Unexpected Friendship

A Day With a Stranger

Daniel had been staring at the boy in front of him for some time now. For some reason, he just couldn’t take his eyes off of him. The boy was gorgeous. He had a nice figure and a beautiful face. Mesmerizing, really – the way the boy moved. The more he looked at him the calmer he felt. With the sound of the crashing waves on the shore, and the smell of the ocean – everything seemed beautiful. It was utterly unnatural. The boy was alone; he had his feet in the water and head in the sky, looking at the clouds. Daniel was captivated. He just wanted to get closer to the boy. But wouldn’t it be strange? He didn’t know the boy, and the boy probably didn’t know him either. But nevertheless, Daniel was going to talk to the boy.

Slowly, step by step he made his way towards the boy.  A bit nervous, no doubt, he could feel his heart hammering in his chest. If he could hear it, the sound would be like boulders crashing down from a high mountain. This is it. The boy was just a couple of steps away, still unaware of Daniel’s existence. Everything Daniel composed in his head disappeared now that he was closer to the boy.

He had been standing behind the boy for about a couple of minutes or so with the boy surprisingly still unaware of his existence. Maybe this is a bad idea. Maybe I should just turn around and go… Daniel thought. That might be the best thing to do considering how dumb he felt standing behind the boy like a stalker. The boy turned around without warning.

“Yes?” The boy said. Daniel wasn’t expecting that to happen. It didn’t turn out the way he planned it in his head. He was the one to say something to the boy first, not the other way round. The boy kept looking at Daniel, who now looked like he was about to collapse.

“Are you okay?” The boy asked, now a bit worried. Daniel snapped out of his stupidity, quickly raking his brain for a good answer.

“Ahhh… Hi there. Nice whether huh?” He said. Seriously hoping that didn’t sound stupid coming out of his mouth.

“Yes… yes it is.” Odd… The boy thought.

“Um… So what’s up?”

“Nothing much. If you don’t mind me asking, who are you actually?” The boy asked, truly curious at this stranger, and wondering what he was doing behind him.

“Ahh well… Hi, my name is Daniel. I’m here to take you away.” Daniel said, and flashed the boy a smile. He extended his hand for a handshake, and the boy took it. Daniel was shocked by how smooth his hand was, so he quickly let his hand go. The boy laughed. The sound of his laughter sent chills down his spine.

“Where and why are you taking me away?” The boy asked cheerfully.

“You’ll know when you’re there.” Again, Daniel flashed him a smile. He turned around and walked away, hoping that the boy would follow him.

The boy put on his shoes and followed Daniel. He didn’t know why exactly he followed this random stranger. He just wanted to. For some reason, it felt right. Just now, the boy was a little shocked when he first laid his eyes on him. He wasn’t expecting anyone to be standing right behind him and the fact that he didn’t notice it was surreal. His mind had been pre-occupied with things he didn’t want to think about but ended up thinking about it anyway. So when he saw Daniel right behind him, it was kind of a nice surprise.

“Hey, wait up!” The boy said, and walked beside him. Daniel couldn’t believe it. The boy was actually walking with him. He seriously thought that he wasn’t. He was glad that the boy followed him. He looked at the boy, looking tremendously happy. He had a smile on his face making him look simply beautiful. Daniel couldn’t help but smile along with him.

“What?” The boy asked.

“Nothing.” Daniel said and laughed a little. He turned to the boy and said, “So aren’t you gonna tell me your name?”

“Oh… right. My name is Sungjong. Lee Sungjong.” He said with a smile. He looked tremendously adorable that if Daniel could, he would take him home.

“Lee Sungjong….”

The boy laughed, “Yup!” He said.

“Come, I’ll get you an ice cream.”

They sat across each other in the ice cream shop. They could see each other’s face clearly now. Daniel felt subconscious of his looks now. Compared to Sungjong, Daniel’s a mess – or so he thought. Daniel looked at Sungjong as he ate his ice cream. He looked like a little boy, so pure and innocent, yet seductive at the same time. The way his lips and tongue moved made him want to kiss him so badly. He turned away quickly.

As Daniel turned away, Sungjong looked at his side profile.  It was unimaginably attractive – he was unimaginably attractive. He wanted so much to sit on his lap and play with his glasses. Sungjong gulped, and tried to erase that thought from his head. He shouldn’t be feeling that way. It was wrong. He squirmed in his seat.



“Are you okay?”

“Umm yeah.”

“Are you sure? You look uncomfortable.”

