Lost in Love



Love is beautiful, people said.

How about you?

Are you believed in love?

Do you?

If someone that you love betrayed you behind, leave a scar in your heart

What will you do?

Do you still believe in love?



-This story tells about a girl who lost about love.

 Should she believe again? or not?

 Because for her, love is just a lie.


“Oppa, let’s go. I’m done,” She said to him who sat at the corner of cafe. She glad he still waiting for her until finish her works every night without failed. But tonight she feels something uneasy but she refuse to voice out. It might happen because she tired.

“Ah Sunhi, you’re done. Let me walk you back. Wait for me outside ok?” he said packing his laptop and other things. She can see a smirk form on his face while texting. “to whom he's texting?” she smile weakly.




“Let’s break up.”




“I said let’s break up.” His last word and left her nothing behind.


But why??? she want to ask. she fell to the ground with tears drown on her cheek.

This story was originally posted in my previous account (hikamayra) but i can't open it and using this new acc. but hikamayra is still me (capucino91)


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