
Happy Anniversary

I lay in my bed just listening to music as I patiently waited for my boyfriend to call me. Earlier this week he went to audition for SM Entertainment because it's his dream to become a singer so being the nice boyfriend I am, I supported him. Our friends did as well and some time today he'll know if he got in or not. I'm not the one auditioning but I'm nervous for him. If he doesn't get in then he'll be upset and I don't want to see him upset. I sighed as I tapped my finger to the beat of the song and waited. 

"Sehun!" I jumped when I heard my cute deer-like boyfriend yell my name. I took my headphone off and sat up, waiting for him to speak. He started jumping up and down before he ran to me and tackled me before kissing me. 

"Did you get in?" I asked him after I broke away from the kiss. He started nodding his head like a maniac and I couldn't help the smile that formed in my face. "Congratulations baby." 

"Thank you. Oh my gosh I can't believe that I'm a trainee now. I'm one step closer to reaching my dream!"

"I'm happy for you. We should go celebrate."

"Yup! Meet me in the park tomorrow at 8?" 

"Yeah. I'll take you out to dinner. Don't be late." 

"I wont. Now I have to go and tell the others. Bye love you!"

"Love you too." with that said, he skipped to the door and left. I still can't keep the smile off my face and got my phone out to make reservations for tomorrow's dinner. Tomorrow will be a good day. 


I looked at my watch and waited for Luhan to come. It's already 8:05 and he's not here yet. I guess he's still getting ready. I looked at the sky and tried to count the stars at night. Luhan has been really happy ever since he got in SM. However after he left yesterday he never called or text me which bothered me since he always calls me. I shook it off thinking he's just busy telling everyone and by everyone I mean our friends Jongin and Chanyeol. We hardly talk to anyone so it's just us 4. It's fun though because Jongin and I would practice dance while Luhan and Chanyeol would sing and rap. I felt something wet in my hand and realised that it's starting to rain. I quickly ran under the slide since it's the nearest thing that could shield me from the rain and took my phone out. 8:30. It's already been 30 minutes and Luhan's not here yet. I was about to text him when a message popped up.

From: Luhannie
To: Sehun

Babe so sorry I can't make it. I'm 
busy so just go ahead by yourself or get
someone to come with you. 

I sighed and put my phone away. He'd always call me to say that he can't make it but he never texted me. I don't know what he means by 'busy' since he's not doing anything today. I decided not to ask him because I don't want to seem possesive and have him mad at me. I walked out of the slide and walked home instead despite the rain. What should I do for Luhan next month since it will be our 2 years anniversary. Maybe make him dinner, or take him to the park at night and make him food while stargazing. Yup the second one seems like the best idea. Let's just hope Luhan doesn't stand me up this time. 


I walked through the night with tears streaming down my face. It's too painful to think about it. Too heartbreaking to think about all the memories we made in the past. What did I do wrong? If he only told me then I would've fixed whatver it is and we'd still be happy. He's been neglecting me in the past few weeks and I should've known. I'm so stupid to think that everything's fine and that we're still in this happy relationship. I looked at the ring he gave me on our 1 year anniversary and the memory of today came crashing back. 

I walked through the park with a bouqet of roses in my hand and a picnic basket in the other. Today I'm going to get the picnic ready in mine and Luhan's secret place in the park. It's our second year anniversary and I can't wait since Luhan and I hadn't been on a date in ages. Ever since Luhan started training in SM, we haven't been talking much since he's been very busy. I understand though, he's one step closer in reaching his dream. I'm always here for him since I love him that much. I smiled at the thought of Luhan and I. He hasn't texted me today since he's very busy so I just shrugged it off. I continued walking to our secret spot and hummed to myself quietly as I thought about what Luhan would think about the surprise. I smiled but when I got to the place, the smile was wiped off my face as I stared in disbelief. My eyes blurred with tears as I looked at the scene in front of me. Tears started to stream down my face and I dropped the picnic basket when I heard the guy moan. Luhan was on top of a chubby looking guy, topless with his shirt lying next to him and they were making out. 

"I'm sorry I wasn't good enough hyung." I said and dropped the roses next to the basket before turning around to leave. I was nearly a good distance away from them when I heard Luhan shouting my name. Instead of turning around to confront him, I just kept walking because there's no point in fighting a battle that you've already lost. 

I really don't know what I did wrong but I can't hate Luhan even though I want to hate him. The sad reality is that I'm still in love with him after everything but I know that he doesn't want me anymore. He doesn't even love me anymore but that's okay. Luhan hyung deserves someone better anyways. I'd rather he be happy with someone else than be miserable with me. I sighed and wiped the tears off before turning around but was met with blindling white light. I couldn't move and it was too late. 

"Happy Anniversary hyung." was the last thing I said before everything went black.

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Chapter 1: nooooo T.T
kiseobcouplecute #2
please sequel T.T
elle96beauty #3
Chapter 1: this fic seriously need a sequel~
Chapter 1: i need a sequel T~T.....puhleeeaaassshhhh *puppy eyes* like make luhan regret everything ot something ToT
xxxyenxxx #5
sad so sad.... poor sehunnie T.T