“Yeah I’m okay I’m just a little restless.”

“Oh… Then let’s get out of here.” Daniel said, and winked making Sungjong’s heart skipped a beat or two.

They were greeted by the warm summer breeze that filled the sky. The air smelled of dried leaves and a hint of the ocean.  It’s a nice day to spend with a nice person.

“Daniel…” Sungjong called. Daniel felt a tingling feeling inside his stomach when Sungjong said his name. He wanted him to say it again. He wanted him to whisper his name in his ear, scream his name… moan his name.

“Uh, yes?”

“Why did you want me to follow you?” 

“Well… Why did you agree on following me?”

“I don’t know… I just did.”

“I’m glad you did.”

“I’m glad I did too.” The boy said, and flashed him a smile.

They walked to where their feet were taking them, each not knowing where they might end up, each not caring what might happen next. Though they just met each other, they were comfortable with each other’s company. It was as if there was a certain unspoken attraction between them. Daniel wanted to be with Sungjong and Sungjong wanted to be with Daniel.

“So… Where are we going?”

“Somewhere special, come on. Quick, the sun’s almost setting.” Daniel grabbed Sugjong’s hand and ran towards their destination. Sungjong couldn’t help smiling. He didn’t know what’s going on. All he knew was that he’s with Daniel and that’s fine with him.

The place Daniel took him to was breath taking. They were standing at a meadow with dragonflies, butterflies, and exotic flowers of all kinds. At the far end of the meadow stood a majestic sycamore tree, stretching its branches in glory. If it was possible, there even might be fairies and magical creatures in their presence. It was so serene.  The dazzling sun shone making the meadow looked heavenly. Who would’ve thought that a place like this existed?

“Wow… This is nice Daniel.”

“I know right…? I come here a lot to clear my thoughts.”

“You’re so lucky.” Sungjong said, looking at Daniel. For one second, Daniel swore he was lost in big beautiful brown eyes. Daniel turned away and laughed.

“What do you mean?”

“I mean… You’ve been here a lot and this is the first time I’ve been here.”

“Ouh… Well now that you know this place, you can come here anytime you like alright? Not many people know about this place, so it’s kinda special to me.”

“Really? Awesome. Then, will you… come with me next time?” Sungjong asked, his eyes looking intently into Daniel’s – hopeful. Daniel just couldn’t answer him though, so he just smiled.

“Do you climb?” Daniel asked.

“What?” Sungjong wasn’t expecting Daniel to change topics so quickly. Daniel laughed when he looked at Sungjong’s confused face. Daniel took Sungjong’s hand and they walked together to the sycamore tree, hand in hand. Daniel wasn’t sure if Sungjong liked the idea of him holding his hand, he was expecting him to flinch or back away, but he did not. Daniel was thankful for that. As for Sungjong, well… he quite liked the fact that he was holding Daniel’s hand. He hoped that Daniel didn’t notice the redness on his cheeks.

When they were at the tree, Daniel let go of his hand and climb the first branch of the tree. When he got there, he extended his hand to Sungjong.

“Come on, I’ll pull you up!” Daniel said to him. Sungjong was uncertain. He had, never in his life did anything like this before. He didn’t know if he should.

“Sungjong? You okay?”

“Umm… Maybe this is not a good idea.”


“I don’t know… That looks dangerous.”

“Aww… Come on, don’t worry I won’t let you get hurt.”


“Trust me.”

It was those two words. Trust me. Sungjong didn’t know if he should trust him. But the look on his face was just… Sungjong trusted him completely. With that, Sungjong grabbed Daniel’s hand and he hoisted him up easily since Sungjong was very light. Sungjong was about to tumble over but Daniel grabbed hold of his waist. Their faces were just inches apart. If Daniel just… moved… a little closer he could…

Daniel shook his head and snapped out of his fantasy.

“See. That’s not too bad isn’t it?” He told Sungjong, and smiled. He could see a blush of colour on his cheeks. Daniel wanted so much to it. They looked so beautiful and soft… I want you so bad… He thought. They slowly made their way to the top of the tree.

“Whoa.” Sungjong said when they reached the top. They were standing on a branch. With one arm, Daniel had his hand around the bark, and the other was holding on to Sunjong’s waist so he wouldn’t fall.

“Yeah, amazing right.” Daniel said, with a big grin spread across his face.

