"What..., are you kidding me, you're thinking too much. I really wanna know what goes on in that head of yours". He kept laughing to himself because he didn't know how else to react to your story.
"Why are you laughing?" you whined.
"I don't know, you're so cute", he blurted out.
"Aah, you really can't do that"
"Do what?" he asked seriously
"You know what I'm talking about. You can't fall for me". You were very nervous when you said this.
"I won't, I promise, but you know it's hard"
"It's hard?" you asked. "WooHyun, do you really like me?"
You heard nothing but silence...."Hello...WooHyun?"
"I'm still here". He sighed to himself. "Let's hang up" he said.
"Ok, bye. I'll call tomorrow"
"Alright, bye. Be safe"
You really knew how he felt; you feel the same way too, but your past is blinding you that you don't want to give him a chance.
You'd talk like this every single day, making jokes, with your feelings growing more and more, but you didn't want to let yourself get to that level with him. You just wanted to be friends, that way you can learn to trust him little by little.

Few months after

You two had never met once after he 'accidentally' came to your house, which was a long time ago. Both of you decided to officially meet as friends.
"When should we meet?" you asked.
"Are you busy this Saturday, if not then we can go somewhere."
"I'm not busy, so where're we going?"
"Um, I was thinking maybe we should go to the movies"
"Oh yes I wanna go to the movies, since I've never been there before"
"What, never. You’re so weird.”

You have never been to the movies because there was no one to go with.



“Hello, I’ll come pick you up, okay, so wait for me inside. I’ll call you when I get there” he said.

Beep Beep

You looked out your window to see Woohyun waving at you. “I’ll be right there”, you screamed.

You quickly went to the elevator and ran towards his car. Today is the first day you felt like you were really happy since you’ve been in Korea.

“So what are we watching?”you asked breathlessly. [A/N: btw, I have never watched any Korean movie, and the one I know might not be to WooHyun’s taste.]

“You’ll know when we get there, and is that how you’re going to greet me?”

“Hey, I’m older than you, you’re supposed to greet me first” you said.

“Oh whatever, let’s just go.”

You scrunched your face up to how he was behaving. You forgot to put on your seatbelt since you only use trains as your transportation.

 "You didn't put your seatbelt on, I can't get stopped by the police since I'm a detective", he attacked you.

You were now struggling with the seatbelt because the belt was stuck."I'll help you" WooHyun said.

He decided to help you with the belt. While reaching for the belt, his bangs lightly hit your left cheek. You felt chills immediately, you didn't feel like anyone was going to you, you just knew that your heart was beating fast in a good way. While WooHyun was struggling with the belt he noticed that his face was right next to yours, and your big eyes were staring right at him. You noticed him closing his eyes very slowly while his face was leaning in close to you; your whole body reacted negatively to that when you remembered that you need to be in charge of your body.

"We're gonna be late", you quickly said.

"Uh, right, Sorry". He forgot about the belt he was helping you with, and you kept on struggling with the belt.

The whole ride to the movie theater was very awkward, and you didn't want to break the silence because you were afraid your voice would shake. You just looked out the window while enjoying the view.

*Ahh, why did I do that when she has a fiancé!* he thought.


*Note: Whenever you go out, you always dress professionally even if you go grocery shopping, and you don't own a dress either.

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Chapter 45: Omg I love that ending!!!<3
But I still feel like something should have been done to that cousin,that friend and uncle! That should never happen and they shouldn't have done that to ~~~~~
Ok byeee!i seriously like your story!!!:)
Chapter 10: Although it's bad that she's lying, I think the finance lie helps her feel more comfortable around woohyun since that's a good way to escape anything like kisses or whatever
Chapter 4: Gosh all that is just...sick.....
LoveUL #4
Chapter 45: Awww... i just started reading it and at first i thought it was boring but as i went through the chapters i would say it was very great~~~~ i love it~~ not so rated:check! makes me giddy:check! Thanks for making this fic author-nim!!^^.
Haha.. Love the ending! Great story by the way ;)
Nice Story~!!!
I read it in 1 blow ._.
that was exaggerated but anyhow, I love it <3
claribelmiranda #7
awwwwwwww.....what a wonderful story is this! :) atlast, i'm done reading this! :) kyaaaaaaa...
@obsessedbeyondbelief I should update it at most, in two days. I'm just trying to add some things to the completed one I have now.
update ? :)