XPerimental Poster Shop XD


My FIRST Poster request shop^^ Purely experimental :DD


Hi~ -waves to readers- I just wanted to test this poster shop out and see if people actually, like..like my posters :) I'm still a beginner at this so forgive me if they're not up to your expectations~ As I said, It's purely experimental so if I don't get up to 13 requests before 3 weeks, then I closing this down :) No biggy~ Just testing this out~

AND!! One last thing..I'm only actually ok at making Cute posters..I can do sad, too but I'm not as good ^^;


Examples of my work:

(Yes, as the credits on the 2nd poster says, I got the PNG's from Lemonswirls~ They inspired me to start learning how to edit and make posters^^ I highly reccomend them :DD)


So..here's the request form:

Story Title:

Story Genre:

Short story summary:

Story Link(Make sure this link works!):

Desired Colors?: (So you want it to be blue, pink, bright?? Dark?? Lively? LoL)

Author (Co-Author) Username:


Picture Links:

Can I change any pictures if I feel the need to?: (If you choose yes, tell me what you want the characters to look like^^)

Quotes: (Optional)


Please pm the form to me :))


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