“Yeah…” For a moment they were both speechless, not having anything to say, absorbing in the view from the tree. The sky was now streaked with orange as the sun was setting in front of them. The view stretched in front of them like forever. Beautiful. Sungjong had never seen or experienced anything like this. He was thankful to be alive. He turned to Daniel. He looked odd. He looked as if there was something bothering him.



“Are you okay?”

“Yeah… I’m just thinking.”


“Do you want to get down now?”

“Yeah… Sure.”

Slowly they ascend, hand in hand. They sat under the tree. Daniel gave Sungjong a chocolate bar. Sungjong’s face lit up. He was getting pretty hungry. They both ate, and talked… talked about anything and everything – unnecessary stuff. They liked it. It felt natural.

“So Daniel.”


“Who do you always go here with?”

“Hmm? Alone.”


“Yeah, you’re the first person I showed this place to.”


“Why not?” Daniel said. Sungjong just looked at him. Daniel hadn’t been looking at him when they were having this conversation. He was looking down – deep in thoughts. Sungjong didn’t know what was wrong with him. One second they were laughing, and the next, he was silent.  Sungjong just wanted to know what was inside his head, and if he could, make him feel better. Daniel raised his eyes and looked at Sungjong.

“Don’t worry about me.” Daniel said, and gave him a smile.

“No… I’m, I’m not worried.”

“Yeah? Then why were you looking at me like that?” Daniel said, and laughed. Sungjong turned so Daniel couldn’t see him blushing. Daniel came closer to Sungjong.

“Look at me.” He said. When Sungjong turned, it was like everything became silent. Daniel came closer and closer to Sungjong until their lips crashed. The kiss started out sweet, then gradually became more passionate with every lip-movement they made.


And that was it. Daniel broke off the kiss that he started. Sungjong looked confused.

“I’m sorry, Sungjong. I shouldn’t have done that. Maybe you should go.” It was getting dark now. The stars were out, shining down at the meadow, making it looked like a magical wonderland.

“Shhh…” Sungjong said. He didn’t know what came over him. He wanted more. That kiss wasn’t enough. Slowly they began kissing again like before. Sungjong put his hand on Daniel’s chest, liking the feeling of it going up and down as he breathed. Daniel brought him closer. Sungjong through Daniel’s hair as he started kissing Sungjong’s neck. Sungjong liked it. He liked it a lot.

“All the way?” Daniel asked, still kissing Sungjong’s neck.

“Unnnffff…. Yeah.”

“Are you sure?”

“Yes. Do it Daniel.”

Daniel lift Sungjong up from beside him and laid him down. Daniel hovered on top of Sungjong, looking at his beautiful face. He brushed his hair from his face and gently his cheek.

“I’m sorry…”


“Just because…”

Daniel took off his glasses and lowered himself down to kiss Sungjong.  Sungjong liked the feeling of Daniel’s hand roaming around his body, his hips and rubbing his chest. It felt wonderful.

“Daniel…” He moaned.

All the way…


Both of them had never done this before, but the way they did it seemed like they were experienced. They both knew how to make each other feel good. They knew what each other wanted and knew how to fulfil it.

They both laid there hot and messy. Daniel cradled Sungjong in his arms and kissed his lips.

“I…” Sungjong started.


“I love you Daniel…” Sungjong said, which made Daniel froze. Sungjong looked up to look at him.

“What’s wrong?”

“Sungjong, you can’t… love me.” Daniel said, his eyes pleading. Sungjong could see the almost-tears that was forming in his eyes.”

“But why…? Is it because I’m a guy?”

“No, no. It’s not because of that… For goodness sake Sungjong, we just did it and you think I can’t let you love me because you’re a guy?” Daniel shook his head and laughed.

“Then… Why?”

“I can’t tell you…”

“Will you tell me one day?”

“Hmm… Most probably not.”

“But why??”

Daniel laughed. “Stop it Sungjong, I won’t tell you.” He said and kissed Sungjong’s forehead. Daniel knew this was a mistake. He shouldn’t have made the boy attached to him. But he couldn’t stop himself; he too was getting a bit too attached to the boy. He felt bad… He felt bad that he was going to crush the boy’s feelings.

“Ahh… Come on. We should get dressed now.” Daniel said.

“Ahh yes, we should.” Sungjong said, looking a bit abashed.  

After they got dressed, they slowly walked out of the meadow, hand in hand, taking in the beauty of the meadow for one last time.

“Sungjong… Make sure you take care of this meadow for me okay?” Daniel said. His expression was unreadable, dark and mysterious.

“Of… course.”



“Listen, come here again in a couple of days. I have something for you.”

