The Lost Planet a.k.a The Lost Dara

Crushed OTP
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It was the day of the concert.The loud cheers from the fans surrounded the arena.


The staff backstage were giving me weird looks Who wouldn't when you're wearing a black t-shirt with the name 'Kris' imprinted on it?And I was a VIP invited by Luhan and then here I am flashing Kris on my non-existent chest.Scratch that,I mean flashing Kris' name.


Sanghyun barged into my room early morning.The usual routine.He sat on me .He threw the shirt on my head.It had a note saying 'For Pan Noona.Please enjoy our concert.Wear this noona ^^' A total idiot could even guess that was Xiumin.But I do like the unique nickname.


"EXO!Saranghaja!"I heard exo say from their dressing room.Suho was the first one to go out.He flashed me a smile.Xiumin saw the clothes that I was wearing and showed a thumbs up.


"Noona,that favouritism."Tao pouted when he saw what I was wearing.Chanyeol called Kris to come out faster.I felt conscious since they were basically staring at my flat chest.They probably thought I was a man in disguise.


"Dara?"Kris walked towards me and I almost covered my chest from his charismatic eyes."I really am your bias."Kris grinned.He patted my shoulder and I almost lost my sanity.


"Noona!"Luhan waved at me.His eyes slightly widened when he noticed the shirt I was wearing.Was I that ugly?He suddenly smiled at me.


"One minute!'A staff yelled .


"I'll find you in the audience.Count on it."With a wink he left to follow the rest of the exo members who were on standby.



"Noona.Come on!I was looking for you everywhere!"Sanghyun pulled on my arm and we rushed to our seats.



The VIP seats were filled with celebtities.Sadly,Donghae wasn't there.If he was,I would've stared at him instead of watching the concert.


The countdown started and a bunch of girls blocked my view.Oh the perks of being short ~ A girl looked back to see the audience once again.I was caught offguard.It was A Pink's NaEun!And beside her was Chorong and Bomi!Chorong was right in front of me!Such pretty girls.No wonder exo boys stare at them all the time.It's understandable.Who can resist such beauties?




"Wooohhh!!EXO!Woooh!"I yelled and A Pink must have heard it since they looked back.I bowed my head and Sanghyun nudged me.Well,I'm sorry for being an embarassment.I mentally rolled my eyes.


I kept singing to the songs off tune.I was having the time of my life,but the idols around me were skeptical of what my purpose there was.It's a concert.We're supposed to have fun.



Exo wore sleeveless with tatooes on their arms!They really know how to make fans salivate.I gulped the lump that was forming in my throat.


"Pedo noona."Sanghyun said beside.I scowled at him.


It was Luhan's solo stage.This was probably the reason why he was half- the last time I saw him.If he rips his shirt,please have mercy on me!Since Luhan's stage started I couldn't help but notice A Pink's loud,girly screams.


Luhan was energetically but sensually moving to the beat.He teased his fans(us) by slightly revealing a part of his abs.Unbeknowst to myself,I screamed.No Dara.You have Donghae.Your exo bias is Kris.As if I was jinxed Luhan pulled up his shirt


I froze when his eyes landed on mine.His smile widened and he winked.The fans went ballistic.I was still ice frozen.He kept his promise that he made himself?Well that more shocking than revealing his abs.



I was proved wrong when Bomi and Naeun were playfully poking Chorong.Of course.Why would Luhan bother looking for me when he has a pretty girl.I may be Sanghyun's noona , but in the end I'm just a fangirl.Sad reality check.But OMG my OTP was sailing!That smile was definitely for Chorong!


I still cheered throughout the concert.Even though it wasn't as loud as before.I gotta save my voice for noraebangs you know.And

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Fr0zenMus1c #1
Chapter 13: Waaahhhhh!!! TT^TT Update juseyo...
Chapter 13: why are you doing this author? OMG
what a cliffhanger
Chapter 1: exciting start
Chapter 13: donghaeeeeee!!!!
wait i already commented in this...
but i just re-read it.
my comment is still same...
i'm so thirsty for more ludara.
Chapter 13: Kyaaaaa waaaa Author-nim welcome back!!! Waaa been waiting for you and your updates!!! Waaaa Donghae! Thank you Author-nim! :D
Chapter 13: donghaeeeeee!!!
at last!
i've been waiting for this interaction for five ever.
pls some luhan pov.
chetski #7
Chapter 13: Yes an update! even though its short am still happy with it because it means that you haven't abandoned the story - I'm sorry to read that you're having writer's block and starting to lose interest and so I really hope reading my comment would stir you to continue - am not expecting several chapters just a good ending would suffice - just don't leave it hanging ..... fighting authornim am cheering you on - in reading fanfics I often wonder if our idols are aware and curious to read about them and imagine them getting an idea to make the pairing real in their real lives - sorry feeding my delusional mind here .... anyways am cheering you on go go go ☺
chetski #8
Chapter 13: Yes an update!
Chapter 13: thanks ur update even if short :-)
chetski #10
Chapter 12: Hello! Hello! I do hope you're still writing fanfics and will eventually update this - sorry but I really love the pairing of Luhan and Dara - still subscribed and waiting and hoping you'll continue writing this ( since you mentioned that u also cry when fanfics u like do not update) - crossing my fingers