And the Grammy Awards goes to…

WANTED: Husband
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4.And the Grammy Awards goes to…

Marriage is a holy and sacred thing to happen in one's life. It should be prepared throughly. And the people who will be tied by marriage must love their partner unconditionally. That's what Byun Baekhyun believes.


"Are you out of your mind?" Baekhyun is now as red as a tomato and he does not know whether its because of anger or humiliation or just simply because one of the hottest bachelor in korea is asking him to marry him "of all the time. Why the hell am I hearing voices saying I'm freaking blushing because some bachelor is asking me to marry him" He mumbled to hiself "Anyways. I in no way will marry you right away! Marriage is a holy—"


"Baek.Hyun right?" Chanyeol cuts him


"Its Baekhyun. There is no space between the 'Baek' and the 'Hyun' "


"Okay then Baekhyun. I'm not asking you to legally marry me. Ijust want you to be my wife err I mean husband for a couple of time until I get my money "Chanyeol explained


"If I don't accept this farthead's offer my dignity and myself would be safe. But if I don't accept this job I should say goodbye to my appartment "Baekhyun said to hiself "How much is the offer"


"How much do you want?"


"What are the terms and conditions?" Even though Baekhyun's educational background is everything but stellar, he still knows how jobs like this work. How can he not know when his bestfriend's list of last job is longer than Nile river and Niagra falls combined


"I'm the one who will negotiate to you in that department" Chen said "oh before I forget I'm Chen. I'll be your official manager in this job"


"Wait you look familiar" Beakhyun scans his faces and remembers where the hrck did he saw this freaky looking guy


"Really? Hun my face pretty generic. It might be some random stranger that looks like me"




Never in a million years does Baekhyun thinks he will pretend to be married. And oh by being married he would probably be fored in his model agency because they do not accept married model. But what can he do? He is now in a state of emergency. He's pocket is empty. And he needs instant cash.


"B!" An over excited and happy Luhan greeted him when he exited the audition room "Guess what? I have a job! I don't know what is it yet. But as I see it it doesn't require basic knowledge in chores or whatsoever. So do you have the same good news?"


"I do" Baekhyun sighs "I'll pretend to be that farthead's wife err I mean husband"


Wait for it


Wait for it


Here it comes




please standby we are experiencing some technical difficulties










And now back to regular programming.


"I know I know!" Baekhyun shuts Luhan up by shoving a sandwhich he snatched from some workers " I don't have a choice! Dude I don't think you remember but you were jobless a couple of minutes ago and my last paycheck went straight at home"


Luhan sighs In defeat "Alright but when something wrong happened quit the job okay?" Baekhyun nods "Now let's go home. Pick the bag we are sold out already. We have enough money to survive for a week"


As they reach the exit a certain somebody caught Luhan's attention. He thought he would never see him again. But then he thought wrong.


"Baekhyun go outside wait for me. No buts!"




"That went well"


Chanyeol is now thanking the heavens above for allowing him to continue his lifestyle and saving him from being poor


"I would lie if I said I didn't " There goes another creepy grin "Thanks Chen" Chanyeol turned around to look for Chen but saw nothing "Where's thay freakyzoid?"


Kai shrugged "Dunno. We went whosh kablang boom then gone"


"I could have taken you seriously if you dropped the sound effects"




Sweats are now forming in Luhan's forehead "its to early to show his . Ugh how could I not notice that guy! Stupid Sehun for accepting me fast"


"Long time no see. Luhan" Chen smirks


"Look I have no time for you games Chen!" Luhan points his finger at Chen "Don't you dare shove your in my business "


"But Baekhyun is my business as well" Chen said feigning innocence "or should I say Casper Cristoff is my business"


"You know nothing Chen" Luhan glres "You don't know him or everything he went through. I'm only protecting him"


"Oh I know him. I know him very much" Chen smiled "If you think I don't know him what do you think I'm doing in here?"


"Luhan the cab is waiting where are you?" Luhan was about to answer Chen when they heard the particular blond guy shouted


"He's looking for you. You better go unless you want him to know your intention. Our intention" Chen left Luhan thinking on how did he found the two of them.




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galaxor #1
Beau1996 1382 streak #2
Chapter 5: Boo - unfinished...
Beau1996 1382 streak #3
Chapter 1: I liked "ovaries exploding"!!
Chapter 3: I wish
Chapter 3: Going good
LuceceitaW #7
Chapter 6: Great...please update ?
Chapter 7: Love it
Rockerlyn #9
Chapter 7: i cant stop laughing reading this fic.. hahaha
Rockerlyn #10
Chapter 4: wtf luhan!! graduate uni of whorehouse?? major ?? just who sold bra at job opening??