❝crossfire. ✝ ( cue hallelujah song with a scream. JOIN US! kamehameha. )


crossfire roleplay.
opened officially on 010514.
loosely based on the novel written by sylvia day, crossfire is a literate au roleplay where we hope you find your savoirs, heros, comrades and ohana. just like ana and gideon. : )
indulge yourself in others and think simple. maybe you'll find someone worth it. someone who brings out the demons in you and faces them with you. overcome your past. 
crossfire can also refer to gunfires from two or more directions passing through the same area. let us be a team of gunfires, wheezing past idiots, sadness, mistakes, regrets, darkness.

"Sometimes I wanted to believe something so badly, I deliberately manufactured excuses and ignored painful reality.”



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Chapter 1: may i be exo's kris?
/ bi.
Chapter 2: may i be b1a4's gongchan?

;// gay.
Chapter 2: may i be topp dogg's yano?

Chapter 1: May I be Mark from GOT7?

cxndyflxss #7
wait, no, i wanna be fei zhu liu, not chaerin, sorry.
cxndyflxss #8
may i be 2ne1's chaerin? - bi.