The Switch


“Yes, Mom. Yes. YES. I AM at his house! What? I don’t do chores, why should I. Oh stop saying that I am his future wife I am getting sick of it!”


Daehee practically jumped when she heard Jonghyun’s voice. She whispered to the phone. “Mom, he’s here. I’ll call you later okay, bye. Love you. Say hi to Dad!”

Daehee smooched her phone before turning it off. Jonghyun was a foot away from her, giggling at her actions.

“What?” asked Daehee sarcastically.

Jonghyun spread his arms wide. “Your husband is home, shouldn’t I get a hug or something?”

Daehee scoffed. “You are NOT my husband!”

Jonghyun laughed and walked pass her. “You’re cute when you get all pissed off, you know.”

Daehee’s jaw dropped. She had been living there for a week, and Jonghyun was acting like they were married already. Except that they still sleep in two different rooms. Jonghyun still wants to live.

“Come on, Daehee. You and I are living under the same roof. Our parents want us married. Can’t you just accept the fact? Could you just forget all your burdens and just start to love me?”

“YAH SON DONGWOON DON’T EVEN THINK ABOUT IT!” Daehee shouted until her voice echoed throughout the whole house. Jonghyun closed his ears with both his hands.

“You could break a glass if you keep shouting like that,” he mumbled.

“I don’t care! It’s your house!” Daehee rushed upstairs and slammed her door. Jonghyun shook his head.

He loosened up his tie and threw himself on the couch. “Until when should I keep pretending I am Son Dongwoon?”

It took hours for Jonghyun to try and lure Daehee out of the room. It was dinner time and Daehee didn’t answer any question Jonghyun said. From saying his apology, until asking if she wants to have dinner or not.

“Listen, Miss Han Daehee. I cooked dinner for two, and if you really don’t feel like eating, I will eat up your meal!”

There was still no answer. “Very well then. You have one hour to come out of your room.”

“Stupid man treating me like I am his daughter,” whispered Daehee to herself. She still convinced herself that she wasn’t hungry and remained in her room for the next 30 minutes. However, her stomach started aching and rumbling.

“I didn’t eat proper lunch,” she touched her tummy. Screw this imma go down and eat.

Jonghyun slouched on the couch while nomming on his dinner. He heard footsteps and looked at the stairs.

“Whoa, Daehee, you hungry?”

Jonghyun’s sudden and loud voice startled Daehee who was walking down the stairs. She accidentally slipped and ended up falling down a few steps before landing hard on the ground floor.

Jonghyun quickly swallowed and put his plate away. He rushed over to Daehee who was groaning in pain. Her right ankle looked bruised.

“Gosh, Daehee, you okay?”

“Do I look okay to you?” snapped Daehee.

“Calm down, I’m trying to help. Let me see your foot,” said Jonghyun. He carefully touched Daehee’s right foot and straightened it. Daehee squeaked.

“It looks pretty bad, can you stand up?”

Daehee shook her head. “Well, I shouldn’t ask,” said Jonghyun. He quickly lifted Daehee up. Daehee was feeling too much pain to shout and struggle. Jonghyun gently sat her on the sofa.

“I’ll be right back,” said Jonghyun.

Daehee nodded and touched her foot. She was pretty sure her ankle was sprained badly. It wasn’t all Jonghyun’s fault. She was feeling hungry and all blank when she walked downstairs. She couldn’t put the blame on him.

Jonghyun came back with some sort of cream in his hand. His hands were wet, seems like he washed them before getting the cream.

“What’s that?”

“Mom gave me this cream whenever I get sprained or something,” answered Jonghyun. “I’m sorry if it hurts okay, just hold it in for a bit. Or take this and bite it.”

Jonghyun handed over a small cushion to Daehee. “You want me to bite this?” Daehee looked at Jonghyun with a judging face.

“Well it’s better than screaming,” Jonghyun shrugged.

He applied a few amounts of cream to Daehee’s ankle and slowly massaged it. Daehee covered her face with the little pillow and sometimes screamed into it. Jonghyun chuckled.

“There you go. All done. Try moving it,” said Jonghyun.

Daehee felt heat all over her right ankle. The cream was sure something. She moved and twisted her ankle. It was perfectly fine.

“Wow, magic,” mumbled Daehee.

Jonghyun scoffed. Daehee looked at him in guilt. “Sorry for causing chaos.”

“I should be the one sorry, surprising you, making you tumble down. You’re okay now, right?”

Daehee nodded. Maybe he wasn’t as annoying as I thought he was.

“You still want dinner? I’ll heat it up in the microwave if you want,” said Jonghyun, rubbing his hands and standing up.

“I’ll heat it myself.”

“You sure?”

Daehee nodded. Jonghyun then walked to the kitchen. “I’ll accompany you with a cup of coffee then. Come, you can walk already, can’t you?”

Daehee tried to stand up and walk over to the dining table.

“I got ice cream in the freezer if you want some dessert after dinner,” said Jonghyun.

Daehee nodded. She smiled as Jonghyun turned around to serve himself coffee.

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JaejoongPrincess #1
Chapter 2 is good!!! Please update soon!!!!
thank you for subscribing omg XD i need more subscribers so i could update LOL
JaejoongPrincess #3
Hey, this is pretty good!!! I subscribe!!!