“You do?” Sungjong asked, a quizzical look on his face.

“Yeah… Be sure to come okay?”

“Of course!”

“Good boy.” Daniel flashed him a smile, and hugged the boy. Then he started kissing him again, passionately, and filled with unspoken emotions.

“Sungjong…” Daniel said when he broke off the kiss.

“I’m so sorry… I don’t think you can forgive me.” He said, his soft cheek. Sungjong didn’t know why he kept apologizing, and he wouldn’t tell him either.

“Daniel I….” Sungjong started.

“Shhh… Don’t forget to come here okay?” Daniel hugged him again and whispered “I love you" in his ears.

“Go. Your parents are probably wondering where you are.”



“Aren’t you going?”

“Yes, I am. I’ll go after your silhouette disappears from my view.”

“Ahh… Well, I’m going now. See you soon Daniel.”

Daniel waved at Sungjong and stood there until he couldn’t see him again.

See you soon Daniel…

Forgive me Sungjong, you’ll never see me again.

After Daniel went back to take his things, he returned to the meadow and placed the things under the sycamore tree. On top of that, he placed the letter he had written for Sungjong. He stood up, looked at the pile of things, turned around and walked away… Walked away from the tree, away from the meadow, away from Sungjong… away from everything, and disappeared into the moonlight.

2 days later.

When Sungjong  reached the meadow, his eyes scanned the whole place for Daniel, but he wasn’t there. Sungjong made his way to the Sycamore tree, hoping that maybe Daniel was hiding behind there, but he wasn’t. All he could see was a pile of things under the tree. He looked through the things and found a letter resting on top of it. There, written on it was his name.

Odd… He thought.

He opened the letter and read through it. Reread it the second time, and the third time.

What. Daniel…? What is this? Sungjong didn’t realize the tears running down his face. Daniel? He got up and let his eyes wonder, searching for any traces of Daniel. Deep down he knew, he knew that he wasn’t going to be there.

“Daniel…. Why?” He said under his breathe. For the fourth time, he reread the letter. He took a deep breath.

You might be wondering where I am.
You might be searching for me….

 Please, stop looking ‘cause I won’t be there. I don’t want you to feel sad. No, I’m not abandoning you. Please, don’t think that way I’m just not here and… won’t be here. I’m sorry.

You should know that I’m not completely sane, nor am I completely normal. Deep within the surface exists a being too scary to be shown on the outside. Deep inside me lives a monster, a monster which is constantly pushing me over the edge.

Bad experiences and memories can leave a person scars, scars sometimes too deep to heal – nearly impossible. Pain… Sometimes, when you feel too much pain… Slowly it fades until you don’t know how to feel anything anymore….

Dear Sungjong…

I don’t know how to begin or what I should say. Truth is, I don’t know what I’m doing.  I’m sorry.

That day that I spent with you was the best day I’ve ever had in a long time. It was spontaneous. I’m thankful that I’ve met you. You might not know who I am when I told you to follow me, but you followed me nonetheless. I’m glad.

I thought our goodbye was going to be easy…
But I was wrong. I got too attached to you.
and you got too attached to me….
and we even…
I’m sorry.

As you can see, I’ve left you a few things. You can find a diary there and I want you to read it so you’ll understand why I’m doing this. All of the things played a huge part in my life. After you’re done with everything… Throw them out. Burn them. Destroy them. Eliminate them from their existence. Can you do that? I can’t just leave here without having at least someone knowing my story.

Sungjong… Once again, I’m sorry.

That day with you was a roller-coaster of emotions
Something that I haven’t felt before
It was nice yet scary
Sweet yet confusing

That day I fell in love
I fell in love with someone I met for the first time

I’m sorry.

At this moment, I hate myself… and I’m going to continue hating myself until I disappear. I hate myself for dragging you into this. I didn’t plan this. It just… turned out this way. I know… Saying sorry is not enough but that’s the only thing I can say now.

So… That’s pretty much it.

I’m pretty sure
by the time you’ve finished reading this…
I’ve stopped breathing.

It’s time to say goodbye. Goodbye Sungjong. Take care of my meadow. It’s yours now.

A few weeks later.

Sungjong understood everything now. Sungjong hated the fact that he didn't notice the signs. He didn't know that Daniel wanted to kill himself that day, If only he knew... If only he knew... He could've helped him. He could have saved his life.

That night, Sungjog cried himself to sleep. He had been crying himself to sleep since the day he found out that Daniel was dead.

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