Dara S.O.S

Crushed OTP
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"Dara...Ya!!! Listen to me! " Mino complained as he slapped a few sheets of paper on my head and dabbed proudly as he got my attention. I swiftly grabbed my the textbook on my desk and smacked it on his shoulder.

"What?" I said a bit too irritated. Well who wouldn't be I was thinking about Luhan and and....gahhhhh my lips started tingling. Stop it Dara or else you'll fly to China in a heartbeat.

Mino groaned in pain before continuing; "I'm going to Apink's concert."

I blushed again Apink >  Chorong > Luhan!! Everything's connected to him !!!!!

"What's that smile on your face?" Mino mentioned as my smile slowly vanished.

"What smile?"I scowled at him.

"Does this mean you are going to the concert with me?" Mino's face light up.

"No" I smacked his shoulder again.

Mino TRIED to walk me home I had to kick him out half way, since all he was talking about was Apink and their concert while my head was clouded with Luhan.

Suddenly Mr simple echoed in the empty street, I fished for my phone in my bag and saw that it was from an unknown number. My face lit up, of course it's Luhan!!! I shrieked, calmed down my nervous heart and cleared my throat but the phone stopped ringing. OMYGAD DARA WHAT ARE YOU LIKE?!!! Now you can't call that person back because you don't have the number saved.

Dejected, I dragged my heave arse home, thinking what if it was Luhan and that only phone call was our chance to talk after three days and now all hope is gone he won't ever talk to me again for ignoring him. 

As expected, Sanghyun wasn't home.Probably out with Bomi dancing to Luv because they can and I can't because Luhan is on the otherside of the world. Well technically not, but it feels like it.

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Fr0zenMus1c #1
Chapter 13: Waaahhhhh!!! TT^TT Update juseyo...
Chapter 13: why are you doing this author? OMG
what a cliffhanger
Chapter 1: exciting start
Chapter 13: donghaeeeeee!!!!
wait i already commented in this...
but i just re-read it.
my comment is still same...
i'm so thirsty for more ludara.
Chapter 13: Kyaaaaa waaaa Author-nim welcome back!!! Waaa been waiting for you and your updates!!! Waaaa Donghae! Thank you Author-nim! :D
Chapter 13: donghaeeeeee!!!
at last!
i've been waiting for this interaction for five ever.
pls some luhan pov.
chetski #7
Chapter 13: Yes an update! even though its short am still happy with it because it means that you haven't abandoned the story - I'm sorry to read that you're having writer's block and starting to lose interest and so I really hope reading my comment would stir you to continue - am not expecting several chapters just a good ending would suffice - just don't leave it hanging ..... fighting authornim am cheering you on - in reading fanfics I often wonder if our idols are aware and curious to read about them and imagine them getting an idea to make the pairing real in their real lives - sorry feeding my delusional mind here .... anyways am cheering you on go go go ☺
chetski #8
Chapter 13: Yes an update!
Chapter 13: thanks ur update even if short :-)
chetski #10
Chapter 12: Hello! Hello! I do hope you're still writing fanfics and will eventually update this - sorry but I really love the pairing of Luhan and Dara - still subscribed and waiting and hoping you'll continue writing this ( since you mentioned that u also cry when fanfics u like do not update) - crossing my fingers